HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: waylon-N.E. OK on March 22, 2012, 08:22:32 pm

Title: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: waylon-N.E. OK on March 22, 2012, 08:22:32 pm
First I'd like to say I am not for abusing any substance or for doing anything illegal.

I have thought about this for a long time and figured this is as good a bunch of people to poll as anyone. I was a investigator for the Dist. 10 drug task force, severed as a Police Officer off and on from the time I was 21 until just a few years ago and I volunteer still from time to time. in all that time I noticed how much more devastating Alcohol was on peoples lives than Marijuana. I've seen more abused children come from alcohol, more spouse abuse, more auto accidents ( actually never worked a marijuana related car wreck ) Saw more cases of poverty from people stuck in a bottle and all had to fight people to gain custody to effect and arrest on alcohol and can't remember if I ever had to fight any one on marijuana, but I don't think so.

As I said already I don't condone abusing any drug and I do not use either alcohol or marijuana, but I can not see for the life of me why some folks are so down of folks who " Smoke pot " when some of these very same folks hit there social club of choice on the weekends and get stumbling drunk. When I worked as an investigator I had friends who I knew used marijuana and we just never talked about it, to this day I can name a handful of men who go to work every day and use marijuana. I just can see why it carries such a taboo today and we think it's ok to to sell 90 proof alcohol to any one over 21 with a heartbeat and the cash for the stuff? Do you think I'm off my rocker in my thoughts be i'd like to hear your honest opinions

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on March 22, 2012, 08:35:39 pm
Take another hit, and keep talking Waylon.  rolleyes

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: waylon-N.E. OK on March 22, 2012, 08:41:22 pm
 :D Funny I never cared for either when I was growing up and don't drink or use smoke. Just speaking my mind because I came from a family of violent drunks maybe I'm tilted in my opinions but that's how I feel.

God Bless, Waylon

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: mod93dirt on March 22, 2012, 09:19:51 pm
I'll throw my honest ten cents in here. I smoked weed nearly everyday from ages 16-21. Then my daughter came along and I guess I realized it was time to grow up and quit smoking. I started smokin weed before I ever got drunk, which did not happen until after I got out of high school. Since then I'll still smoke maybe two or three times a year when the mood strikes me just right and I am around someone who had some. Many of my good friends still smoke all the time, I dont look down on them and they dont try to get me to smoke with them. I'm not necessarily proud of the fact I used to be a pothead, but I am in no way ashamed of it either. Other than the fact that it is illegal, I have no issue with anyone smoking some weed.

I think along the same lines as you Waylon. I have seen way more bad come from alcohol than weed. I havent ever seen two stoned people get in a fistfight, that definitely cant be said for alcohol. And while no one should drive under the influence, If I had to choose to take a ride with a stoned or drunk person, I'll take the stoner everytime. We wont be going fast enough to get in a serious wreck, haha. And I dont buy the "gateway" drug theory either. I've smoked pounds of weed, but never cared to try any other illegal drug.

I see someone taking a hit or two of some weed after they get off of work as being no different than having a few beers after you get off work. Some people like the feelin weed gives them, and some like the effects of the alcohol. I'll have a beer or two with my buddies after work to unwind, but rarely drink enough to get drunk anymore. I got too much to do day in and day out and cant handle a hangover like I used to. If it were ever to be made legal, I think I could easily never want to drink again. I much prefer the effects of weed vs those from alcohol. These days I just have very little to do with the stuff mainly for the fact that is illegal, and for me it aint worth any consequences of getting in trouble with the law because of it.

Disclaimer: I am not trying to condone or advocate anything here, the man just asked for honest opinions and thats what I gave him!

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: charles on March 22, 2012, 09:22:34 pm
Take another hit, and keep talking Waylon.  rolleyes

LOL  ;D i agree. sure ur name aint willie, not waylon  ;D

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: nub35 on March 22, 2012, 09:28:38 pm
Ain't nothin wrong with smokin!! IMO.
Texas will not legalize it cuz it grows easy
In our climate, and they can't tax something
U can grow yourself!! Lol ;D :o

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: waylon-N.E. OK on March 22, 2012, 09:30:01 pm
 :D Charles I almost didn't post this because I was afraid people would get the wrong idea about me. I don't believe the Bible allows me to use either based on the some of the writtings in the pastoral letters that give qualifications for elders and deacons and I honestly don't. I've tried both when in high school and didn't care for them. I just can't seem to understand why we look at the 2 in such a different light is all.

