HOG & DOGS => HOG DOGS => Topic started by: DWEST on December 27, 2011, 04:33:15 pm

Title: How long?
Post by: DWEST on December 27, 2011, 04:33:15 pm
How long does it take your AB's to mature?

I have one that will be 2 in may.  Had high hopes for him, but i think my wife has turned him to a lap dog! LOL.  (thats what happened when we had to live in a neiborhood for bout 18 months).  His daddy was supposadly johnson bred, but not some of the ones that look like they've had st. bernard or english bulldog bred into them with the real squished face.  For the most part he is well behaved.  Will listen, then all of a sudden his puppyness or hard headedness comes out.  Also, he keeps trying to get to a rough sow in the pen (witch i like).  This is the first pig he's seen.  But the first time i put him in there cuz he acted like ha wanted to catch, he went to her kinda unsure and got turned for a flip.  He's getting more and more excited and trying to get to her, but i can call him off.  He trys to stick his head through the panels and that wouldnt be good if i wasnt around.  trying to wait to get a lil smaller pig thats not quite as rough.

sorry for being long winded.  but i guess im asking, do you think he's still got some puppy in him that needs to be worked out, or just hard headed bulldog?

Title: Re: How long?
Post by: SCHitemHard on December 27, 2011, 04:38:50 pm
nah thats what my dog damnit did, he was somethin like a johnson from what ive heard on here, got him when he was 3 from a neighbor who had a house fire so idk what his lines were. he would act silly till you take him out to a pig and hes all game then. best thing to do is keep workin him, they were bred to almost be hard headed and ive seen it.

tease him a bit with the pig and get a vest that wont restrict him and let him work ;D

Title: Re: How long?
Post by: jakes on December 27, 2011, 05:05:57 pm
AB's are slow to reach a mature age. Usually between 1 1/2 to 2 years just hang in there

Title: Re: How long?
Post by: DWEST on December 28, 2011, 05:10:30 pm
thanks for the replies.  He seems to be getting better, just hate when that puppy shows out and i get a lil embarassed...guess that will make me get off my butt and get my fence up