Title: Sellin dog with trial price ?? Post by: SwampHunter on February 23, 2012, 11:24:05 am What's up with people selling dog for $600 with no trial an $900 with trial ? I don't understand if I'm
Sellin a dog I want say $500 I don't care if you want trial or not it still gonna be $500 I guess I'm not gettin why people want more to try the dog out I mean just take the guy hunting with you an show the dog Title: Re: Sellin dog with trial price ?? Post by: marks on February 23, 2012, 11:27:55 am Sounds like they dont have confidence in the dog and they want to shy away from having a trial period to me.
Title: Re: Sellin dog with trial price ?? Post by: easttexasoutlaw33 on February 23, 2012, 11:33:28 am I agree it makes no sense to me at all. The concept is dumb!!!!! I agree if im selling a dog with a trial the price is the same as if without one. They are called scammers. I mean ive asked about going hunting with a few people they said cant go but this day trying to get out of it i said ok ill be there. Always less than 2 mins later i get a call or txt saying dog is sold. If you claim a dog will strike a hog with no help show it hunt
Title: Re: Sellin dog with trial price ?? Post by: Circle C on February 23, 2012, 11:37:18 am I sold a dog with a different price with or without trial. This was 100% proven hog dog that was known in many circles, more dog than most care to turn out....
Here are my reasons. The buyer was hundreds of miles away. One of us was going to have to spend a fair amount of money and time in the event the dog did not work out. I offered an ~10% reduction in price, so that I would not have to spend money and time meeting him in the event the dog was not what he expected. At that point, he had the choice to accept my advertised price with trial (insurance), or take a gamble on my reduced price. This deal in particular, I think you could ask the buyer, and he will say he would gladly do that transaction again. Some times, it's simple economics, not someone wanting to cheat someone. Title: Re: Sellin dog with trial price ?? Post by: halfbreed on February 23, 2012, 11:44:50 am i have sold alot of dogs in my day . and a trial is a pain in the arse . the dog may be perfect and what it's claimed to be . then they decide they don't like the dog . most times it's cause ol so an so they know gotta dog they will sell for less money ect. ect. ect. . that is why i will no longer sell a started or finihed dog on trial , they will be sold in the woods end of sale period . sure there are dog traders out there trying to skin someone allways has been allways will be . but sell a dog on trial never again . and sometimes it's worth the extra money just to put up with the bull crap that goes with the trial .
Title: Re: Sellin dog with trial price ?? Post by: hoghunter71409 on February 23, 2012, 02:37:32 pm halfbreed, that is good advice. Trials are a pain in the but. From this point forward I won't buy or sell a dog unless it is in the woods and all transactions are final. The biggest reason I say this is...everyone has a different opinion of terms and conditions. I recently sold a two year old started cur dog. The man had a 7 day trial. The man siad he hunted the dog twice and both times the dog found hogs and twice the dog bayed by himself. One time, a deer jumped up, dog saw the deer and never moved. Sounds pretty good to me. The guy brought him back on day 7 and said, he didn't stay bayed in the briars by himself long enough. I told him, I sold you a started dog and the dog did what i told you it would, The guy didn't agree, so I gave him the money back, shook his hand and we parted ways. Fair enough, maybe, but a pain in my but.
Title: Re: Sellin dog with trial price ?? Post by: BA-IV on February 23, 2012, 02:46:52 pm I sold a dog with a different price with or without trial. This was 100% proven hog dog that was known in many circles, more dog than most care to turn out... This is almost the only dog I ever plan on spending money on again. Dogs like these are so hard to find, because most of the time, if the dog is worth something, the hunting buddies are going to jump on the deal like a scalded dog. I've done it both ways, from buying and raising em. I have settled into raising puppies and breeding my dogs, and buying puppies when I do from well established lines no matter the time it takes. You won't catch hogs at first, but within a year or two you'll have people knocking at your door to buy puppies and dogs. Title: Re: Sellin dog with trial price ?? Post by: JeffreyTBH on February 23, 2012, 05:34:06 pm Good advice halfbreed!