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: charles on March 22, 2012, 09:38:59 pm
 waylon, i ment no disrespect. i dont use neither drug. i stoped smoking weed in 96 so i could join the military and never messed with it again. i stopped drinking alcohol in 2009 so i could afford arrows, fuel, corn and broadheads. i would rather hunt and eat deer than drink beer. it hadnt effected my work, but if i woulda give it another month or so, it would have gotten me in trouble.

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: Purebreedcolt on March 22, 2012, 09:46:41 pm
Domnt get me wrong but the weed seems to affect most people.  I have known several and it seems to dull their minds.  Now I don't smoke but I do drink some.  I VARY seldom get drunk but for me I see the two about the same when abused.  I guess since I drink and not smoke I feel different aint never smoked nothing other than some meat on a fire and don't ever plan to but by gosh pass me the jack lmao.

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: grittydog on March 22, 2012, 09:48:49 pm
If you would look down on somebody for smoking a joint I feel sorry for you. These are the same people that look down on others because the have a higher paying job and so on.I work construction and you will get that guy that went out and drank till 4 in the morning and come in to work in a bad condition, I would rathed that guy smoked a joint the night before. I smoked some weed when I was younger 20 years ago. Would I let my kids hang out with dopehead- HELL NO. But if I found out my kid tryed a drug I dont know what I would do. If somebody is responsible about what they do at there own home so be it, It's the drunk that drives when they shouldn't ( and I have drove drunk many years ago, I was lucky I didn't get caught or killed somebody). A drug addict stealing from people, that who I have issues with. To be honest my kids changed the way I look at things. WAYLON speak the truth and your real friend will still be there.

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: tnhillbilly on March 22, 2012, 09:57:26 pm
I see what your saying and agree with you 100 I havnt done either in yrs and believe the same way. I have tried both and thankfully I absolutely HATED the effects of pot.
     I can judge no one for using either because I have done my share of it over the years. I do believe if alcohol was not so readily available and glorified we would be in much better shape. I would be 100 times better off than I am now, had I never took that first drink. But thats just me.

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: matt_aggie04 on March 22, 2012, 10:10:50 pm
It's an interesting topic so I'll chime in. I drank to excess in high school and early on in college far too often. I would drink occasionally after I got married and started working for a living but I have not had a drink of alchohol since 2008 due to issues with my blood sugar.  The thing I have found funny is how others view me for choosing not to have a drink. You would think I was the strangest person alive for choosing not to drink at all and get treated pretty chitty sometimes for not drinking. By the same token functioning alcoholics are socially accepted and nobody ever gives them a ration of chit for drinking all the time, a confusing double standard.  
My opinion on weed, let those who chose to smoke, smoke. Everything in excess is  bad for you and people can smoke in moderation just like drinking a glass of wine. I haven't smoked since college and don't have any plans to do so but I have nothing against someone who smokes.

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: bob on March 22, 2012, 10:17:49 pm
I think with calafornias pot laws it sends mixed signals out to alot of people , I know good people that has smoked on and off there whole life , family get togethers , deer camp ect. , some say its a gateway drug to others and some people are just week i think , to each there own , just my 2 cents

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: charles on March 22, 2012, 10:19:50 pm
It's an interesting topic so I'll chime in. I drank to excess in high school and early on in college far too often. I would drink occasionally after I got married and started working for a living but I have not had a drink of alchohol since 2008 due to issues with my blood sugar.  The thing I have found funny is how others view me for choosing not to have a drink. You would think I was the strangest person alive for choosing not to drink at all and get treated pretty chitty sometimes for not drinking. By the same token functioning alcoholics are socially accepted and nobody ever gives them a ration of chit for drinking all the time, a confusing double standard.  
My opinion on weed, let those who chose to smoke, smoke. Everything in excess is  bad for you and people can smoke in moderation just like drinking a glass of wine. I haven't smoked since college and don't have any plans to do so but I have nothing against someone who smokes.

