HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: poorboyhogdoggen on January 26, 2012, 08:42:32 pm

Title: whats the best way to hunt hogs
Post by: poorboyhogdoggen on January 26, 2012, 08:42:32 pm
i hunt witha friend who critises other peoples dogs all the time he thinks the only way to hunt is to let the dogs run in front of his truck till they strike, mine dont hunt like that i take them an to my hunting spots an turn them loose in the woods an let them hunt, when im with my buddy they stay by the truck an he  talks crap bot em, am i not hunting them right or not? wat do yal think

Title: Re: whats the best way to hunt hogs
Post by: OCD on January 26, 2012, 08:46:41 pm
I think it all depends on the situation and the terain. we normaly drop at a feeder or fresh sign and if they dont hit anything we may road them to the next spot. JMO

Title: Re: whats the best way to hunt hogs
Post by: skunkhounds on January 26, 2012, 08:47:40 pm
evrybody has there own style of hunting your way is good and so is his just totaly diffrent styles. i use hood dogs most of the time but i have dogs that i cast on the ground too . tell him to hunt your way and his dogs will look like trash and be right under his feet then you can talk chit to him lol

Title: Re: whats the best way to hunt hogs
Post by: dwhd93 on January 26, 2012, 08:53:32 pm
Everybody has there own styles and his don't fit your dogs. If it was me I wouldn't take your dogs with you when ya'll hunt like that. Ain't no sense taken em if all your gonna listen to is his b.s. (like your name by the way! I'm in the same boat!)

Title: Re: whats the best way to hunt hogs
Post by: poorboyhogdoggen on January 26, 2012, 09:06:41 pm
thankx dnt have to many hunters here that i no around here.

Title: Re: whats the best way to hunt hogs
Post by: BarrNinja on January 26, 2012, 09:53:22 pm
I have a friend that swears the best way to hunt hogs is on his laptop with his Cabelas hunting game. No blood or work or dogs to feed.  ;)

It just depends on the place you hunt them. I'd like to see your buddy drive his truck and road his dogs were only airboats are used.

Heck, just hunt the places he can't get to in his truck with your dogs. It's a good excuse to leave him and his trash talking at the truck if nothing else.  ;D

Title: Re: whats the best way to hunt hogs
Post by: TexasHogDogs on January 26, 2012, 10:29:14 pm
Well buddy tell him to come hunt with you and you use your style and watch what his does and then talk the chit back at him !  There is different strokes for different folks.

I hate it when people think there is only one way to hunt hogs and that way is their way and every body else is full of chit and their dogs are too.  Won't take me long to get a belly full of that and straighen somebody out real quick that hunts with us. Just uncalled for .  A buddy that does that aint much of a buddy if you ask me .

Title: Re: whats the best way to hunt hogs
Post by: reatj81 on January 26, 2012, 10:37:54 pm
He is probally jealous!  His number 2 probally couldnt find a hog unless he drives them up on one.  Trying to bring you down to his level.   

Title: Re: whats the best way to hunt hogs
Post by: poorboyhogdoggen on January 26, 2012, 10:40:09 pm
im starting to figure that out, thankx for the friendly advise guys.

Title: Re: whats the best way to hunt hogs
Post by: PEEWEE on January 26, 2012, 11:02:08 pm
Well buddy tell him to come hunt with you and you use your style and watch what his does and then talk the chit back at him !  There is different strokes for different folks.

I hate it when people think there is only one way to hunt hogs and that way is their way and every body else is full of chit and their dogs are too.  Won't take me long to get a belly full of that and straighen somebody out real quick that hunts with us. Just uncalled for .  A buddy that does that aint much of a buddy if you ask me .

Title: Re: whats the best way to hunt hogs
Post by: Peachcreek on January 26, 2012, 11:04:48 pm
He is probally jealous!  His number 2 probally couldnt find a hog unless he drives them up on one.  Trying to bring you down to his level.   


in my opinion some dogs want to be roaded and work better that way and some cast and work better that way. I like to hunt my dogs the way they need hunted to work better. me personally i like to road one or two dogs and if they act piggy in an area drop the cast dogs. but hunting with some people that is not always possible. good luck.

Title: Re: whats the best way to hunt hogs
Post by: djhogdogger on January 26, 2012, 11:31:06 pm
If this guy was a real friend, he wouldn't down your dogs. Keep the dogs, and get a new friend.  :)

Title: Re: whats the best way to hunt hogs
Post by: justincorbell on January 27, 2012, 03:09:14 am
The right way to hog hunt is whatever way that your particular dogs produce hogs........plain silly imo, i dont care if you chase em down on a 4wheeler or airboat and throw a catchdog on top of em if thats how you want to hunt and it works for you then good deal.
     I cant say that i ever recall actually thinkin about this, the way we hunt is we drop 3-4 dogs abt 400yds into the property then let em do their thing, we drive down the main gravel road and hit trails as we come to them, guess i would consider ours as road/woods dogs. We simply putt along a cpl hundred yards behind them until they cut off in the woods, once they leave out we pull up to where they left and get ready. Ive never noticed a difference in the number of hogs we've caught on our lease roads compared to secondary trails

I don't always kill animals with my assassin, but when I do I use BLOODRUNNERS!

