HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: DSmith on December 13, 2011, 05:32:19 pm

Title: Anybody hunt far west Texas?
Post by: DSmith on December 13, 2011, 05:32:19 pm
There's a boy scout ranch out near Fort Stockton, does anybody hunt around there for hogs? 

Title: Re: Anybody hunt far west Texas?
Post by: treeingratterrier on December 13, 2011, 07:44:53 pm
There's a boy scout ranch out near Fort Stockton, does anybody hunt around there for hogs? 

Used to be full of porky pines and thousands of javalias when i lived in Alpine, are there hogs out there now??

Title: Re: Anybody hunt far west Texas?
Post by: DSmith on December 13, 2011, 08:27:19 pm
I got an invite to hunt the boy scout camp.  9000 acres.  Supposedly it's INFESTED with hogs?  But we all know how those hunts usually turn out.   ;D 

That's a long haul for me in my truck, pulling a trailer, not to mention my dogs being cooped up in the dog box for a 6hr drive.  I told the man, I might not be the right person for the job but I might could find someone closer that could get the job done.

It's still not a green light on the hunt, but if we get the green light, it might could be a honey hole to a local?  I mean, I might like to try it once just for the chance to hunt that country, but I probably wouldn't do it more than once.

Title: Re: Anybody hunt far west Texas?
Post by: treeingratterrier on December 13, 2011, 09:27:10 pm
Have you ever hunted javilinaa with your dogs???  Lots of peeps out there call them hogs, of course i could be wrong as heck, i lived there in 75 76 77 but thats eons ago, could be full of wild hogs but it only rains 5 inches a year out there. usually all the javilinas ate pear and roots to survie??  Used to some lions going thru the the park but i think the end of the mohair subdisty killed all the sheep and goat ranching out there.  I would go anywhere its worth the drive lots to see out there, go back down to the park and cut thru some country and enjoy it.

Title: Re: Anybody hunt far west Texas?
Post by: DSmith on December 13, 2011, 09:52:45 pm
I hate javalina. Nasty creatures and sure don't want my dogs near them.  But this fella swears there are hogs all over the place?  I asked him about water sources and said they had water but didn't elaborate?  It looks like it's pretty steep terrain and could be a tough place to run dogs? 

Title: Re: Anybody hunt far west Texas?
Post by: Circle C on December 13, 2011, 09:58:06 pm
A buddy of mine was mule deer hunting in ft Davis a couple weeks ago, said he saw hundreds of hogs over the course of 4-5 days. We will be hunting out there as soon as deer season is over.
He mentioned the fires and drought really took a toll on the hogs body condition.

Title: Re: Anybody hunt far west Texas?
Post by: scout1 on December 21, 2011, 01:43:35 am
Ive hunted in the area - real rough - mesquite, cactus.   

Title: Re: Anybody hunt far west Texas?
Post by: DSmith on December 21, 2011, 08:43:31 am
As I expectd, I believe he can't come through on his claim to get me access.  I assumed as much when he asked me about going out there.