HOG & DOGS => HOG DOGS => Topic started by: Boondock Saints Kennels on February 22, 2012, 10:52:36 am

Title: Future Hog Dogger
Post by: Boondock Saints Kennels on February 22, 2012, 10:52:36 am
HI, fellow Dogmen.
I am just getting ready to start breeding hunting dogs.I have been breeding game bred Pitbulls for 30 years now, I plan on getting a couple Deerhound or Staghound gyps, to breed to my Cottingham males.
I am thinking silent Plotts, or BMC's,for strike dogs I will be hunting mostly Coyotes, but will also hunt hogs too. Any imput would be greatly appreceated.

John Heffron

Title: Re: Re: Future Hog Dogger
Post by: J.Prince on February 22, 2012, 12:58:49 pm
Welcome aboard where are you from?

Title: Re: Future Hog Dogger
Post by: Boondock Saints Kennels on February 22, 2012, 01:37:11 pm
I am from Arizona,but I have lived in Idaho the past ten years. I have been in Georgia visiting famially for the past six months, but plan on moving back out west soon,either New Mexico, or Montana.

Title: Re: Future Hog Dogger
Post by: Black Hog 69 on February 22, 2012, 08:07:21 pm
Welcome u can learn plenty on  here ,just read the threads on some of the topics

Title: Re: Future Hog Dogger
Post by: curdawgs on February 22, 2012, 08:30:32 pm
What are these silent plott breeds that your are talking about? I'm not trying to be a smarty. I really have been looking at plotts and really like them but thought that a silent plott was just something that happens sometimes. Is there a certain line of plott that are silent?

Title: Re: Future Hog Dogger
Post by: TexasLacy on February 22, 2012, 08:55:39 pm
I can't say a lot on the plotts, I have only hunted behind one and he is a cross and a jam up strike dog.  I love bmc's, and cannot think of a better all around dog than a yella one.  But, I also see desireable traits present in a lot of other breeds of dogs.  I really want to try a staghound in the future.  I guess, the bottom line is, there are too many conditions to say one will be better than the other.  Terrain, pressure, range, and a lot of other variables to consider, but I cast my vote for ybm.

Title: Re: Future Hog Dogger
Post by: Boondock Saints Kennels on February 23, 2012, 08:00:28 am
Thanks for the input guys, I  sincerly appreceate it!.