Title: Female Bmc (On Trial) Post by: BOSS HOGG on January 02, 2012, 04:07:50 pm I have a female Bmc for sale, little over a year old. she's a real tall dog, she is from Mr. Masons yard guy I bought her from was finding hogs with her, I have took her 3x and she has found me 1 hog, shes not gritty, mainly stays with my lead dog , silent and has not trashed on me. Looking to get what I paid $350. Cleveland TX Justinsyphrett@yahoo.com 2817613176. She is the yella dog all the way to the right. Call for more details, will get a better pic later.(http://img.tapatalk.com/a6f9c634-2a9f-f731.jpg)
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