Title: Rant Post by: TinyTexasCowgirl on February 23, 2012, 07:34:25 pm This has been said many times in many ways
BUT Regardless whether its your best, worst, or mediocre dog, if you care about the dang thing, put a da*n cut collar and garmin on him. Long story short, saw someone's blue lacy dog on the highway tonight, couldn't get him to come to me. Word Of mouth got around, owner calls examining that it's their best dog, wanting to know location... I gave up after searching for over an hour (he was terrified of people). Anyway, protect your dang dogs and keep them safe from being misplaced or hurt. Also, this is not for the majority of you guys, y'all all do right. Just needed a safe place to rant. I am really upset. Title: Re: Rant Post by: BA-IV on February 23, 2012, 08:17:35 pm I always like to have a tracking collar and a collar with a nameplate with two numbers, but my cur dogs won't wear a cut collar. They will learn to back up one way or the other.
Title: Re: Rant Post by: TexasLacy on February 23, 2012, 08:22:42 pm I don't own a garmin, just because right now, it just doesnt prioritize into the budget. Hopefully later it will though. But, my dogs will be at the bay, bark lost if not on track, and have yet to not find me. They also carry 2 phone numbers on their collars just to be on the safe side. I have been involved off and on with this sport since I was in kindergarten barring college, my military service, and a couple of marriages. And, this time when I got back in was the first time I heard of the garmin tracking collars. Seems to me people made do for quite a few years without them, I can make do for a few more months.
just my .02 Title: Re: Rant Post by: t.wilbanks on February 23, 2012, 08:48:10 pm I always like to have a tracking collar and a collar with a nameplate with two numbers, but my cur dogs won't wear a cut collar. They will learn to back up one way or the other. x2 most of my bay dogs dont need a cut collar, but they for sure wont be anywhere without a name plate Title: Re: Rant Post by: TeJaShOgSlAyER on February 23, 2012, 08:59:07 pm If i turn out a dog regardless if they are my ruffest dog or if the dogs stands off 10 feet from a hog baying your can bet your rear they have a cut collar on with a garmin and a name plate with my name n number no matter what! Anything can happen at anytime and it aint worth loosing a damn good dog that works his or her rear off for you to not protect them and not be locating them at all times. I will not turn out one of my dogs without a garmin nor a cut collar on no matter what. I just think the same thing and people should respect there dogs enough to do what right!
Title: Re: Rant Post by: t.wilbanks on February 23, 2012, 09:04:43 pm If i turn out a dog regardless if they are my ruffest dog or if the dogs stands off 10 feet from a hog baying your can bet your rear they have a cut collar on with a garmin and a name plate with my name n number no matter what! Anything can happen at anytime and it aint worth loosing a damn good dog that works his or her rear off for you to not protect them and not be locating them at all times. I will not turn out one of my dogs without a garmin nor a cut collar on no matter what. I just think the same thing and people should respect there dogs enough to do what right! do you run vest on all of them too? Title: Re: Rant Post by: TeJaShOgSlAyER on February 23, 2012, 09:10:38 pm On one of my older dogs i do!
Title: Re: Rant Post by: BA-IV on February 23, 2012, 09:14:53 pm Working livestock with dogs has been around longer than anyone on this board has been alive. They made do without all the technology we have today, now times are different don't get me wrong, but technology does have me spoiled. If anything make sure the dog has a nameplate with some numbers on it. As far as a garmin, if you can't afford, you can't, some things take priority over this sport.
As for a cut collar and vest, that's for my bulldogs. I have a pretty gritty dog and he still doesn't get a cut collar. Like I said he will learn sooner or later, and it better be sooner if he wants to see later ;). If I have to run a cut collar and a vest on my dogs, it looks like I needa be in the market for some new dogs. Besides everyone knows cur dogs weren't meant to wear no cut collars or vests. Ha ha j/k Title: Re: Rant Post by: maverick10 on February 23, 2012, 10:48:01 pm Well my cut collars have name tags my tracking collars have name tags and all my dog collars have name tags they dont leave the house with out a name tag
Title: Re: Rant Post by: rdjustham on February 24, 2012, 06:10:27 am my dogs all get name plate collars when they are worth keeping. they never come off them even in the yard. The ruff ones get cut collars (they have name plates too).
Title: Re: Rant Post by: MOhogger on February 24, 2012, 07:08:13 am Why don't u guys want to run a cut collar on your bay dogs?
