HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Peachcreek on February 29, 2012, 10:54:41 pm

Title: snakes
Post by: Peachcreek on February 29, 2012, 10:54:41 pm
dang i guess its that time of the year already. I was walking in from feeding tonight and saw a 3' cotton mouth on the back porch. went and grabbed a shovel and got him. My wife heard the noise and came outside to see what was going on. I went on to tell her the way that snake was just laying there it was like it was wanting bred. i told her to be careful because there are probably more around. I took the headless snake down to the pig pen to give them a snack and walked back up to see another cotton mouth about 1.5' long in the same dang spot. SOOOO. different verse same as the first ;D

kinda freaked me out that i sensed that there was more than one.

Title: Re: snakes
Post by: wolfpen on February 29, 2012, 11:02:27 pm
I've already seen a hognose and a ratsnake this year.  When it is cold out snakes, or reptiles, cannot see or function.  everything just looks like a blur until their body temperature rises to a certain degree.  snakes are good eating.  I actually like the taste and texture of snake meat better than any other land animal(just it takes a big one to get much meat).  gator and turtle meat are good too. 

gopher tortoises used to be used as money or for barter.  instead of .50 cent and dollar peices there were 10 dollar turtles on up to whatever depending on size.

Title: Re: snakes
Post by: INABs on March 01, 2012, 07:38:07 am
Well I have never been to afraid of snakes but after being bit last year by a copperhead, I am officially afraid of them now. lol  Don't want to go through that ever again.  So look out and don't play around because it is not a fun. 

Title: Re: snakes
Post by: Miller Lite on March 01, 2012, 07:41:37 am
I was makin a push two nights ago an must've found a bed of copperheads cause them suckers where everywhere (I've been bit an spent a week in the hospital when i was 7) so i dont like them but i guess its time to break out my snake bit proof chaps

Title: Re: snakes
Post by: wolfpen on March 01, 2012, 09:54:03 am
If you find a bunch of them in one location this time of year there is a den sight in the vicinity, or wherever they hibernated.

Title: Re: snakes
Post by: bigdics_offroad77 on March 01, 2012, 09:58:32 am
If you find a bunch of them in one location this time of year there is a den sight in the vicinity, or wherever they hibernated.

yea so be sure and bird shot or flame throw the area  ;D

Title: Re: snakes
Post by: wolfpen on March 01, 2012, 10:10:11 am
unfortunately, this time a year they don't have no meat on them, because they used up over the winter.  but it is definitely a good time for hunting poisonous snakes, atleast when it is a warm one.

Title: Re: snakes
Post by: dub on March 01, 2012, 10:46:25 pm
Sniveling boo hoo babies rolleyes Just giving y'all a hard time. I have had a few close call but never been bit. But that sure is nice of them to go to the same spot and wait for you to kill them ;D