Title: Re: whats the best way to hunt hogs
Post by: tnhillbilly on January 27, 2012, 04:39:17 am
Ive hunted loose, rough, RCD, cur, hound, hot nosed, cold nosed, tall, short,...................and caught hogs with all of them. The best way is they way you like best that works.

Title: Re: whats the best way to hunt hogs
Post by: hillcountry on January 27, 2012, 05:56:24 am
I am lucky enough to hunt with a guy who has forgot more about dogs then most people will ever know when he says something negative about one of my dogs its not to hurt my feelings its either the plain truth and we try to put the dog in situations to improve him if that does not work i dont take the dogs that do not fit the way he hunts. If your catching hogs without your buddy then your pack is right and you should not worry about what he says but if not mayby he is right.

Title: Re: whats the best way to hunt hogs
Post by: charles on January 27, 2012, 05:56:48 am
Simple fix for this. Dont hunt with him. Ur money bout them dogs n u trained them for ur hunting style. If he dont like ur style or ur dogs, dont invite him to with u n dont take ur dogs when u hunt with him and his dogs. Ur style will differ from one person to another even though both style may be similar. U do for u, not him. Tell him when he starts payin ur food bill n ur traing time, then he has a little rm to talk

Title: Re: whats the best way to hunt hogs
Post by: charles on January 27, 2012, 06:41:42 am
If this guy was a real friend, he wouldn't down your dogs. Keep the dogs, and get a new friend.  :)
x2 dianna

Title: Re: whats the best way to hunt hogs
Post by: mark on January 27, 2012, 07:43:52 am
Well buddy tell him to come hunt with you and you use your style and watch what his does and then talk the chit back at him !  There is different strokes for different folks.

I hate it when people think there is only one way to hunt hogs and that way is their way and every body else is full of chit and their dogs are too.  Won't take me long to get a belly full of that and straighen somebody out real quick that hunts with us. Just uncalled for .  A buddy that does that aint much of a buddy if you ask me .

Title: Re: whats the best way to hunt hogs
Post by: Bryant on January 27, 2012, 08:40:06 am
Different ways to hunt for different types of terrain...neither is right or wrong.

If I had places to hunt more conducive to that style hunting, I would probably prefer dogs that stayed near and you could move them around.  Mostly what I hunt are big blocks of woods that you can't get a vehicle to the back of.  If I can't cast a dog in there and it go deep alone, I'll potentially be missing a lot of hogs.

If your hunting pups or young dogs, I would NOT hunt them with that guy unless you want them to start hunting that way.  It's a lot easier to unintentionally teach a dog to chase a vehicle than most realize.  I will hardly drive a vehicle, four wheeler or anything else for that matter at all when I have young dogs on the ground unless they have moved out.

Title: tring to start a dog
Post by: poorboyhogdoggen on January 27, 2012, 09:22:44 pm
got a ybm bout year old an hes hell on wheels wen he gets to the hog,but my problem is getting him to go with the srtike dog to hunt will he grow out of that or wat can i do to help him along..

Title: Re: whats the best way to hunt hogs
Post by: dwhd93 on January 28, 2012, 03:02:31 pm
Does he haul a$$ when he hears a bay?

Title: Re: whats the best way to hunt hogs
Post by: charles on January 28, 2012, 10:54:00 pm
I got 2 that does the same thing. 1 is a fomer cow dog that hangs under me but will wind a hog n go aftr it but sometimes heads out like his butt is on fire n then will lock brakes up n come back. The other is a 1 yo that hangs around too but will cut out if he hears a bay. They need huntin more but with no finished dog to teach them, the pup is learnin bad habits from the cow dog. Iv been told to just take seat n ignore them n they will get bored n head out. Thats bs, they get bored n go lay down. Any help from yaw?

Title: Re: whats the best way to hunt hogs
Post by: treeingratterrier on January 29, 2012, 08:13:12 am
i hunt witha friend who critises other peoples dogs all the time he thinks the only way to hunt is to let the dogs run in front of his truck till they strike, mine dont hunt like that i take them an to my hunting spots an turn them loose in the woods an let them hunt, when im with my buddy they stay by the truck an he  talks crap bot em, am i not hunting them right or not? wat do yal think

Off the back of a fence jumping hunting mule.

Title: Re: whats the best way to hunt hogs
Post by: poorboyhogdoggen on January 30, 2012, 07:24:24 pm
hell yea

Title: Re: whats the best way to hunt hogs
Post by: Lance on January 31, 2012, 09:42:24 pm