HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: ROCKIN ROO HOG DOGS on December 20, 2011, 06:47:40 pm

Title: Circle C........Here ya go!
Post by: ROCKIN ROO HOG DOGS on December 20, 2011, 06:47:40 pm
Its a Tim Piland that was given to me by a good family friend from australia that has been here in the states about 30 years. I dont think i will ever ride it,have plenty of wood at the tackroom to throw over them. The hobbles were given to me by a friend from Brazil that worked for me up here,the fine braiding in the middle of them is incredible!

Title: Re: Circle C........Here ya go!
Post by: Circle C on December 20, 2011, 07:15:12 pm
Very nice. Are those Nettles stirrups hanging on it?

We bought Mandi a John Piland ranch cutter earlier this year. I think Tim is John's son.

I am digging the saddle racks in the tack room.  I notice you and Mandi share the same affliction, lots of saddles and tack.

If you were going to have new cutting saddle built today, who would you have build it?

Title: Re: Circle C........Here ya go!
Post by: TinyTexasCowgirl on December 20, 2011, 07:27:32 pm
I have the same question as CircleC.

I've heard good things about Coates and have ridden a Leddys before. But my current cutter is an Older Simco. It's the only one that I have ever been able to find a pocket in, and that includes several reiners, ropers, and barrel saddles.

Please excuse the horse it's on, if I had my way about it he would be culled in a hurry (he is PSYCHOTIC).

Title: Re: Circle C........Here ya go!
Post by: gomer on December 20, 2011, 07:31:43 pm
Thats an impressive tack room. 

Title: Re: Circle C........Here ya go!
Post by: craig on December 20, 2011, 07:43:13 pm
Nice collection there Jimmy..

Title: Re: Circle C........Here ya go!
Post by: ROCKIN ROO HOG DOGS on December 20, 2011, 07:50:57 pm
I think the older wendy allens are unbeatable,you dont even know theres a saddle between you and your horse! As far as bang for your buck i would go with the jeff smith cutters for new saddles,lots of trainers are orderng his new line of saddles,they are not overtooled or fancy but look great and fit both horse and rider,some trainers are ordering 4 to 6 at a time.

Title: Re: Circle C........Here ya go!
Post by: Plainhorseman on December 20, 2011, 07:58:31 pm
Todd jeys builds a good cutter/ranch cutter. He is larry coats nephew . He used to work for larry then he went out on his own. I've  got one and have roped some big stuff out of it . It's still solid as a road rock. Don rich and jeff smith have some good saddles to. We use them both. The cutters and ranch cutters. Good price on them to. All herman oak leather.

Title: Re: Circle C........Here ya go!
Post by: RockinW on December 20, 2011, 08:04:00 pm
hey Jimmy, anything in there for sale or swap?

Title: Re: Circle C........Here ya go!
Post by: ROCKIN ROO HOG DOGS on December 20, 2011, 08:08:19 pm
Thers a 17" jeff smith in there that is too big for me,but it belongss to the owner of the ranch. Its too big for him also,i dont know why he even bought it,its like brand new,he may sell it or trade it,i will ask. These are just the using saddles from day to day,i mostly just ride colts in all of these,the show saddles are in the big trailer,some really nice coates,sean ryon,leddys etc in there,wish they were mine!!!

Title: Re: Circle C........Here ya go!
Post by: craig on December 20, 2011, 08:09:48 pm
i want the hobbles  ;D

Title: Re: Circle C........Here ya go!
Post by: RockinW on December 20, 2011, 08:10:23 pm
what about the bridles?

Title: Re: Circle C........Here ya go!
Post by: RockinW on December 20, 2011, 08:16:58 pm
a few years ago at either the WRCA finals, or Wichita Falls ranch rodeo, a guy had a whole big box of that real fine South American rawhide braided stuff for sale cheap. like headstalls quirts & hobbles for $30-$50 each or so. i was gonna wait til the next day & was trying to decide how much of it to buy, but the next day it was all gone.

Title: Re: Circle C........Here ya go!
Post by: ROCKIN ROO HOG DOGS on December 20, 2011, 09:16:56 pm
Rockin w,i just traded a nice kerry kelly bit to a friend for his taurus 9mm pistol,it was a show bit with really nice silver work, I have a very nice bit that Mick Hobbs made me,it has solid shanks with a chain link mouthpiece,But.....its got my initials in silver on the sides,might trade on it someday. Craig,the hobbles are very authentic,i dont know how functional they would be unless you soaked them in water before you put them on the horse(they are very stiff) then if they dried on him you would never get them off haha,i like the looks of them hanging on my saddle in the house though.

Title: Re: Circle C........Here ya go!
Post by: craig on December 20, 2011, 09:22:26 pm
yes those hobbles look good , i kinda thought they werent very usable.

i have a few of Mick's bits , and i belive Luke has some also.

Title: Re: Circle C........Here ya go!
Post by: RockinW on December 20, 2011, 09:32:07 pm
what about that old loose cheek mullen mouth bit third from the right on the top row?

and yea i gotta few of Mick's.  his boy worked over there at Brewster's for awhile didnt he?

Title: Re: Circle C........Here ya go!
Post by: ROCKIN ROO HOG DOGS on December 20, 2011, 10:16:42 pm
Think i will hold on to that one luke,its a john israel. Yes his boy worked for me here this year,tried to get him lined out but needs a few more years on him. Micks bits are pretty dang nice from what ive seen and his spurs are really nice too!!

Title: Re: Circle C........Here ya go!
Post by: ROCKIN ROO HOG DOGS on December 20, 2011, 10:19:26 pm
If you look closely in the top pic at the front of the saddle stand,there is a bull whip hanging with the bridal. A famous whipmaker back home made it and one for my brother in law right before he passed away,it was a christmas present from my dad and was cheap at 600 dollars,its made from kangaroo leather and sounds like a shotgun!!!

Title: Re: Circle C........Here ya go!
Post by: matt_aggie04 on December 20, 2011, 10:35:05 pm
Very impressive Jimmy!  I'd like to hear that whip, the well made ones are a completely different animal than a cheap one from what I understand.

Title: Re: Circle C........Here ya go!
Post by: RockinW on December 20, 2011, 11:08:43 pm
well if ya ever change your mind, let me know. we'll have to get together sometime & visit & maybe trade a bit or 2.

Title: Re: Circle C........Here ya go!
Post by: katchumwcurs on December 21, 2011, 08:31:22 am
Wow, all that is nice, you should be proud to own that stuff.