HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Caddo co. hog dog on January 06, 2012, 06:56:12 pm

Title: Cow dogs
Post by: Caddo co. hog dog on January 06, 2012, 06:56:12 pm
I have been looking for a border collie pup out of working stock.  I have a spayed female but she is too skiddish and doesn't look full blood. If anyone on here knows of a pup or two out of working stock I'd sure appreciate any contact info and help I can get. Looking for a female or two. Also does anyone have any pictures or dogs working cattle?

Title: Re: Cow dogs
Post by: halfbreed on January 06, 2012, 07:24:38 pm
caddo you lookin for pups for cows or what ?  my buddy mav on here just had a litter out of his border collie cow dog and one of my walker/catahoula dogs the  brother to the gyp i gave him was  1/2 cat 1/2 walker and he was my main cow dog till i moved off the farm they might work for you i know i used her on cows for a bit before i broke her . just shoot  mav a pm and ya'll get together . he's got a few collies as well sent one to louisiana to be trained by one of the best .

Title: Re: Cow dogs
Post by: Caddo co. hog dog on January 06, 2012, 08:02:09 pm
I appreciate it halfbreed. I'll look him up and see what I can get going and yes I'm looking for cattle dogs. I am trying to get three dogs going but for the sake of me and the dog I wanna start off with just one or two. I have two cows that I can't catch for nothing and their calves are just like them. I want the dogs for my own heard and quite a few neighbors could use some cattle dog help at times. I appreciate the help

Title: Re: Cow dogs
Post by: jdt on January 06, 2012, 08:25:15 pm
caddo , gary erricson is in coalgate , jody mikles is in elk city , both are topnotch . jodys site is mikles cowdogs.net i think .

if you can't find them let me know , i got their numbers some where .

 if you get a pup somewhere else make sure he's cow bred , most of'em aint stout enough for momma cows .

Title: Re: Cow dogs
Post by: Trey on January 06, 2012, 09:03:41 pm
Lots of places in Oklahoma to get a good one , both the people jdt suggestd should be able to help you out check out  www.cowdogworld.com has a list of breeders also www.cowdogcentral.com/ I raise kelpies and the occasional border collie from cattle lines and know of some planned litters coming up but are all in Texas.

Title: Re: Cow dogs
Post by: jdt on January 06, 2012, 09:44:55 pm
another thing , just like any other expensive tool , you got to learn how to use it .... or it might turn out like the time i tried to use the wfes sewing machine  ;D ;D ;D