well said. i am looked upon the same bc i choose not to drink. im not invited to outings with my old drinking buddies bc they think im strange for not drinking. im strange for other reasons than that.  ;D

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: muleman on March 22, 2012, 10:30:58 pm
I dont really drink anymore and I never was big on weed, but if they made it legal, id burn one with you guys!  8)

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: halfbreed on March 22, 2012, 11:50:19 pm
good subject  and my two cents    , the war on drugs is and never was meant to be won . there is too much money involved in keeping it illeagal . just think of all the crime invovled in the drug trade  it would be gone thus less police less lawyers and judges prisons would have tumble weeds rolling thru them and we would have less government . the war on drugs is a premise to tax the civilians . look at prohibition all it did was creat crime and the need for more government . and some of the stupid laws associated with alcohal , you can go buy enough beer and wine to get falling down drunk on sunday but you can't buy a bottle of wiskey . i say legalize it all people that gonna do it are gonna do it period . but as it is we are paying way to much in tax dollars trying to stop it and it will never be stopped . i'd rather hang around with a bunch of mellowed out young potheads than be around a bunch of beginer alcoholics that all they wanna do is get drunk and fight . just my 2 cents oh damn burnt my mustach doobie gettin too short ha ha

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: YELLOWBLACKMASK on March 23, 2012, 12:09:21 am
Soooooo what's the topic again?


Title: Re: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: biseral on March 23, 2012, 01:23:45 am
to each his own, but im a beer guy.

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: Reuben on March 23, 2012, 02:23:02 am
good subject  and my two cents    , the war on drugs is and never was meant to be won . there is too much money involved in keeping it illeagal . just think of all the crime invovled in the drug trade  it would be gone thus less police less lawyers and judges prisons would have tumble weeds rolling thru them and we would have less government . the war on drugs is a premise to tax the civilians . look at prohibition all it did was creat crime and the need for more government . and some of the stupid laws associated with alcohal , you can go buy enough beer and wine to get falling down drunk on sunday but you can't buy a bottle of wiskey . i say legalize it all people that gonna do it are gonna do it period . but as it is we are paying way to much in tax dollars trying to stop it and it will never be stopped . i'd rather hang around with a bunch of mellowed out young potheads than be around a bunch of beginer alcoholics that all they wanna do is get drunk and fight . just my 2 cents oh damn burnt my mustach doobie gettin too short ha ha

x2...it's all about the money...

I believe in root cause analysis and root cause fixes...so, I totally agree with HalfBreed...

same for curing diseases...Pharmaceticals spend all the time, money, and energy finding treatments but no cures...I can go on and on...

but I never got myself in trouble with weed but did quite a bit because of alcohol as a youngster...at one time I wanted weed to be legalized but now I am against it...can't be good for the lungs and brain...

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: BIG BEN on March 23, 2012, 05:21:11 am
 I see nothing wrong with a lil pot, being from California I pretty much grew up around smokers and growers alike my whole life. Ive never seen a violent crime where the offender was stoned on pot, never seen a 10 car pile up on pot either. I have seen alcohol ruin alot of lives in my day including some in my family. Pot would be a very good taxable product that could help our national debt, hell California is making almost 500 million a year from the medical pot shops on taxes alone.

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: CentralTex 254 on March 23, 2012, 08:27:17 am
I haven't drank or smoked in 5 yrs but one thing I remember is that it's easier to hide a blunt than a half drank bottle of Jack

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: RyanTBH on March 23, 2012, 08:29:05 am
To each his/her own... anything that is abused is not good. I don’t judge people for what they want to do in their free time or what they believe, and nor do I like to be. So, as long as you take care of your family and what is expected of you I don’t see a problem with either, and you are fine by me.  :-X

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: jalston on March 23, 2012, 08:36:57 am
Waylon      i agree with you 100%......and have did both..........the reason most think smoking pot is worse is because it is illegal...however most break the law by drinking under age or driving while drinking,as i did in the past many times.      i finally grew up when i was 35....   jim

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: SwineHunter on March 23, 2012, 08:44:45 am
 :( 8) 8) ;D :-X

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: Eric on March 23, 2012, 08:59:21 am
We have a major problem with drinking and driving in this country. It gets some exposure but not near as much as it should. If you live in SA or listen to SA radio stations its every week a family or officer is killed by a drunk driver. Just recently a man got out to change a flat. Drunk driver slams into the back of their vehicle and kills his wife immediatly. 10 yr old daughter dies later at the hospital.