Is it a pride thing or what? I mean they're only like $25,and only take a minute to put on. Accidents happen and maybe your dog gets in a situation where they can't get back and a hog gets to em. Can u replace that dog for $25your and a minute of your time? And on the tracking collars,I understand people have been doing this for years without tracking systems but the people population is larger now. Meaning more thieves, more roads for your dog to get run over on and smaller tracts of land. Also everybody seems to want longer range dogs and dogs with more bottom. Im not trying to offend anyone, just adding my thoughts. Title: Re: Rant Post by: INABs on February 24, 2012, 07:58:16 am Tight baying or not mine all get cut collars and two tracking collars. One garmin and one radio. Vest only on the real rough ones.
Title: Re: Rant Post by: skunkhounds on February 24, 2012, 08:01:59 am when my dogs leave the truck they are in a vest cut collar and have tracking system and every thing has a name plate on it you never know when number 2 will happen
Title: Re: Rant Post by: marks on February 24, 2012, 08:50:21 am Why don't u guys want to run a cut collar on your bay dogs? Is it a pride thing or what? I mean they're only like $25,and only take a minute to put on. Accidents happen and maybe your dog gets in a situation where they can't get back and a hog gets to em. Can u replace that dog for $25your and a minute of your time? And on the tracking collars,I understand people have been doing this for years without tracking systems but the people population is larger now. Meaning more thieves, more roads for your dog to get run over on and smaller tracts of land. Also everybody seems to want longer range dogs and dogs with more bottom. Im not trying to offend anyone, just adding my thoughts. Tracking collar wont protect a dog from a thief or getting run over. I ain't got $500 to spend on one so I dont have one, However I will accept donations. Title: Re: Rant Post by: uglydog on February 24, 2012, 09:06:07 am Quote Why don't u guys want to run a cut collar on your bay dogs? I can give you several good reasons. I dont have time to go into details right now, and I wont do it in public and most will take my "good" reasons and use an "excuse". Not all my dogs get cut collars, I am advocate for protecting dogs, and first to back up what TTC is saying about ID your dog in some fashion. I am usually the one getting calls when some one finds a dog and waste alot of my time, when people could be more responsibe.Is it a pride thing or what? I mean they're only like $25,and only take a minute to put on. Accidents happen and maybe your dog gets in a situation where they can't get back and a hog gets to em. Can u replace that dog for $25your and a minute of your time? YES BE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR DOG, OR DONT OWN THEM, should be the message here. Title: Re: Rant Post by: BA-IV on February 24, 2012, 09:31:54 am Why don't u guys want to run a cut collar on your bay dogs? Is it a pride thing or what? I mean they're only like $25,and only take a minute to put on. Accidents happen and maybe your dog gets in a situation where they can't get back and a hog gets to em. Can u replace that dog for $25your and a minute of your time? So with this philosophy, Why don't you run vests on your dogs? They only cost $65 and take a min to put on. A cut collar only covers the throat portion of the vitals, so quite a bit of the vitals are still exposed. I can understand why people run cut collars and vests. It's just not for me to run cut collars and vests on my dogs. It amounts to about the same as why some people run cur dogs and some run hound dogs. It's a preference. Title: Re: Rant Post by: Jpepper on February 24, 2012, 09:35:18 am One of my dogs won't hunt with a vest so she don't wear one. Otherwise, wear a collar with nameplate that is usually enough not rangy enough for a tracking system.
Title: Re: Rant Post by: MOhogger on February 24, 2012, 10:19:51 am Why don't u guys want to run a cut collar on your bay dogs? Is it a pride thing or what? I mean they're only like $25,and only take a minute to put on. Accidents happen and maybe your dog gets in a situation where they can't get back and a hog gets to em. Can u replace that dog for $25your and a minute of your time? And on the tracking collars,I understand people have been doing this for years without tracking systems but the people population is larger now. Meaning more thieves, more roads for your dog to get run over on and smaller tracts of land. Also everybody seems to want longer range dogs and dogs with more bottom. Im not trying to offend anyone, just adding my thoughts. Tracking collar wont protect a dog from a thief or getting run over. I ain't got $500 to spend on one so I dont have one, However I will accept donations. Tracking systems can help prevent guess things though, if you take the time to use them correctly. But everybody hunts differently, if your dog doesn't get out of sight or your property isn't big enough for your dog to get off of then maybe you don't need one. But if you hunt a go yonder kind of dog or you hunt near busy hwys or maybe even a crazy neighbor, wouldn't you like to know where your dog is so you could get to them faster. Myself I don't turn my dogs loose without one its cheaper in the long run. Title: Re: Rant Post by: BA-IV on February 24, 2012, 10:27:57 am Lots of windshield time, sweaty shirts left in the woods, blowing horns, and sore throats from calling dogs. Its was done way before we ever started this sport, and with the technology of today, alot of the old artsof running dogs are going to be lost. Yes technology is nice to have, is it necessary and should you become dependent on it, NO!
