HOG & DOGS => HOG DOGS => Topic started by: TexasLacy on February 20, 2012, 11:07:34 pm

Title: Spoiling dogs
Post by: TexasLacy on February 20, 2012, 11:07:34 pm
This evening after work, I processed some pork that had been letting in a cooler since last weekend. Since I wasn't making sausage or anything, I took all the trimmings and fried em up. I saved all the drippings for pouring over their food later and split up all the fat and meat trimmings for a hot greasy treat for the working dogs.  Do any of y'all go out of your way to try and pamper your dogs?  Also, any other ideas on uses for trimmings besides sausage or giving them away?

Title: Re: Spoiling dogs
Post by: BIG BEN on February 21, 2012, 07:25:15 am
 Ive learned the hard way about spoiling dogs that way, ended up killing one of my own dogs. When they are use to just kibble and they get scraps especially oil and grease from scap meats its not good for them at all. Be careful

Title: Re: Spoiling dogs
Post by: okboarhunter on February 21, 2012, 09:37:10 am
i give mine scraps all the time read about it in bayed solid too the vet said its ok but when its time to hunt he wouldnt b filling em up on twinkies

Title: Re: Spoiling dogs
Post by: TChunter on February 21, 2012, 09:46:31 am
i cook for my dogs more than i cook for myself

Title: Re: Spoiling dogs
Post by: TexasLacy on February 21, 2012, 07:48:53 pm
I have always fed dogs scraps, from working dogs to fuzzy indoor yappy dogs, never noticed it to hurt anything.  But, Im not an expert on anything either, there may very well be a valid reason not to.  Just don't see any reason to waste something that could be put to good use elsewhere.  And, they absolutely love the greasy fatty scraps, and will get the calories burnt in the woods.  ;)

Title: Re: Spoiling dogs
Post by: Peachcreek on February 21, 2012, 08:28:06 pm
I have always fed dogs scraps, from working dogs to fuzzy indoor yappy dogs, never noticed it to hurt anything.  But, Im not an expert on anything either, there may very well be a valid reason not to.  Just don't see any reason to waste something that could be put to good use elsewhere.  And, they absolutely love the greasy fatty scraps, and will get the calories burnt in the woods.  ;)

i think the same way... if i pay for it i want someone or something to eat it.. if the dogs dont get it the hogs do.

Title: Re: Spoiling dogs
Post by: SCHitemHard on February 22, 2012, 12:46:16 pm
ive stopped in through taco bell to get two burritos for me and a soft taco with meat only for henry, i figured shoot as long as he wants to kill a coon ill give him whatev he wants

Title: Re: Spoiling dogs
Post by: tmatt on February 22, 2012, 04:28:52 pm
I don't fry the trimmings or even cook them, I just feed them to the dogs raw. They do very well on the scraps. If you have a dog that needs to put on some weight just add some of the fat to the dog's food when you feed them. I also use the old cooking oil and pour it over the dog's food for added calories, especially when it is cold outside.

Title: Re: Spoiling dogs
Post by: GET.LOW.CURS on February 23, 2012, 04:22:46 pm
I don't fry the trimmings or even cook them, I just feed them to the dogs raw. They do very well on the scraps. If you have a dog that needs to put on some weight just add some of the fat to the dog's food when you feed them. I also use the old cooking oil and pour it over the dog's food for added calories, especially when it is cold outside.

tmatt.. have you ever had any problems with worms from the raw meat?... i stopped feeding mine raw meat after several guys started seein dogs go downhill after feeding them

Title: Re: Spoiling dogs
Post by: Jpepper on February 24, 2012, 09:33:12 am
My dogs will also eat raw as well. Guess it's just their immune system because ain't nothing wrong with em.

Title: Re: Spoiling dogs
Post by: kerreydw on February 24, 2012, 03:52:16 pm
i feed raw about half the time,i have around 20 curs at all times never have any problems got some real healthy lookin dogs hard hunting dogs. and as for as spoiled dogs ive got a 6 m.old black mouth pup he sleeps on the porch in my easy chair every night my wife lets him on the porch he gets in the chair she cover him up. lol she thinks more of that dog than she does for me

Title: Re: Spoiling dogs
Post by: Black Hog 69 on February 24, 2012, 07:20:27 pm

Title: Re: Spoiling dogs
Post by: driller1987 on February 24, 2012, 07:56:13 pm
We feed scraps every day

Title: Re: Spoiling dogs
Post by: JUG on February 24, 2012, 09:25:35 pm
i feed a box of bones from the butcher a month , helps keep their smile white .


if they are willing to give me a 100%-24-7 ,

i'm willing to share my pillow !