Title: dog prices Post by: Dexter on March 22, 2009, 11:51:57 am i was asked why i thought the dog was worth 300 and this dog i am talking about is around 1.5 old so lets do some math
feed 2lbs @ .30 per lb = 219 shot 2 a yr 8.00 =16 wormer say 2 per month 24 ok if i did my math right thats 259 time training the dog to sit,come,call back,ect... i guess worthless so if you think a dog a year old or so isnt worth 300 dont call JMO Dexter Title: Re: dog prices Post by: jdt on March 22, 2009, 12:48:58 pm imo a dog that old should be worth atleast that , or not worth the bullet etc etc etc .
Title: Re: dog prices Post by: Dexter on March 22, 2009, 01:27:43 pm CULL=HULL
:o Title: Re: dog prices Post by: cantexduck on March 22, 2009, 02:32:38 pm The feed bill should not come into play on the value of a dog.
ie- When you sell a truck do you add up the ga. of gas you put in it? no. Like Bryant said" a dog is worth what the buyer will pay". I paid 400 for a pup a year and a half ago. Fed him for that time plus vac.(etc). Sold him last week for 300 to a pet home due to him not having the drive. I think 300 is a good price for a lightly started dog. I paid that a few weeks ago for a 2 y/o. She is doing all that I would expect right now. Title: Re: dog prices Post by: Dexter on March 22, 2009, 03:08:13 pm do you buy beef,eggs and veggies,,, you pay for feed in everything you eat rolleyes
Title: Re: dog prices Post by: HogzgoneWild on March 22, 2009, 04:06:42 pm imo i think 300 is reasonable for a 1 1/2 yr old hog dog thats been trained a little and lightly started...if you dont agree dont inquire about it..no need to create conflinct on something your not interested in anyway
Title: Re: dog prices Post by: Dexter on March 22, 2009, 04:33:43 pm thank you ^5
i do know how plan or ideals can be changed, due to things you cant control, or girl freinds,a wife or divorce ,,,,,, ewwwww heck i been know to give good dogs away just to make sure they got hunted and taken care of but thats just me Dexter Title: Re: dog prices Post by: Scott on March 22, 2009, 05:28:15 pm I've really never figured feed into a price. But then again, I haven't sold too many dogs. I guess what it amounts to is a dog is worth what someone is willing to pay. Place a value on the dog, and if someone thinks it's reasonable, they'll buy it...if not, you'll wind up feeding it a little longer.
Title: Re: dog prices Post by: Dexter on March 22, 2009, 06:31:19 pm well said
Title: Re: dog prices Post by: cantexduck on March 22, 2009, 09:09:21 pm do you buy beef,eggs and veggies,,, you pay for feed in everything you eat rolleyes I perfer to keep things apples to apples. Title: Re: dog prices Post by: Clay on March 24, 2009, 06:15:59 am Its kind of like your job. You get paid for knowledge of your job and the ability to do it. You eat because you could do the job and make money with your knowledge/ability. The money should be based on how the dog performs. But i believe a young dog with potential is worth that much. If it can bay a hog and move around. The rest comes with age and experience.
Title: Re: dog prices Post by: Dexter on March 24, 2009, 08:41:16 am Clay
thank you i been training dogs from one end of the spectrum to the next, since i was old enough to handle or hang on in somecases helping daddy train bird dogs,, then he turned it over to me when i was bout 13-14 but dont get me wrong if a dog busted a covey or broke on a rabbit and i took that dog on a hunt with his customers, dont think i didnt hear about it Dexter Title: Re: dog prices(a pic added) Post by: Dexter on March 24, 2009, 09:13:47 am the end
(http://boards.tx-outdoors.com/photo%5Falbums/sendbinary_large.asp?filename=theend.JPG&user=Dexter) |