Title: Re: Rant Post by: MOhogger on February 24, 2012, 10:35:40 am Why don't u guys want to run a cut collar on your bay dogs? Is it a pride thing or what? I mean they're only like $25,and only take a minute to put on. Accidents happen and maybe your dog gets in a situation where they can't get back and a hog gets to em. Can u replace that dog for $25your and a minute of your time? So with this philosophy, Why don't you run vests on your dogs? They only cost $65 and take a min to put on. A cut collar only covers the throat portion of the vitals, so quite a bit of the vitals are still exposed. I can understand why people run cut collars and vests. It's just not for me to run cut collars and vests on my dogs. It amounts to about the same as why some people run cur dogs and some run hound dogs. It's a preference. I do run vests on my dogs,but sometimes dogs don't take to wearing a vest. I haven't had one not hunt because of a cut collar yet,but I'm sure there are dogs that don't like them either. I understand that dogs can get hurt no matter what but Im gonna do my part in preventing it if I can. My buddy had a loose baying dog get it Sunday, he buried him Sunday also. Loose baying dog, didn't really need a cut collar but a cut collar probably could have saved his life. My dog Leddy was a loose baying dog till Sunday and she ended up catching that hog so who knows what's gonna happen. You win some you lose some, but Im glad Leddy had her gear on. Title: Re: Rant Post by: TShelly on February 24, 2012, 12:36:35 pm We run cut collars on most everything.. I believe it's saved a whole bunch of dogs for us. We always hear of people losing dogs to hogs with just a small poke in the neck. I feel like it is definitely the most exposed area when our dogs are baying. A whole lot of the old timers don't run them, but in our case with the way we hunt I think it helps. We generally hunt a few more dogs than everyone else and want our cur dogs to catch the smaller hogs. To each his own we'll keep running one on the majority of ours
We also double up with a Garmin and telemetry collar Title: Re: Rant Post by: BIG BEN on February 24, 2012, 12:50:25 pm All these collars yall run, your dogs must be half giraffe for them to fit
Title: Re: Rant Post by: RyanTBH on February 24, 2012, 01:11:40 pm All these collars yall run, your dogs must be half giraffe for them to fit I was wondering the same thing... Seems like once the garmin and the cut collar are on ther're full up! LOL! Title: Re: Rant Post by: TShelly on February 24, 2012, 01:15:42 pm All these collars yall run, your dogs must be half giraffe for them to fit Most cut collars have built in section for tracking collars to over lay. Works for us, they'll hunt regardless of what you put on their necks. We've lost too many dogs with malfunctioning collars to not run a wildlife as back up on the good ones Title: Re: Rant Post by: Miller Lite on February 24, 2012, 02:31:03 pm we had a bulldog that wore a vest an collar an the hog cut him everywhere it didn't cover an when it did get the vest it sliced it like it was butter
Title: Re: Rant Post by: Peachcreek on February 24, 2012, 03:02:56 pm this was not a cut collar or not rant but i will play.... I just lost my gsp Rusty a couple weeks ago and he was wearing a cut collar and got hit in the chest and ribs. Rusty was a real loose baying dog but i always put a cut collar on him. I feel a cut collar will rarely save a dog, if the hog is doing work he aint gonna stop at the collar. I say put a cut collar on if it makes you feel better. But what ever you put on make sure it has a name tag and phone number
Title: Re: Rant Post by: Miller Lite on February 24, 2012, 03:05:18 pm this was not a cut collar or not rant but i will play.... I just lost my gsp Rusty a couple weeks ago and he was wearing a cut collar and got hit in the chest and ribs. Rusty was a real loose baying dog but i always put a cut collar on him. I feel a cut collar will rarely save a dog, if the hog is doing work he aint gonna stop at the collar. I say put a cut collar on if it makes you feel better. But what ever you put on make sure it has a name tag and phone number i agree 100% i've gotta buddy who swears up an down a hog used his cut collar as a guide to slit his dogs throat he threw em in the trash ... i think a dog is like a person when its your time its your time Title: Re: Rant Post by: TinyTexasCowgirl on February 24, 2012, 08:00:00 pm Guys, I guess I should have reworded my posting. Cut collar or no cut collar at least put a dang trackin collar on them. The particular case that had got me riled up involved what someone else considers their best dog that got lost while they were hunting. Had been missing for several days before I saw him. When owners contacted me they were ecstatic to know that he had been seen. In addition to that, he is so skittish no one can get their hands on him But I'll leave that one alone.