HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: RyanTBH on March 20, 2012, 10:48:17 am

Title: We got smoked, but got some cool pics though.
Post by: RyanTBH on March 20, 2012, 10:48:17 am

Baus in his gear waiting on Fred to line something out.

Pretty big track...

Joe and Baus standing in a waller that was 2-3' deep in places.

We were walking back to the truck, and I wanted to see what Baus would do if we took him off his lead. He just walked up and got in stride with Fred and I... Like he's been doing it that way the whole time. I love that he isn't aggressive towards other dogs unless provoked.


And just a good pic of Sydni “helping” feed the dogs… LOL!

And if you're wondering where the hog that caused that damage is... we got smoked this past Sunday. We walked 5 miles, and Fred did 12. Fred stuck off 100 out from the waller, got within 40 yards, and he was hammering. Sent Baus in and right before he got there they broke, and Baus and Fred went chasing it down. Baus got out about 450, and started to head back to us. At this point, Fred was already 500+ out and this hog had its Nikes on Sunday. Got it stopped about a mile from us, and had it stopped for about an hour while we were trying to get to him... broke again, and then I got to where I could call him off the track because we were beat. It was humid as hell, and dealing with those creeks and bottoms is not easy walking. LOL! It was probably my fault that we didn't stop that hog because I didn't have any help for Fred on the ground. I decided to just take him and Baus, and we probably could have got it done, but us humans were tired.   :( We'll get that buster next time!!! You could tell ol' Fred was mad at me for calling him off that hog... He did not want to leave the woods, and if I'm being honest, it made me feel a little bad too. LOL!  >:(

Title: Re: We got smoked, but got some cool pics though.
Post by: BA-IV on March 20, 2012, 11:00:02 am
Good pictures.  Sounds like some good experience for some dogs.  Those snakes just about ruin a hunt for me.

Title: Re: We got smoked, but got some cool pics though.
Post by: t.wilbanks on March 20, 2012, 11:08:36 am
We have been seeing snakes every time on the last few hunts... Just hope my hip boots are snake proof..  :-\

Good Pics Ryan!! Its good to see what one dog can do alone.. Since yours didnt catch nothing we will just say he sucks..  >:D

Just Kidding!! Even a dry run or getting smoked is better than sitting at the house watching Jersey Shore or Teen Mom!!  :D  :P

Title: Re: We got smoked, but got some cool pics though.
Post by: RyanTBH on March 20, 2012, 11:31:57 am
BA it was... I think I probably need it more than Fred does though. He has probably been on more hogs than I have. LOL!  ;D And Trent, LMAO! If I had to put it on one of the dogs it would be Baus. He doesn't have near enough experiance as any of the other CDs that I've hunted with, but that is why I keep putting him in the woods. He'll catch a hog, and run one down cause hes done it before, but he IS NOT A Jane... Period. He just needs to see more hogs, and hear more bays is all IMO. Blake said that he probably tried to hit and missed, but we didn't hear a scuffle or a fight or anything... they just broke and the garmin had him 5 yards from them when they did. So idk... all I can say that I am glad that he did come back to us instead of trying to make that mile hike to get to where Fred got it stopped again. I would have liked to get that hog, but I'll take Joe (the dog) along with Fred next time and get it stopped.  ;D

Title: Re: We got smoked, but got some cool pics though.
Post by: t.wilbanks on March 20, 2012, 11:37:29 am
Ive seen several hogs break when they see the CDs coming... Just part of the game...  ;)

Title: Re: We got smoked, but got some cool pics though.
Post by: firemedic on March 20, 2012, 11:58:44 am
It's good for us to get hoo-dooed now and then, keeps us from getting too swelled up.

Title: Re: We got smoked, but got some cool pics though.
Post by: RyanTBH on March 20, 2012, 12:13:00 pm
Lol! Good way of looking at it FireMedic! Makes us appreciate it more when we eat dirt, then you finally get him and it's that much better!

