HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: Bryant on January 07, 2008, 12:19:45 pm

Title: Methods of Tying One Up
Post by: Bryant on January 07, 2008, 12:19:45 pm
I'm curious as to everyone's opinion on the fastest way to get a caught hog tied up.  I'm not talking about an all-out race but just for eveyday hunting.  I've been using muletape but sometimes it's a pain either in the mud, wet, or on larger than normal hogs.  I've seen pictures of people using handcuffs and am curious as to how that works.  I've also tried hobbles, but not had much luck.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong, making something easy be more work than it should.

Anyone care to comment?

Title: Re: Methods of Tying One Up
Post by: Russ on January 07, 2008, 02:19:38 pm
I know Clay told me when I picked some mule tape up from him make sure you got it past the knuckle and watch they're circulation. I would supect you could take a smaller piece of mule tape and mouse the hobble on around each leg to avoid slippage.

Title: Re: Methods of Tying One Up
Post by: jml on January 07, 2008, 06:05:26 pm
Wrap the two front legs together with electrical tape and then do the back the same, then tie the two together with mule tape, Thats the fastest for me. Hobbles for the long haul.

Title: Re: Methods of Tying One Up
Post by: kp on January 07, 2008, 06:23:58 pm
I've only been involved in hand cuffs a couple times, and I couldn't get out.   :o

The one time I went out with a friend who used handcuffs, we couldn't get them back off.  Mud/Sand and moving parts don't mix.


Title: Re: Methods of Tying One Up
Post by: pig snatcher on January 07, 2008, 08:17:07 pm
I have used handcuffs a lot and they work good on big hogs, just DO NOT over tighten them and ONLY use smith and wesson cuffs, NOTHING BUT SMITH AND WESSON. Cheaper cuffs will clog w/ dirt and I have seen some break. I have used the smith cuffs in mud, sand and salt water and have had no problems from them.

When I tie a hog I am sitting on it holding it by the bottom front leg (some folks hod the top leg).  I double my rope over and pull it back through itself making a slip loop. put that on the bottom front leg. pull your back bottom leg ontop of the first and tie a granny not, then wrap the tag ends around again and tie another not, then go to the top front leg repeat and then the top back leg. Make sure you double tie all three legs. I just use regulare nylon rope, small enough it ties good but not to small or it might cut into the pigs legs if left there long.

Title: Re: Methods of Tying One Up
Post by: HIPOCKETS on January 08, 2008, 03:43:36 am
I've only been involved in hand cuffs a couple times, and I couldn't get out.   :o

The one time I went out with a friend who used handcuffs, we couldn't get them back off.  Mud/Sand and moving parts don't mix.



We used to do down to the docks where the shrimp boats stay and the shrimpers would give us thier old bags off the shrimp nets, we then put the hogs in the bags and they work really good cause there was no tieing involved that cut off circulation.2 hogs per bag.. ;)

Title: Re: Methods of Tying One Up
Post by: nothing on January 08, 2008, 03:48:39 am
when ever i tie a hog up which is hardly ever i just tie up the two back legs and one front one together with duct tape or i use zippy ties they work good but sometimes the hogs break them.

Title: Re: Methods of Tying One Up
Post by: clint on January 10, 2008, 07:40:52 pm
We mostly turn everything loose but when we do tie we use hobbles... but on smaller hogs you have to put it up high above the knee.. or just tape em together ;D