Title: DOG KENNELS Post by: BLUE LACY on March 22, 2009, 09:40:23 pm Just now bout to start getting some dogs and wanted some opinions on how big I should make each kennel and What is the best fencing to use ect... thanks
Title: Re: DOG KENNELS Post by: NThoghunter on March 22, 2009, 09:53:44 pm Not sure how much $ your wanting to put into them, but this is my set up. All chain link and each kennel is 4x10'. Never had any problems with it. Being a poor boy myself I acquired almost all the chain link from tearing down old stuff. was able to reuse almost all the posts as well. The biggest investment was the roof and floor, did the floor myself so just had to pay for the mud. Hope this helps. The last picture is the most current with the blue barrels hanging from chain about a foot off the floor. Makes washing easier. ;D
(http://www.texasboars.com/photopost/albums/userpics/1-02-07_hogs_031.jpg) (http://www.texasboars.com/photopost/albums/userpics/1-02-07_hogs_032.jpg) [imghttp://www.texasboars.com/photopost/albums/userpics/1-02-07_hogs_033.jpg]http://[/img] (http://www.texasboars.com/photopost/albums/userpics/cardo_pups_017.jpg) Title: Re: DOG KENNELS Post by: BLUE LACY on March 22, 2009, 10:01:23 pm Thanks alot Nthogdogger that helps alot I was hoping some one would post a picture of there set up I like the looks of yours thats probaly how ill do mine