THE CLASSIFIEDS => CLASSIFIED ADS => Topic started by: treeingratterrier on February 16, 2012, 08:50:41 pm

Title: American Farmer Mud truck tires 5 44x18x16.1s 8 plys Marsh Racing wheels $2000
Post by: treeingratterrier on February 16, 2012, 08:50:41 pm
Go to this site and look at pictures 315 316 321for pictures, there are 5 never used or mounted new american farm vtread ag tires and 5 new never used marsh steel racing 16 inch wide x 16 wheels for the mud tires, i have brand new centers in 8 bolt hole that were never welded in the wheel included and 5 tubes as well I have used these for extremely muddy roads and they float thru with a load of dogs in the back of a 1 ton 4x4 powerwagon crewcab where we used to have to avoid the area for months, usually ran the front set forword and the rear set backword to get thru the mud down here when it used to rain, these tires have no hidden plugs cuts sections or surprizes $2000 cash for all, the tires are about $500 each now i am thinking and the wheels were $200 each so u can save a bunch on them. 361 354 0572, the tires are at 78102 in south texas down by beeville texas  http://www.imageevent.com/huntnequip