Title: Re: We got smoked, but got some cool pics though.
Post by: BA-IV on March 20, 2012, 12:25:06 pm
We have been seeing snakes every time on the last few hunts... Just hope my hip boots are snake proof..  :-\

Good Pics Ryan!! Its good to see what one dog can do alone.. Since yours didnt catch nothing we will just say he sucks..  >:D

Just Kidding!! Even a dry run or getting smoked is better than sitting at the house watching Jersey Shore or Teen Mom!!  :D  :P

We know Trenton is married by this comment.  You know a married guy by the shows they watch, teen mom 2 and jersey shore, your ol lady amke you watch the house wives to.

Title: Re: We got smoked, but got some cool pics though.
Post by: t.wilbanks on March 20, 2012, 12:34:09 pm

We know Trenton is married by this comment.  You know a married guy by the shows they watch, teen mom 2 and jersey shore, your ol lady amke you watch the house wives to.

We can tell your married cuz you've been watchin Teen Mom 2.....  I never said anything about the second season!!!  >:D  :D

Title: Re: We got smoked, but got some cool pics though.
Post by: RyanTBH on March 20, 2012, 12:37:15 pm
We have been seeing snakes every time on the last few hunts... Just hope my hip boots are snake proof..  :-\

Good Pics Ryan!! Its good to see what one dog can do alone.. Since yours didnt catch nothing we will just say he sucks..  >:D

Just Kidding!! Even a dry run or getting smoked is better than sitting at the house watching Jersey Shore or Teen Mom!!  :D  :P

We know Trenton is married by this comment.  You know a married guy by the shows they watch, teen mom 2 and jersey shore, your ol lady amke you watch the house wives to.
Well how come im missing all this excitment then??? Cause I'm married too... LOL! Oh, I know, I'm on HERE or in the woods while she is watchin that stuff! LOL! My homes away from home.  ;)

Title: Re: We got smoked, but got some cool pics though.
Post by: BA-IV on March 20, 2012, 01:05:54 pm
That's right  ;D. It's rough brother, only thing on tv nowadays is Spongebob or Housewives of whatever city and teen mom (both seasons) re-runs, I've seen em all AT LEAST twice

Title: Re: We got smoked, but got some cool pics though.
Post by: t.wilbanks on March 20, 2012, 01:09:01 pm
That's right  ;D. It's rough brother, only thing on tv nowadays is Spongebob or Housewives of whatever city and teen mom (both seasons) re-runs, I've seen em all AT LEAST twice

You might as well move on over here to NE Texas... Our wives can watch that crap together, while we go barr some swine!!  ;)

Title: Re: We got smoked, but got some cool pics though.
Post by: RyanTBH on March 20, 2012, 01:12:03 pm
Well, I will say that I do not like Spongebob at all. I think it drains kids... There was some report that I heard about that was on the news about this, and research had been done, but I just don't let Sydni watch it anymore. I will have to admit she does like her bubble guppies and other cartoons though... I've been caught zoned out to those with her.  ;D ;)

Title: Re: We got smoked, but got some cool pics though.
Post by: BA-IV on March 20, 2012, 01:17:27 pm
That's right  ;D. It's rough brother, only thing on tv nowadays is Spongebob or Housewives of whatever city and teen mom (both seasons) re-runs, I've seen em all AT LEAST twice

You might as well move on over here to NE Texas... Our wives can watch that crap together, while we go barr some swine!!  ;)

Now that's a plan right there.

Bubble Guppies have some real catchy sing along songs.  I hate Spongebob and most of today's new cartoons.  I'm a Scooby and Tom and Jerry fan.

