Title: JD 450C Dozer. PICS added Post by: charles on March 10, 2012, 08:30:07 am I got a dozer with a busted hydraulic pump and dont have to money to fix it rite now and its begining to be an isore in my back yard. it is a 78 or 79 with a 6 way blade. I just had the steering brake bands replaced, 2 new drive sprokets a couple roadwheels on each side and a couple tension wheels on each side and 1 track chain have been replaced too. the new pump cost $600 from brokentractor.com I can send pics by txt or email. my # is 9363663024 and email is artillery97_03@yahoo.com I am asking $6,000 OBO. dozer is located in troy, tx and will deliver it with in 75 miles from me.
(http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/charlesmann/rightsidetrac.jpg) (http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/charlesmann/rightsideblade.jpg) (http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/charlesmann/leftsidetrac.jpg) (http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/charlesmann/leftsideblade.jpg) |