Title: Update on HB 1451 Post by: Txmason on February 29, 2012, 05:33:14 pm USSA Files Comments on Texas Commercial Dog Breeder Rules
Proposed Rules Could Destroy Sporting Dog Exemption Last year, Texas’ legislature passed controversial House Bill 1451 aimed at regulating abusive large “commercial dog breeders.” Originally, the bill would have classified many sporting dog owners as commercial dog breeders, subjecting them to numerous unnecessary and costly new regulations, government inspections, and permitting requirements. The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance (USSA) and a large coalition of sportsmen, sporting dog organizations, shooting preserves, and other dog groups fought to stop the bill. Ultimately, HB1451 was amended to exempt sporting dog owners before being signed into law. Title: Re: Update on HB 1451 Post by: RyanTBH on March 14, 2012, 09:35:53 am That is great! So does this mean that we can breed our dogs, and sell a few without the worry of being fined or prosecuted?
Title: Re: Update on HB 1451 Post by: jls41 on March 14, 2012, 11:29:40 am More inforamtion on HB 1451
Crossposting is encouraged. March 13, 2012 Update: TX HB 1451, the misnamed "Puppy Mill" Bill Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation (TDLR) Commission is meeting 9:00 AM, Tuesday, March 27th, 2012 to approve the "Rules" for implementing and administering the new Texas Dog and Cat Breeders Bill. First Floor Meeting Room, 1106 Clayton Lane, Austin, TX. Brian Francis, TDLR Asst. Director, sent RPOA the following information: 1) The Exemption for "Persons Who Breed Special Purpose Dogs that are used for herding livestock, agriculture uses, hunting, tracking, chasing, pointing, flushing, retrieving game; competing in field trials, hunting tests, or similar organized performance events" does NOT include dogs bred for Conformation Dog Shows. 2) Evidence for the above listed exemptions is "self executing," says Francis, which means that a person does not have to file anything with TDLR up front if they are claiming an exemption for breeding these type dogs. 3) HOWEVER! If someone files a complaint against those exempted dog breeders saying they should be licensed as a Cat or Dog Breeder, then TDLR will ask that breeder to provide proof that each dog is exempt with entry registration forms or receipts from an entity conducting the event. [Charles Johnson, TDLR counsel, said the breeder must have the defense ready "if they come after you."] It will be decided case by case. Such proof must conclusively identify and relate to the specific dog for which an exemption is requested. 4) March 27th: The Commission will be given the proposed Rules, Summaries of Comments, Access to all Comments; and Advisory Board Draft Recommendation. 5) The Draft "Rules" will not be placed on the TDLR website prior to their vote but will be available at the Commission Meeting. 6) Along with their vote to adopt the Rules, the Commission will set the effective date. [Ed: The Statute sets effective date for licensed compliance as September 1, 2012.] 7) Anyone wishing to speak at the Meeting can sign up and identify which agenda item they want to discuss. The Chairman decides what, if any, time limits are needed. Speakers are allowed but the Rules are already written and will be approved at this meeting in order to meet the Statute's March 31st deadline. Claims that certain changes have been made by the Breeder Licensing Advisory Committee are premature as Charles Johnson, TDLR general counsel, frankly told the Committee that nothing is a done deal at this point and their role was simply to make recommendations to the TDLR Commissioners. REPORT ON: MARCH 1, 2012 LICENSED BREEDERS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING: TDLR Commission Chairman Frank Denton warned that "everyone in the room will not get everything they want" and reiterated that "Nothing has taken place yet by the Commission." TDLR received 10,000 Public Comments from all over the country, not just Texas. There was heavy security for the Meeting with no explanation. Kirby Brown, Texas Wildlife Association, addressed the Licensed Breeders Advisory Committee regarding exemptions for certain dog breeders and said TDLR does not have the authority to require dog breeders to submit evidence acceptable to TDLR" proving" exemptions for each individual dog. It is an enforcement issue, he said, and "wished them luck on how to do that!" Speakers from the Animal Rights Brigade were: Robert "Skip" Trimble, representing Texas Humane Legislative Network (THLN), self and HSUS; Cile Holloway, THLN president; Monica Hardy, THLN executive director; Nicole Paquette, HSUS director for Texas, who claimed HSUS has 500,000 members in Texas. ["Humane Watch" has reported HSUS 2010 IRS Tax Return states that its "All Animals" magazine -- included with $25 membership -- has a circulation of just 450,000 nationally. So this is obviously an exaggeration.]; James Bias, SPCA of Texas; Elizabeth Choate, representing Texas Veterinary Medical Association, who helped the animal rights extremists write HB 1451, the national HSUS template which is being proposed in many states. TDLR finally posted Responsible Pet Owners Alliance's public comments to their website after some prodding but can be found more easily on our website: http://www.rpoatexasoutreach.org/HB1451WatchDog/TDLR-TXRegisterComments.pdf Thanks to all the groups and individuals who sent us their input and comments as we represent a very diverse group of animal owners. We probably overlooked some issues, but it is impossible to make HB 1451 acceptable. We'll keep you informed. .......................................................... Title: Re: Update on HB 1451 Post by: RyanTBH on March 14, 2012, 12:35:25 pm So how do you "prove" that your dog is of this "special purpose" category? I do not run my dogs in a pen, and haven't entered them into any tournaments so there are not any forms available.
Title: Re: Update on HB 1451 Post by: jls41 on March 15, 2012, 10:14:48 am Quote 2) Evidence for the above listed exemptions is "self executing," says Francis, which means that a person does not have to file anything with TDLR up front if they are claiming an exemption for breeding these type dogs. 3) HOWEVER! If someone files a complaint against those exempted dog breeders saying they should be licensed as a Cat or Dog Breeder, then TDLR will ask that breeder to provide proof that each dog is exempt with entry registration forms or receipts from an entity conducting the event. [Charles Johnson, TDLR counsel, said the breeder must have the defense ready "if they come after you."] It will be decided case by case. Such proof must conclusively identify and relate to the specific dog for which an exemption is requested. That is one of the issues at hand that hopefully gets cleared up soon. Title: Re: Update on HB 1451 Post by: halfbreed on March 19, 2012, 09:13:41 pm so whatever happened to i think it was hb 2388 or 2833 the working dog bill . sorry i'm a little dislecsic ?
Title: Re: Update on HB 1451 Post by: jls41 on March 20, 2012, 09:07:40 am It got bogged down in the Budget mess of the last Legislative Session. We have it in the works to be re-introduced this next legislative session. We will need everyone to pull together, contact your Senators and Representatives, and help us get it through all of the hoops. It is going to be a busy, busy time starting January 1, 2013.