Title: Free Kemmer Mtn Cur Pup...with "PIC" Post by: Reuben on December 30, 2011, 09:28:55 pm I am giving away this pup because his front paws are somewhat flat footed...not good for a long range fast hog dog.
He would make a good to very good blood trail dog, has a good nose and is socialized...He is about 9.5 weeks old and he is a natural bobtailed pup. I would like to see him go to a good home that will use him for blood trailing deer/game or hunting squirrel or coon. email me at rlcuellr@swbell.net or call me at 979-239-8513. I am in Southern Brazoria County... Pup is about 8 weeks old in pic. and should make a 55 to 60 pound dog... (http://i988.photobucket.com/albums/af5/cuell27393/tonka013.jpg) I believe he is the pup on the right... (http://i988.photobucket.com/albums/af5/cuell27393/tonka001.jpg) |