HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: madshark on January 07, 2008, 10:46:18 pm

Title: Pelican Island
Post by: madshark on January 07, 2008, 10:46:18 pm
I was flounder fishing last month and a game warden stopped by to talk for a while.  He told us they were having big problems with hogs on Pelican Island and we should just come over and hunt.  Anyone hunted there?

Mark Duncan

Title: Re: Pelican Island
Post by: Russ on January 07, 2008, 10:51:35 pm
I know people used to back when they ran cattle on the Island long time ago but I don't know now a days

Title: Re: Pelican Island
Post by: HIPOCKETS on January 08, 2008, 03:07:13 am
I think pelican island will get you in trouble, may-be  according what gamewarden you talk to.A close hog hunting friend of mine got stopped by a game warden on pelican island and was told thats its illegle to hunt there & if he's caught he's gonna be filed on.Don't think that this island is open hunting to the public. I heard of some other guys duck hunting and got filed on.Might better do a little more checking before you hunt.

Did you catch any flounder?? I've always heard that in the fall that the flounder run good there but I've never fished there though.

Title: Re: Pelican Island
Post by: madshark on January 08, 2008, 10:03:10 am
Realdogs, if you wait a couple days behind a cold front you'll usually hit 'em good.  We limit most times.  But I work so much free time is a premium so I wait for the right time.  The run is over for this year but if you want to go sometime let's get together.  My email is madshark@sbcglobal.net phone 713-894-2418.  I live in Cy-Fair.

Before I hunt anywhere I'd have express permission from any warden and any land owners I might need to cross.  I was just trying to get some corroborration of what the warden told me.

Mark Duncan

Title: Re: Pelican Island
Post by: mley1 on January 08, 2008, 11:30:29 am
It's my understanding that the Island is private property, except for the park. I know of a few guy's that used to hunt there and they don't anymore cause the company's that own the land ran them off. I doubt if the game warden owns the land or is authorized to give permission to hunt. But, he may know the landowners, or their agents. It sure can't hurt to check it out further.

BTW, that would be Galveston county, not Brazoria county.

Title: Re: Pelican Island
Post by: Wmwendler on January 08, 2008, 08:43:32 pm
"BUT BEWARE.............pelican island is home to "OL BLACK HEAD" a brazoria county legend hog still has not been caught and has caused lots of wrecks,lives on rattlesnakes and just as mean.500-600 pound boar and has a track as big as a calf."

lol. that sounds like a heck of a hog.  Must be lots of snakes there to grow a hog that big.


Title: Re: Pelican Island
Post by: HBR on January 08, 2008, 09:49:02 pm
that island has taken many top notch dogs,and that is no bs .i have never hunted there but many people i know have lost dogs.

Title: Re: Pelican Island
Post by: mley1 on January 08, 2008, 10:40:03 pm
I talked to Clay about the Island. He was telling me that it was Amoco or something like that who bought the land. They supposedly were going to put a refinery on it so was running off the hunters. Supposedly that plan fell through and now the land is pretty much idle. Now might be the time to inquire about hunting it again. I know there are some durn good hogs on the place. I never got to hunt over there. But, in the 80's me and some other friends of mine used to go over to the backside of the island and shoot quite a bit. We saw a few hogs and lots of sign back there. But, that was before I was a hog hunter. ;D

Title: Re: Pelican Island
Post by: HBR on January 09, 2008, 06:36:44 pm
i know two of the local GW's very well from at the ranch and taled to them today about it. They said it is still a no-no pretty much.They told me there is about 6 or 7 different groups that all own a piece of it and u must have permission from each and everyone of them.He said good luck pretty much trying to find all the right people.

Title: Re: Pelican Island
Post by: HBR on January 09, 2008, 06:37:42 pm
Madshark was the GW a black guy named AJ or something along those lines.

Title: Re: Pelican Island
Post by: madshark on January 09, 2008, 11:15:32 pm
I didn't get a name.  He looked more Mexican but spoke with no accent.  The conversation was more of the tone where he said come do this but I definitely had a feeling I would need to cover my a$$ with landowners, etc.  I know some folks with the Park Board but that only covers Seawolf Park.  I really would not know where to begin with all the different landowners you'd need to get trespass rights from.  We talked more in terms of hunting with a firearm.

Mark Duncan

Title: Re: Pelican Island
Post by: mley1 on January 10, 2008, 07:27:12 am
I didn't get a name.  He looked more Mexican but spoke with no accent.  The conversation was more of the tone where he said come do this but I definitely had a feeling I would need to cover my a$$ with landowners, etc.  I know some folks with the Park Board but that only covers Seawolf Park.  I really would not know where to begin with all the different landowners you'd need to get trespass rights from.  We talked more in terms of hunting with a firearm.

Mark Duncan

No matter what kind of hunting you'd be doing the property is still all privately owned. The question is do they care if ya hunt? All it would take is one complaint and you would be in hot water.

Title: Re: Pelican Island
Post by: madshark on January 10, 2008, 09:29:45 am
First, I would never hunt or trespass on a property without landowner permission.  I believe I can get permission on a couple of the properties, which would allow hunting with a firearm.  I do not believe I could get enough property to run dogs on the island.  My main reason for posting here was to try to corroborate the GW's story about the presence of hogs.


Title: Re: Pelican Island
Post by: Clay on January 10, 2008, 05:22:09 pm
i believe the city has a ban agaisnt firearms there... better be sure.

Title: Re: Pelican Island
Post by: mley1 on January 10, 2008, 07:40:59 pm
The GW wasn't lieing to ya. There's definately a bunch of hogs there.

Title: Re: Pelican Island
Post by: jml on January 10, 2008, 09:06:09 pm
I've been there and before we could get everything unloaded we were run off by a Galveston County police, this was about a year ago. I have a friend in Danbury that hunt there often I'll try to get some info from him.

Title: Re: Pelican Island
Post by: mley1 on January 11, 2008, 06:38:08 am
I've been there and before we could get everything unloaded we were run off by a Galveston County police, this was about a year ago. I have a friend in Danbury that hunt there often I'll try to get some info from him.

The last time I went there to do some shooting I got run off by a A&M cop. He was pretty cool and let us finish but asked us not to come back. So, I ain't been back.