Title: Re: Sellin dog with trial price ?? Post by: hounddawgman on February 23, 2012, 08:12:28 pm sold a great strike bay dog to a man on a 10 day trail he brought the dog back day 9 said it was not what he was looking for told him no problem returned his money and found out a week later he took the dog to several bayings won some cash and then brought him back and bought another dog for less money,NEVER AGAIN
Title: Re: Sellin dog with trial price ?? Post by: hoghunter71409 on February 23, 2012, 08:17:19 pm It's even worse when you have reason to believe that they bought an awesome dog, took it home bred thier gyp, and brought the dog back on a trial....I
Title: Re: Sellin dog with trial price ?? Post by: brad s on February 23, 2012, 08:19:35 pm Jmo if ur goin to buy a dog . See the dog hunt first before u pay money for it PERIOD! If ther willing to give a trial that's fine too. I understand wher people are coming from as far as not giving a trial bc it can be a hassle.
Title: Re: Sellin dog with trial price ?? Post by: jalston on February 24, 2012, 09:24:35 am bought a dog once in woods...went and hunted with a man his hunt his dogs every time i seen dog he was busy, and at both bays..... seller had his garmin, called the dog that i was interested in as finding both hogs.. would not give trial because i hunted with the dog; paid 800 cash kept dog 4 months never found a hog....good help dog...sold for 400.
yes i have become smarter by trial and error,,,i dont require a trial on 200-300 hundred dollar dogs i understand started ..will not buy a more expensive dog "finished"with out....thats just me...however when i guarantee a dog price doesn"t go up. just my 2 cents i have been messed over buying not selling if i had i might change my mind... Jim Title: Re: Sellin dog with trial price ?? Post by: halfbreed on February 24, 2012, 09:35:01 am man it just came to me in a dream last night . i will again sell dogs on trial , but there will be a 250.00 non refundable fee attached to the trial agreement . just to weed out the dog renters >:D
Title: Re: Sellin dog with trial price ?? Post by: driller1987 on February 24, 2012, 10:33:56 am Lol
Title: Re: Sellin dog with trial price ?? Post by: cheapsidepigsticker on February 24, 2012, 11:05:30 am Dont trial a dog, if your selling take the buyer hunting,tell em everthing about the dog, show em everything and sell the dog if they like em...same if your the buyer...works best for me...If they have a problem with that the dog probably isnt work buying or selling....jmo
Title: Re: Sellin dog with trial price ?? Post by: KevinN on February 24, 2012, 12:53:22 pm Good idea Robert. If you trust a man/his line well enough to buy a dog from him why do you need a trial period? If you don't trust him go somewhere else. Just my thoughts.
Title: Re: Sellin dog with trial price ?? Post by: KevinN on February 24, 2012, 12:58:27 pm Oh, and Halfbreed ain't somebody you ever need a trial period with. What he tells you about a dog your interested in is rock solid truth.
Title: Re: Sellin dog with trial price ?? Post by: TexasLacy on February 24, 2012, 09:18:25 pm Oh, and Halfbreed ain't somebody you ever need a trial period with. What he tells you about a dog your interested in is rock solid truth. Don't know anything about the man except what I've seen him post on here, and I would take his word on a dog no questions. Title: Re: Sellin dog with trial price ?? Post by: hillcountry on February 24, 2012, 09:38:27 pm Thats exzactly why i only buy or sell to a few friends thier word is gold to me and mine to them.I will not sell or buy to or from a stranger that my circle of buddys have not vouched for. It would help if moore people had the balls to cull the old fashion way and not sell junk.
Title: Re: Sellin dog with trial price ?? Post by: halfbreed on February 24, 2012, 09:59:55 pm hell if it weren't for the bad dogs out there how would we know what a good one looks like ;D
Title: Re: Sellin dog with trial price ?? Post by: waylon-N.E. OK on February 24, 2012, 10:03:23 pm I took a dog on trial once, agreed to the terms. it died while in my care and $750.00 later I was digging a grave for a dog worth about $40. i paid the price just to keep my word but I try to steer clear of trials cause I've heard far more bad than good come from'em