THE CLASSIFIEDS => THE DOG TRADE => Topic started by: Overkill on March 29, 2009, 03:36:02 pm

Title: What kind of dog is this?
Post by: Overkill on March 29, 2009, 03:36:02 pm
This dog is up for adoption at the vet my wife works at and we are trying to figure out what kind it is? It has the body of a lab with strange black marks on its back. The blueish/green eyes are throwing me off. A couple people have said that they think it is a lab crossed with a catahoula or a husky because of the eye color. It has webbed feet and is probably around 8-12 weeks old. I thought that someone might have a better idea than myself of its breed. Thanks as always for everyones input.

Title: Re: What kind of dog is this?
Post by: kfedd on March 29, 2009, 05:14:27 pm
Looks like it might be an Australian Shepherd cross, or possibly a Border Collie mix.  You say it has webbed feet so it may have lab in him,but my first guess is Aussie mix. they have been known to have green eyes so does red merle the border collies.


Title: Re: What kind of dog is this?
Post by: troy on March 29, 2009, 08:07:26 pm
i think husky x

Title: Re: What kind of dog is this?
Post by: cody1offroad on March 29, 2009, 09:09:01 pm
i got a buddy that got a few pups that were lab catahoula cross and they dont look nothing near that i would agree and say it got some australian shepard in it

Title: Re: What kind of dog is this?
Post by: trkennels on March 30, 2009, 10:00:11 am
I'm with Troy I think it is a Husky mix with what maybe a catahoula im not sure just my two cents pretty good looking pup though.

Title: Re: What kind of dog is this?
Post by: Dexter on March 30, 2009, 12:00:09 pm
ill vote that its part aussie dog

Title: Re: What kind of dog is this?
Post by: CENTEX FINDER/HOLDERS on March 30, 2009, 09:53:31 pm
Aussie mix for sure.

Title: Re: What kind of dog is this?
Post by: Overkill on March 30, 2009, 11:24:02 pm
After much deliberation I think it is Australian Shepherd/Lab mix. Maybe with something else thrown in there. The fully webbed feet come from the lab and the eyes and head structure from the Aussie. Has anyone ever used an Aussie mix for a bay dog. They are supposed to be fast and agile and good at tracking. Then again it is just wishful thinking on my part.  This puppy is free to a good home so if anyone is interested it is in the Conroe area.

Title: Re: What kind of dog is this?
Post by: BarrNinja on March 31, 2009, 11:05:14 am
Im with Troy. Husky X

Title: Re: What kind of dog is this?
Post by: Circle C on March 31, 2009, 11:14:10 am
Husky X

I raise Aussies and I cannot see the relationship between this dog and an aussie. Not in structure, coat, or color.

Title: Re: What kind of dog is this?
Post by: McCoy on March 31, 2009, 05:12:13 pm

Title: Re: What kind of dog is this?
Post by: grunterhunter8 on March 31, 2009, 05:26:33 pm
Husky x Lab

Title: Re: What kind of dog is this?
Post by: ESTEBAN_B on March 31, 2009, 08:23:39 pm
hogslayer! ;)