Title: My smallest and my biggest hogs ever! Post by: cajunhuntin on February 03, 2012, 08:22:49 pm Couple hogs I killed this year over here in Louisiana !
Smallest ever (http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t265/cajun_huntin/631aefa4.jpg) My biggest ever! (http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t265/cajun_huntin/f23c1f25.jpg) Title: Re: My smallest and my biggest hogs ever! Post by: Peachcreek on February 03, 2012, 08:41:27 pm nice listed pig.
Title: Re: My smallest and my biggest hogs ever! Post by: circleb54 on February 03, 2012, 09:03:04 pm Nice listed hog I don't see them often around here also that's a nice bow yOur carrying
Title: Re: My smallest and my biggest hogs ever! Post by: cajunhuntin on February 03, 2012, 09:06:25 pm What is a listed hog? Rememeber guys take it easy on me I'm a Louisiana deer hunter new to this hog stuff! Lol
Title: Re: My smallest and my biggest hogs ever! Post by: BA-IV on February 03, 2012, 09:09:02 pm A listed hog is one with that white band around it. It just shows they have some good domestic blood in them somewhere down the line. Man do I cry everytime I see one of them dead.
Title: Re: My smallest and my biggest hogs ever! Post by: cajunhuntin on February 03, 2012, 09:36:41 pm Oh sorry lmao I bunch of hogs around here are like that! This one came Into a feeder at 26 yrds shot with a recurve went about 250 yrds tracker found him for me!