Title: Time to thin the pack. Two Pig Dogs and One Deer Dog Post by: Diamond G on February 04, 2012, 07:05:09 pm Rusty is gone.
First is Rusty, he is as true as they come. If he barks, its a pig. He is Redbone Cur cross about five years old, maybe a little older. He is short to medium range, but he has struck as far out as 800 yds. I have had him about two years and have found several pigs with him. The only reason I'm selling this ol boy is his range. I have a younger strike dog and several pups that range out farther than him so he has'nt been used much over the last few months. $600 (http://i874.photobucket.com/albums/ab305/pgordon1979/photo3.jpg) (http://i874.photobucket.com/albums/ab305/pgordon1979/photo2.jpg) Second is Bob, a 14 month old Leopard. Born with a bobbed tail, hence the name. He has been in the woods on just a few pigs and was caught with the rest of the dogs when I got to em. Cow broke and have'nt had to break em from trashing. $250 (http://i874.photobucket.com/albums/ab305/pgordon1979/photo4.jpg) (http://i874.photobucket.com/albums/ab305/pgordon1979/photo5.jpg) (http://i874.photobucket.com/albums/ab305/pgordon1979/th_Video0023.jpg) (http://s874.photobucket.com/albums/ab305/pgordon1979/?action=view¤t=Video0023.mp4) Last is Scooter, he is between two and three years old. This is a Claud Ard finished strike dog that I traded a horse for. Scared to death of pigs. Fortunately, he is making one hell of a blood trail dog. He was at the trainer for a short time before general season and found two of the three deer that he tracked during season for me. He is going back to the trainer to finish out his managment hunts. If he keeps working the way he started his price will possibly triple. The trainer told me to list his price at $700 for a started dog working the way he does. (http://i874.photobucket.com/albums/ab305/pgordon1979/photo.jpg) (http://i874.photobucket.com/albums/ab305/pgordon1979/photo1.jpg) Give me a call at 361-293-8527 or email pgordon1979@sbcglobal.net Patrick. Located in Yoakum, TX. |