HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: curdawgs on March 21, 2012, 12:20:57 pm

Title: ETHD Dog peddlers
Post by: curdawgs on March 21, 2012, 12:20:57 pm
Im wondering do yall dog peddlers not kjnow that everytime you post a dog, we go to your last posts and if half of the 30 posts you have made are tryn to sell dogs then we know what your up to... lol I mean One fella posted to sell dsome sure enough strike dogs yesterday but two weeks ago he was looking for some sure enough strike dogs. Now im looking for a good finished dog myself to get some pups trained right and i aint against sellinbg dogs, ive even sold one on here; but dang some of these guys must be making a good living on here.

Title: Re: ETHD Dog peddlers
Post by: BA-IV on March 21, 2012, 12:56:50 pm
It's supply and demand. Someone wants something, well within the next couple of hours, there is three or four posts that have that exact dog for sale.  Most of the time, it's the same people looking for hogdogs a week or a month ago. 

It's exactly why Mike took the reply option of the dog trade. Everyone would be calling each other out every time we turned around.  I'm surprised Mike even keeps the dog trade up. 98% of the dogs are trash and it causes them more trouble then it's worth with all the PM's and aggravation.

Title: Re: ETHD Dog peddlers
Post by: Acwells0808 on March 21, 2012, 01:04:13 pm
Oh I am sure they do its  really sad actually I think they don't think that far ahead they don't look to see what all a person has posted so they don't expect us to LOL that's where they are wrong popo

Title: Re: ETHD Dog peddlers
Post by: RyanTBH on March 21, 2012, 01:41:39 pm
well, this is you sign to just meet some good people that you know have good dogs, and play "lets make a deal!!!" LOL! There are good people out there with good dogs.

Title: Re: ETHD Dog peddlers
Post by: BOSS HOGG on March 21, 2012, 01:58:24 pm
Im wondering do yall dog peddlers not kjnow that everytime you post a dog, we go to your last posts and if half of the 30 posts you have made are tryn to sell dogs then we know what your up to... lol I mean One fella posted to sell dsome sure enough strike dogs yesterday but two weeks ago he was looking for some sure enough strike dogs. Now im looking for a good finished dog myself to get some pups trained right and i aint against sellinbg dogs, ive even sold one on here; but dang some of these guys must be making a good living on here.
yea and then he gives u a # to "txt" for a reference and instead I call & its his name on the voicemail LOL...

Title: Re: ETHD Dog peddlers
Post by: curdawgs on March 21, 2012, 02:12:05 pm
Well I think the dog trade section can be good and it looks like there is a dog there now that id like to try if I was closer. The guy aint no peddler (or at least i dont think he is) and he says buy the dog in the woods and come hunt with me as many times as it takes. when a guy says that he is straight up. i mean right now im in a tight myself and need a good dog so im not knocking the trading section but some of those guys are Squirrels!  O0

Title: Re: ETHD Dog peddlers
Post by: uglydog on March 21, 2012, 03:32:04 pm
What is worse then the squirrls selling?
I will tell you.

The Nuts that can look up the stuff the same way you just described but buy from the squirrels anyway and then come complaining to ETHD about after they get a bad deal. They want ETHD to make it right, and cause all kinds of havoc because they are embarrassed and I think they should BE.

TRY BEFORE YOU BUY, or DONT BUY, I DONT care what kind of Bull Cocky story the seller tells you. If you are buying a dog thats supposed to get out and hunt go see it do it. If you are buying a pup that only been in a bay pen well then don't expect much. You also only going tp get what yopu pay for, if I pay $2000 for a dog It better shine before any money changes hands, if I pay $200, I am stupid if I expect to see anything but a live healthy dog before money changes hands, PEOPLE NEED TO GET REAL EXPECTATIONS and WISE UP,

Title: Re: ETHD Dog peddlers
Post by: easttexasoutlaw33 on March 21, 2012, 09:03:41 pm
TRY BEFORE YOU BUY, or DONT BUY, I DONT care what kind of Bull Cocky story the seller tells you. If you are buying a dog thats supposed to get out and hunt go see it do it. If you are buying a pup that only been in a bay pen well then don't expect much. You also only going tp get what yopu pay for, if I pay $2000 for a dog It better shine before any money changes hands, if I pay $200, I am stupid if I expect to see anything but a live healthy dog before money changes hands, PEOPLE NEED TO GET REAL EXPECTATIONS and WISE UP

