HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: GET.LOW.CURS on February 05, 2012, 06:10:26 pm

Title: couple hunts, couple boars
Post by: GET.LOW.CURS on February 05, 2012, 06:10:26 pm
went out last night with a good buddy and ended up getting a sow and 2 boars... first spot we casted the dogs out and it wasnt long before all 3 were hammerin down on the sow... got her caught and the dogs rolled out and 1.7 miles later we had a 100 lb paint boar... made it back to the got everything loaded, swung by the house to throw them 2 in the trailer and headed to another spot.. casted the dogs out and again not long and they struck this boar about 400 yards out and got him shut down about 800 yards from the truck.. got him caught and decided to call it a night

last nights boar( 125-150lbs)

This was a boar that had beat me before and hurt some dogs in the process.. he stayed in our sw corner and always headed to my neighbors when jumped so i talked to my neighbor just to make sure he didn't mind me goin onto him if we had to and he said get after it... casted the dogs out last sun mornin and sure enough he was up to the same ol' tricks but this time i stayed in the truck, took the neighbors ranch roads up to about 300 yards from him and they had him bayed up in a deep little gut... turned lefty loose at 80 yrds and slid down the side of the gut to him... his right cutter got broke off on the lefty but no bad injuries.. sure felt good getting this one

Title: Re: couple hunts, couple boars
Post by: ARhogdogs on February 05, 2012, 07:01:08 pm
nice hogs

Title: Re: couple hunts, couple boars
Post by: shankem on February 05, 2012, 07:12:48 pm
good boar hogs and good huntn!

Title: Re: couple hunts, couple boars
Post by: OCD on February 05, 2012, 07:17:23 pm
Good hawgs