Title: One Out...Fiasco Post by: Bump on April 06, 2009, 09:40:40 am I met up with my buddy Jim yesterday for what we call making the rounds. We grab a few cold ones and drive around to high points above food plots and deer feeders and kick the Jagds out every so often downwind. The first stop is between two food plots and has a good bottom below.
(http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg10/rexbump/DSC01882.jpg) Kicked all four Jagds out and waited. They made a 900 yard loop and slowly trickled back as we made our way to the next drop. (http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg10/rexbump/DSC01886.jpg) (http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg10/rexbump/DSC01888.jpg) Drove to a feeder and tried again. Sis bolted out left and my other two worked a track the opposite direction. In about 5 minutes Sis opened bayed on a group. The others joined and caught a 75 lb shoat. Dogs rolled out on the group and after a mile plus track worked their way back to the ranger. I decided to uncollar my dogs and unvest my catch dog as I loaded up instead of waiting til I got to the house. At a set of working pens along the county road a group of hogs were scattering as I drove up. I kicked out two Jagds and the catch dog...without cut or tracking collars and a vest. No problem.....Jack (pit) catches a 75 lber in a set of pens at the hole the have been crossing. I run around climb in and stick the shoat. Realizing I forgot a leash....I run back to the truck...set my knife in the ranger and grab a leash. I break Jack off and hear something at the other end of the pen. Shine my light and see a decent hog unable to get out. Not thinking twice I turn Jack to him....as Jack approached for the catch...I realize the hog is bigger than decent and fairly large. After 2 or 3 attempts and getting tossed around...Jack gets him caught. I quickly leg and flip.....only to realize I didnt have a knife. I see Jack is cut and the hog has 2" cutters. Here I am....with a 200 lb hog caught with a dog with no vest and no knife....quickly realizing...Im in a predicament. After about 5 minutes and out of good ideas....I make my way to the fence and tie his feet with bailing wire. (http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg10/rexbump/DSC01904.jpg) (http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg10/rexbump/DSC01897.jpg) I'm pretty sure I have hunted before but last night you would not have known. :-[ Title: Re: One Out...Fiasco Post by: slimpickins on April 06, 2009, 09:44:21 am Great story and pics, sometimes nothing goes right. ;D
Title: Re: One Out...Fiasco Post by: Circle C on April 06, 2009, 09:46:15 am Wow, sounds like some of the "stuff" I get myself into ;D
Sure have heard some good things about your Jagds too! Title: Re: One Out...Fiasco Post by: sam on April 06, 2009, 09:52:18 am always carry a piece of rope in your back pocket you never know what might happen. good looking hogs
Title: Re: One Out...Fiasco Post by: matt_aggie04 on April 06, 2009, 10:01:15 am Good hogs Rex!! That is some good advice there Sam, I turned two dogs out one time and before I could get all my stuff together I heard them bay. I was by myself and left out on foot to them, got there to find them cought on 130lbs boar hog in a flooded area. I set my gun in a dry spot and walked out to them in about 12" water. Legged the hog and went for my knife to stick it and....no knife :-[ I couldn't get back to my gun so I just held him under the water till I thought he was dead. Thought I got him killed, came back a few hours later and....no hog! Apparently I am not very good at drowning hogs. Mistakes are normal but it is what you learn from them that is important. I would bet that knife doesn't come off your side or gear off the dogs till they are in the truck from now on!
Matt Title: Re: One Out...Fiasco Post by: Bump on April 06, 2009, 10:16:45 am I had left the ranch I was hunting and headed home on the county road that runs through a different ranch. The county road splits this place and the set of working pens are right on the county road.
I usually leave my dogs collared for this one reason. I'm pretty sure I wont turn out for an "easy" catch again....unless I am better prepared. Title: Re: One Out...Fiasco Post by: shawn on April 06, 2009, 10:27:33 am lol good hunt
sounds like ours the other day on forgetting stuff Title: Re: One Out...Fiasco Post by: ppc dogos on April 06, 2009, 10:36:38 am ;D hm...We just had a similar experience, we were 4 people running to a bay on a boar we wanted to bring out alive..and NO one of us had a rope with us, we just left the 4 wheelers in a hurry at the wetlands start...we send back Peter and 2 other to bring rope and 4 wheelers...Peter who is fast on his legs..ran ahead and got lost : )) the 2 others found Peter and took 30 minutes to get there....so Marvin sat on the boar for 30 minutes.
B Title: Re: One Out...Fiasco Post by: keyserdawg on April 06, 2009, 10:51:43 am Nice dogs man! Gotta love those nights!
