Title: Spring break multi-family hunt (pic heavy) Post by: NThoghunter on March 22, 2009, 05:47:40 pm Since all the kids were off for spring break we decided to do a day hunt. Took my family, my brothers family, Trent's family, and Jeff's family. Ended up with two little ones that were great for the newbies. Trent's son Seth got to stick his first hog. Then it was Trent's sister's turn to stick the second. Good hunt and great exposure for the little ones.
Title: Re: Spring break multi-family hunt (pic heavy) Post by: jml on March 22, 2009, 07:08:37 pm Thats great, I like to see those younguns outdoors. My wife and I took our kids on small vacation this weekend and then met with Clay, Stacey, Cull Buck and Mandi for a hunt, on the way home I asked what the favorite part of the weekend was and Kaylie my 4 year old daughter told us she liked when we caught that pig the best.
Title: Re: Spring break multi-family hunt (pic heavy) Post by: HDCURS on March 22, 2009, 07:11:56 pm nice pics good looking dogs hogs and family
Title: Re: Spring break multi-family hunt (pic heavy) Post by: Mike on March 22, 2009, 07:39:35 pm That's awesome Justin... looks like everyone had a good time. ;D
Title: Re: Spring break multi-family hunt (pic heavy) Post by: NThoghunter on March 22, 2009, 08:11:14 pm thanks guys, we had a blast. My future yeller pups are doing good also.
Title: Re: Spring break multi-family hunt (pic heavy) Post by: nosightsneeded on March 22, 2009, 09:49:27 pm great hunt always good to see the family getting involved. speaking of family is that gus' daddy i see. the more i look at him i can see Gus.
Title: Re: Spring break multi-family hunt (pic heavy) Post by: NThoghunter on March 22, 2009, 09:56:47 pm Yeah that's Luke the camera hog. In the last picture the dog with the yellow/blue cut collar and her rear toward the camera on the right is Gus's sister Pearl. The second to last pic is Luke and Pearl also.