I totally agree people expect to get a finish dog that burns ass for 2-300 dollars and it just aint gonna happen think of it this way if you buy a pup with no training at all you pay 75 plus. That doesnt mean they will be anything. If a dog bays in a pen its worth 200 if it hunts in the woods 300 or more strikes its own hogs 500 or more depending on how finished it is JMO. WOULD YOU GO GET YOUR STRIKE DOG OUT AND SELL HIM FOR $300?

Title: Re: ETHD Dog peddlers
Post by: KevinN on March 21, 2012, 10:13:44 pm

Title: Re: ETHD Dog peddlers
Post by: TexasLacy on March 21, 2012, 10:43:37 pm

Title: Re: ETHD Dog peddlers
Post by: BIG BEN on March 21, 2012, 10:47:01 pm
 Peddlers make it hard on the honest man, you cant trust nobody anymore buyers or sellers alike. But there are honest people with honest dogs out there for sale.

Title: Re: ETHD Dog peddlers
Post by: dub on March 21, 2012, 11:04:06 pm
I just had some puppies up on the dog trade does that make me a peddler. I am just radling you cage. My puppies were free. But where should the honest people post dogs for sale? Just click on my history and you will see I don't sell dogs and have not bought one in a long time. I figure most people think their dogs are the best and they look at them with foggy glasses on. I bet if you are reading this you think those other people should not think their dogs are as good as your rolleyes But when you pay for a dog people get super picky. I have been taken a couple times but that don't mean everyone on the dog trade board is a crook. It does mean I look a little closer now.

But I still have three puppies to peddle. Free now but when I put them on a hog they will bay pen dogs and worth $200 each. rolleyes

Title: Re: ETHD Dog peddlers
Post by: Miller Lite on March 22, 2012, 08:30:36 am
one way to fix it ... Raise two dogs ... breed two dogs ... get 8 puppies ... raise them cull them an bam you'll have a decent pack in a year or two ... i think its funny how some people got striaght up trash an wonder why it doesn't get out an hunt .... hell anyone can walk a perfectly good dog over a hog track an it MIGHT run it ... i just prefer to say get ahead an sit on the four wheeler an drink cold beer an wait on them to bay

Title: Re: ETHD Dog peddlers
Post by: Mike on March 22, 2012, 08:40:26 am
one way to fix it ... Raise two dogs ... breed two dogs ... get 8 puppies ... raise them cull them an bam you'll have a decent pack in a year or two ...

Ha ha ha... if only it was that easy. ;D

Title: Re: ETHD Dog peddlers
Post by: Miller Lite on March 22, 2012, 08:51:57 am
one way to fix it ... Raise two dogs ... breed two dogs ... get 8 puppies ... raise them cull them an bam you'll have a decent pack in a year or two ...

Ha ha ha... if only it was that easy. ;D

worked for me so far ... just takes time  >:D

Title: Re: ETHD Dog peddlers
Post by: BA-IV on March 22, 2012, 09:10:40 am
one way to fix it ... Raise two dogs ... breed two dogs ... get 8 puppies ... raise them cull them an bam you'll have a decent pack in a year or two

Definitely on the right path.  The only problem with that is I'm looking for the exceptional pack and refuse to settle.  I have an end goal in mind and that's what I'll accomplish.  It's took a lot culling, alot of highway time, alot of research, and hours of phone time.   

But yes, people wanna know why they have trash when they're buying trash. 

Title: Re: ETHD Dog peddlers
Post by: BOSS HOGG on March 22, 2012, 09:15:33 am
one way to fix it ... Raise two dogs ... breed two dogs ... get 8 puppies ... raise them cull them an bam you'll have a decent pack in a year or two ...

Ha ha ha... if only it was that easy. ;D
  lol i know that's right

Title: Re: ETHD Dog peddlers
Post by: Miller Lite on March 22, 2012, 09:20:07 am
one way to fix it ... Raise two dogs ... breed two dogs ... get 8 puppies ... raise them cull them an bam you'll have a decent pack in a year or two ...

