Title: Woods Utility Vehicles ? Need Advice? Post by: DangerZone on February 08, 2012, 01:27:07 pm I've got a guy wanting to trade me a Woods UTV 4x4 w/Honda eng. When I search craigslist/google ect. I find them priced from 4000-6000$ which make's this a sweet deal for me if their worth a crap.
Has anyone had any expirance with these machines? Also it's Made by EZ Go. Any info you have will be greatly appreciated. Thanks Danny. Title: Re: Woods Utility Vehicles ? Need Advice? Post by: ARhogdogs on February 08, 2012, 02:09:50 pm I have heard a lil about these rides, but know of none that have really been put to the test in the hog woods. If that is what you are looking to use it for. I am an atv, utv finatic so I tend to stay on top of all the rides. I have been searching them but not sure which model you are talkin about. anyway you can get a pic? I am assuming this is the along the same lines of a badboybuggy?
Title: Re: Woods Utility Vehicles ? Need Advice? Post by: DangerZone on February 08, 2012, 02:27:35 pm It's a woods boundary MAV 4x4 and yeah it looks a lot lie a badboy, but has a full enclosed cab upgrade and dump bed. Guy told me it's not fast but will go any where. I'm really wondering about how well they last. We had a off brand side by side looked like a mule that just fell apart with reg. Farm use.
Title: Re: Woods Utility Vehicles ? Need Advice? Post by: TexasLacy on February 08, 2012, 03:37:57 pm I've got a Honda buggy, sounds like that minus the cab. It gets me where I need to go.
Title: Re: Woods Utility Vehicles ? Need Advice? Post by: Lance on February 08, 2012, 06:03:56 pm IF ITS GOT A HONDA ENGINE ON IT THEN IT SHOULD BE A PRETTY GOOD RIDE. THEY WOULDNT PUT A HONDA ON IT IF THEY DIDNT CARE ABOUT THEIR PRODUCT.