Ben Title: Re: One Out...Fiasco Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on April 06, 2009, 12:15:10 pm Hobbles. Don't leave the truck without them.
I have also started carrying an orange break away blade box cutter that you can get at any hardware store. They sell for about $2. When the razor blade is dull, extend it, and break it off. When it is gone, replace the blade. I have used them several times on hogs, when the sticker was elsewhere. They are 2 onces at the most, and can fit in your back pocket with little feeling that it is even there. Great story, and nice pics. Glad it all worked out for you in the end. Josh Title: Re: One Out...Fiasco Post by: cantexduck on April 06, 2009, 01:49:57 pm Rex,
Nice boar. You catch dog finds more pigs then my cur(s)................ :o Title: Re: One Out...Fiasco Post by: lightningh on April 06, 2009, 02:15:09 pm Good hunt! And i LIke that setup on the ranger! i built a front rack for mine simialr to that!
Title: Re: One Out...Fiasco Post by: longshot on April 06, 2009, 02:53:58 pm Why the &%$*@& is Jim never there when you need him?.........LOL
Longshot Title: Re: One Out...Fiasco Post by: Bump on April 06, 2009, 03:48:33 pm Thanks for the comments.
Chris....these Jagds one day make me proud and the next make me want to hide under a rock. This hog wasnt bad....he was a rank sob for sure. Today it is comical but last night, I was wondering how I got myself in such a mess. I never carry hobbles because I dont think I have ever tied a hog. I was wondering where Jim was too. I was thinking surely he will be coming down the road any minute. Then I was wondering where my brain was...and how the heck I managed to turn loose an unvested dog and leave my knife at the truck. I did learn something....bailing wire does fix a lot of things. Title: Re: One Out...Fiasco Post by: Mike on April 06, 2009, 07:04:57 pm I'm glad that bailing wire was nearby... :o :o :o
Title: Re: One Out...Fiasco Post by: shawn on April 06, 2009, 07:57:10 pm Chris....these Jagds one day make me proud and the next make me want to hide under a rock. How come they make you want to hide under a rock sometimes? just curious because im thinking seriously of getting one. and would you suggest running them with curs? Title: Re: One Out...Fiasco Post by: Bump on April 06, 2009, 11:12:10 pm Shawn...They are fine to run with any sort of dogs. Probably like most dogs, they can look like a million bucks one day and make a liar the next.
I'm sure you will be pleased if you decide on a Jagd. They have no problem keeping up with a large dog and definitely enough grit to stop a hog....sometimes maybe too much. Title: Re: One Out...Fiasco Post by: shawn on April 07, 2009, 07:05:36 am They have no problem keeping up with a large dog and definitely enough grit to stop a hog....sometimes maybe too much. That's what I wanted to hear... ;D And I understand about ANY dog making you crazy, even some of the best ones have off days. Title: Re: One Out...Fiasco Post by: Jeff on April 12, 2009, 10:06:34 am how much do your jagds weigh, and do you always use four of them?
Title: Re: One Out...Fiasco Post by: Bump on April 12, 2009, 02:45:04 pm They weigh between 18 -25 lbs. Actually.....my three males between 18-20 lbs and the female is 25 lbs. I have 5 dogs....4 Jagds and one catch dog.
I'll take anywhere from 2 to all 4 depending on where I am hunting. I catch just as many hogs with 2 as I do with all 4. Title: Re: One Out...Fiasco Post by: jdt on April 12, 2009, 08:15:39 pm just wodering are them jagds bad about getting cut ? compared to anything else that is
Title: Re: One Out...Fiasco Post by: Bump on April 13, 2009, 09:25:19 am I wouldn't say any worse about getting cut than the next dog. The only problem I have had is attempting to catch a smaller boar with an above average grill. ;D I would guess they typically will attempt to catch anything 150 lbs or smaller.
I have an area I hunt that produces lots of 150 lb hogs with 2-3" teeth. That same place a friend trapped a 130 lb boar with 3 1/8" cutters last month.....and there seems to be an abundance of those. It's prob not correct to say all Jagds are rough. I have two that are rougher than the other two but will all catch a less aggressive or weak hog. Title: Re: One Out...Fiasco Post by: dabutcher on April 13, 2009, 10:15:50 am i always get a kick out of them little dogs. i've never been able to hunt behind some YET but Mr. Mason has one at his house and that dog carries this big ol metal pot around just runnin all day long. pot's gotta weigh more than he does.