Title: Tail question Post by: grunterhunter8 on February 09, 2012, 06:52:43 pm Had a hog get a hold of one of my dog's tail about a week ago. Two inches from the end, the hog took a good chunk out. Didn't seem that bad, so have been doing hydrotherapy and Vetericyn 4 times a day. It wasn't healing like I'd like so I brought him in to the vet today. Well vet says the tail has to go....its either remove all but about half, or remove the entire tail. Vet said its up to me, but he would rather remove the whole tail. My question is if I have the whole tail docked, how bad will it effect his balance, maneuverability, etc? I know there are natural bob-tail dogs that do just fine, but not sure about a 4 year old dog that's used to having a tail...
Title: Re: Tail question Post by: charles on February 10, 2012, 06:30:07 am Bobtails or pups that are docked before can get around good learn to balance with the tail from start. Iv heard from othrs that its ruogh on them for a bit, but they will adapted just as is we would if we lost a foot or legs. Take it down half way n leave him somethin to use as a rudder n he should adapt
Title: Re: Tail question Post by: Scott on February 10, 2012, 08:33:45 am Cody, it won't hurt to have it docked short. I've had dogs that had the same thing happen. I never seen any ill effects from docking at an older age. It just depends on what you want to look at ;)
Title: Re: Tail question Post by: cward on February 10, 2012, 08:47:53 am I would only dock it half way you don't want your dog to have Bob tail pups if it goes all the way off.lol I would have to see how the tail looks but you can take it and burn it with liquid nitrogen. I have done several tails and ears on dogs. There again I would have to see what I looks like. Not Sit's I would take it off. But your choice.