Title: Jack Russel/Fiest x Pitt Post by: Mississippi Hogger on January 24, 2012, 02:24:36 am My Grandpa's little gyp accidentally got bred to the neighbors pitt .lol. Anyway I was wondering what yaws opinion on these pups would be . I am thinking of getting a few and trying to train them as small catch dogs . I figure with the size I would use two . And I figure it would be easy to get them thru some of these thick briar thickets we have here in Central Mississippi . The mama is gritty and tries to catch just about everything . I know for a fact she had even had her turn on a hog or two . Shes is tough to be no bigger than she is . The daddy , I have no idea may just of been a yard dog ?
Title: Re: Jack Russel/Fiest x Pitt Post by: halfbreed on January 24, 2012, 09:27:36 am hey missipi my huntin buddy had one of his hog dogs a boxer/pit/catahoula dog [gyp] get bred to his wifes wire haired fox terrier . they came out smallish in size like the daddy them is the UGLIEST hog bayingest little dogs i ever did see . i laugh ever time i see em but you put em in the pen and they will make you quit laughing at them .