Ha ha ha... if only it was that easy. ;D
  lol i know that's right

good genetics ... or should i just say ... YELLA DOGS lol  ;D mine are coming along fine glad im fortunate enough that i  dont have to buy dogs an even if i could aint no way i'd pay 1000 bucks for a dog let alone 2000 ... thats a freakin welding machine lol             

mine are also hunted HARD atleast 4 times a week

Title: Re: ETHD Dog peddlers
Post by: uglydog on March 22, 2012, 09:50:07 am
Miller Lite I think you are right but first you have to start with the right two dogs, and if all they turn out to be cull/ not as good, you have two get two more too breed and this could take these and years & years  before even having something worth breeding if you are honest with yourself in the first place. Face it most Most people DONT hunt but 4-5 times a month and ONLY think they have the best. They can CLAIM THE BEST when they only compare to a few hunting buddies dogs and dont really get them out and hunt against dogs across the rest the of the country in ALL different  terrains and all situations. (not meaning you talking about others that make BOLD CLAIMS ON INTERNET FORUMS to BOAST THEIR OWN EGOS & SELL DOGS)

Before Breeding and claiming to have the BEST and SElling THe Best and EVEN KNOWING WHAT TOP SHELF DOGS ARE, you would have to have some real experience and alot miles on your boots and dogs, too many people jump into somebody else Bull Cock stories way too gullible IMO, I feel sorta sorry but then I really hope they learn a lesson and start researching and get smarter from that point on

DONT GET ME WRONG, I think I got good dogs myself or I would not feed them, I aint stupid enough to feed a whole yard full of pets, just dumb enough to feed half a yard full of pets  ;) However I dont go around acting like the Cock-of-the-walk, I know there is always somebody with something better around the next corner, somebody with something to offer to teach me, somebody with a dog that has a gene pool that will add something to improve what I got. I do get Cocky when somebody starts running their mouths!!! popo

Title: Re: ETHD Dog peddlers
Post by: Miller Lite on March 22, 2012, 10:08:23 am
Miller Lite I think you are right but first you have to start with the right two dogs, and if all they turn out to be cull/ not as good, you have two get two more too breed and this could take these and years & years  before even having something worth breeding if you are honest with yourself in the first place. Face it most Most people DONT hunt but 4-5 times a month and ONLY think they have the best. They can CLAIM THE BEST when they only compare to a few hunting buddies dogs and dont really get them out and hunt against dogs across the rest the of the country in ALL different  terrains and all situations. (not meaning you talking about others that make BOLD CLAIMS ON INTERNET FORUMS to BOAST THEIR OWN EGOS & SELL DOGS)   

I agree with that ... i didn't breed my dogs until they were both finding an baying hogs consistantly ... an i agree about gettin out an huntin with other dogs ... i hunt with a man who is goin on 60 .. he has some straight up hands down hogs dogs ... thats part of the reason why mine are what they are ... we have been starting our on line of yellars these past few years he is so far got the only dog that i personally think is just a great dog he doesn't lie he doesn't trash an he  has a great personallity for a dog i look at things like that considering im about to have a son an i cant have any biting ass cur dogs or anything rough around my yard lol  all mine are gental an calm i also like my dogs to bay but try an barr them if they run an i also hunt on foot 90% of the time keep in mind the man i hunt with is goin on 60 he lets me hunt his land for two things my dogs WILL NOT bump a deer they learned from his dog they only bark when they are looking at a hog an i thank him damn near everytime we catch hogs together hell over the last weekend me him an one of my buddies caught 10 nothing huge barred a few took a few meat sows an a bunch of shoats an 2nd i used to have a bulldog we called Miller this man doesn't like a bulldog .. i put miller int he back of his mule an his two cur dogs jumped on him that bulldog looked at my the whole time long enough for me to tell the man all i gotta say is get em an its over ... that dog never raised a lip an when we turned him loose he hit like a train i do not allow me animals to bark int he box/back of the truck mule ect. i dont allow me animals to growl face bark any of that ... thats reason for me to cull i've persoanlly hunted behind a few dogs with him that i thought were just great dogs they were hog dogs but they too were also hunted atleast 4 times a week an have taught me a lot working behind these dogs