Title: Re: We got smoked, but got some cool pics though.
Post by: t.wilbanks on March 20, 2012, 01:17:41 pm
Well, I will say that I do not like Spongebob at all. I think it drains kids... There was some report that I heard about that was on the news about this, and research had been done, but I just don't let Sydni watch it anymore. I will have to admit she does like her bubble guppies and other cartoons though... I've been caught zoned out to those with her.  ;D ;)

My little girl likes South Park, Swamp People, and Full Metal Jousting ( because of the horses )

She gets mad when a commercial comes on during Swamp People because she was " watchin the agator "  ;D

Title: Re: We got smoked, but got some cool pics though.
Post by: RyanTBH on March 20, 2012, 01:24:35 pm
LOL! Syd will watch just about anything with us, but when it comes to her, it's normally either guppies or Tangled.... and yes, guppies is very educational. (btw that Tangled movie is about to drive me nuts!!!) I've seen it a million times, and yet she acts like its the first time everytime; but yet is starting to repeat parts and makes me feel bad if I try and turn the channel. It's crazy seeing kids grow up so fast... I don't remember growing up that fast! LOL!  ;D I'll tell you one thing, it puts the world in a whole new perspective. Tom and Jerry used to be one of my favorites. And Trent, I've never been able to do South Park... I can change over to it every now and then, but I swear when I watch that show I feel like I've lost brain cells! LOL! Maybe that's whats wrong with you...?  :laugh: ;) ;D

Title: Re: We got smoked, but got some cool pics though.
Post by: RyanTBH on March 20, 2012, 01:25:37 pm
Well, I will say that I do not like Spongebob at all. I think it drains kids... There was some report that I heard about that was on the news about this, and research had been done, but I just don't let Sydni watch it anymore. I will have to admit she does like her bubble guppies and other cartoons though... I've been caught zoned out to those with her.  ;D ;)

My little girl likes South Park, Swamp People, and Full Metal Jousting ( because of the horses )

She gets mad when a commercial comes on during Swamp People because she was " watchin the agator "  ;D
Oh, and that Jousting is crazy! I can stab or catch a hog, but idk if I could do that... I'd fall apart! LOL!

Title: Re: We got smoked, but got some cool pics though.
Post by: t.wilbanks on March 20, 2012, 01:35:45 pm
And Trent, I've never been able to do South Park... I can change over to it every now and then, but I swear when I watch that show I feel like I've lost brain cells! LOL! Maybe that's whats wrong with you...?  :laugh: ;) ;D

Could be, but i will continue to loose brain cells because the new season just started!!  ;D

Title: Re: We got smoked, but got some cool pics though.
Post by: BA-IV on March 20, 2012, 01:38:57 pm
Yeah Ryan it's bad when we let 2 year olds dictate what we watch.  I've tangled as many times as you have and it never fails I'm getting my hair brushed at least ten times that night, but I wouldn't trade these memories for anything.  Now that's my girl, bow her twin brother likes Mudcats, Swamp People, and the Fox and the Hound.

Title: Re: We got smoked, but got some cool pics though.
Post by: RyanTBH on March 20, 2012, 01:52:48 pm
You couldn't be more right about that BA... I wouldn't trade it for the world!!! I love being a daddy, and I can't wait to have a boy (wishful thinking)... LOL! I guess I'll be blessed with what I need, and not what I want though. Trent, you're a trip man. I just think that TV has gone down the drain in recent years, and I don't watch a whole lot of it. When I do its history channel, outdoors channel, or something along those lines, and even that is few and far between.

Title: Re: We got smoked, but got some cool pics though.
Post by: t.wilbanks on March 20, 2012, 01:57:46 pm
Same here.. I bought my little girl a 10 pack DVD set of different old school Looney Toons, Tom and Jerry, Mickey Mouse and all the others we watched back in the day... The old ones cant be beat... Except by South Park...  ;D

Title: Re: We got smoked, but got some cool pics though.
Post by: jimmy_creed on March 21, 2012, 07:30:40 pm
i guess ill have to take you huntin again so you can stop watching tv and catch a hog i dont have any rodeos this weekend so if want to catch one come on over

Title: Re: We got smoked, but got some cool pics though.
Post by: RyanTBH on March 21, 2012, 07:33:57 pm
LOL! You're a funny guy! What's up with your phone...? turned off? anywho, I've been trying to get a hunt with ya man. Sat morn?

Title: Re: We got smoked, but got some cool pics though.
Post by: co on March 26, 2012, 02:28:02 pm
I miss hunting with ole Fred. If you ever need to sell him. Look me up first. That yella pup that chase g that came out of fred is doing pretty good as well