Title: Re: ETHD Dog peddlers
Post by: Miller Lite on March 22, 2012, 10:19:49 am
an i assure you that me an my dogs are both learning as well i've been runnin dogs goin on 11 years this july an learn something damn near everytime we turn loose i also exspect my dogs to run hard an stay busy i dont like a dog that'll run 100 yards turn around look at you like YOU COMING i will not own that i will not feed that i have 6 yella dogs 1 bulldog an a coondog that is goin on 11 i've had since i was 11 i may be young but i do raise an train every animal in my yard if it doesn't make the cut i'll ask one of my close friends if they want it some will tell you im hard on my dogs some say to hard but my dogs know what i want an they do there best to do it for me i gotta male dog right now that was a tricky one he was smart VERY SMART but growing up i was told " you gotta be smarter then the dog if you want it to hunt" thank god for garmins or he wouldn't be what he is today some may believe this some may not but i personally think this dog learned that if he layed down i was coming so he got to where he would go a loooong ways an never sit still if he got tired or whatever he'd just walk a big circle over an over cause he knew if he layed down i'd be there ... then one day he ran 2 miles an when thought he was doing that i got about 400 yards away an could hear him choppin away an sure enough he turned on ... he wasn't even a year old yet an is still finding an baying hogs everytime i turn him loose he is a piglet killing machine lol an i personally hate it butttt a hog is a hog lol he is doing what i want an i was also told growing up a smart dog will go for the small hog an i agree with that cause i know damn well if i had to use my teeth to catch a hog aint no way im grabbin a 300lbs boar hog by the ear lol im going to that piglet about 25lbs an doin work on him lol i also take this sport very serious i dont hunt them competions YET but i do love a hog dog or a huntin dog period we also run beagles coondogs hog dogs squirrle dogs an i used to run yotes when i was a small boy ... aint nothing like hearing 30 walker dogs tearin into a yote

Title: Re: ETHD Dog peddlers
Post by: t.wilbanks on March 22, 2012, 10:32:16 am
he is a piglet killing machine lol an i personally hate it butttt a hog is a hog lol he is doing what i want an i was also told growing up a smart dog will go for the small hog an i agree with that cause i know damn well if i had to use my teeth to catch a hog aint no way im grabbin a 300lbs boar hog by the ear lol im going to that piglet about 25lbs an doin work on him lol

That dog would also be considered a cull to some for that reason.. Id much rather bay up big momma than catch her piglet.. But like you said, a hogs a hog... It all depends on what you want, and what you are willing to feed..  ;)


Title: Re: ETHD Dog peddlers
Post by: Reuben on March 22, 2012, 10:35:17 am
one way to fix it ... Raise two dogs ... breed two dogs ... get 8 puppies ... raise them cull them an bam you'll have a decent pack in a year or two ...

I agree...but I start culling at birth, then at 3 months, 6 months, etc. etc. cause of the work involved and the cost...not to mention space...but it is the best way in my opinion...

Title: Re: ETHD Dog peddlers
Post by: djhogdogger on March 22, 2012, 11:09:51 am
one way to fix it ... Raise two dogs ... breed two dogs ... get 8 puppies ... raise them cull them an bam you'll have a decent pack in a year or two ...

I agree...but I start culling at birth, then at 3 months, 6 months, etc. etc. cause of the work involved and the cost...not to mention space...but it is the best way in my opinion...

 Reuben, what do you look for when culling at birth?

Title: Re: ETHD Dog peddlers
Post by: halfbreed on March 22, 2012, 11:47:36 am
i'm sure he's talking about genetic defects and to make sure they ain't yella  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: ETHD Dog peddlers
Post by: chads7376 on March 22, 2012, 12:07:53 pm
... i just prefer to say get ahead an sit on the four wheeler an drink cold beer an wait on them to bay

This is my kinda hunting!! 8)

Title: Re: ETHD Dog peddlers
Post by: KevinN on March 22, 2012, 04:23:51 pm
i'm sure he's talking about genetic defects and to make sure they ain't yella  ;D ;D ;D

Ha, ha!