I am not against legalizing marijuana but I would have to hear more details.

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: ARhogdogs on March 23, 2012, 09:07:49 am
I was raised in a household where it was parties every weekend, down at the river hoopin hollering throwin shoes and gettin drunk. Weed was all around. I tried it, got drunk a few times. I can count the times I smoked weed on one hand and the times I have drank on two. Its not for me. My dad is a bad alcoholic, seen a lot of bad things happen with him because of it. I will never do either nor will I heavily associate or surround myself with ppl that drink heavy or smoke heavy. My adrenaline rush, my feel good, my relax my body time is in the woods workin dogs. I don't look down on anyone who drinks or smokes that's your business do what ya want, just don't bring it around me or mine.

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: t.wilbanks on March 23, 2012, 09:33:02 am
"Drugs are bad, M'kay...So if you do drugs, then your bad... So dont be bad, by doin drugs ... Cuz that'd be bad.. Cuz drugs are bad.. M'kay.. "   - Mr. Mackey  ;D

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: sdillard on March 23, 2012, 10:33:06 am
JMO but pot is the gateway drug, ive seen it time and time again, now im not saying that getting piss drunk is good but i havent seen anyone steal for a 6 pack!

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: Peachcreek on March 23, 2012, 10:52:34 am
its friday craig and i'm gonna get you high! and you know this maaan O0

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: jagdtank on March 23, 2012, 11:01:25 am
Both should be illegal or neither. It should carry such a stiff penalty that no one wants to mess with it or be legal. I am sick of all these bogus laws that don't make sense. Bull crap from washington like no free speach around secret service. Alcohols ok but pot isn't . Abortions ok but chicken fights aren't . I used to snag paddlefish . One females eggs is worth around 1500.00 it's a felony to transport em across the state line unfrozen. You can't sell em. Oklahoma fish and wild life can though but on the bright side they clean your fish for free. The cleaning station in wyandotte ok. made 10,000,000 last year off em. All dumb government political trash. Legalize it it's not helping to have token laws. That only make the gov have more power.

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: texasangel on March 23, 2012, 11:08:24 am
It's an interesting topic so I'll chime in. I drank to excess in high school and early on in college far too often. I would drink occasionally after I got married and started working for a living but I have not had a drink of alchohol since 2008 due to issues with my blood sugar.  The thing I have found funny is how others view me for choosing not to have a drink. You would think I was the strangest person alive for choosing not to drink at all and get treated pretty chitty sometimes for not drinking. By the same token functioning alcoholics are socially accepted and nobody ever gives them a ration of chit for drinking all the time, a confusing double standard.  
My opinion on weed, let those who chose to smoke, smoke. Everything in excess is  bad for you and people can smoke in moderation just like drinking a glass of wine. I haven't smoked since college and don't have any plans to do so but I have nothing against someone who smokes.

well said. i am looked upon the same bc i choose not to drink. im not invited to outings with my old drinking buddies bc they think im strange for not drinking. im strange for other reasons than that.  ;D

yes u r a strange one  ;D

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: charles on March 23, 2012, 11:10:38 am

yes u r a strange one  ;D

and u dont have much brain cells to judge me.  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: texasangel on March 23, 2012, 11:17:02 am

yes u r a strange one  ;D

and u dont have much brain cells to judge me.  ;D ;D

a$$hole lol ;)

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: RL on March 23, 2012, 11:45:45 am
I don't see the societal difference between them.  Eventually, weed will be legalized or at least de-criminalized.

In my view, it is not the role of government to protect us from ourselves.  If one chooses to get high through alcohol or weed, so be it.  Now if they do something irresponsible afterwards (such as drive), then the government should protect society from them.

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: Reuben on March 23, 2012, 12:01:54 pm
I don't see the societal difference between them.  Eventually, weed will be legalized or at least de-criminalized.

In my view, it is not the role of government to protect us from ourselves.  If one chooses to get high through alcohol or weed, so be it.  Now if they do something irresponsible afterwards (such as drive), then the government should protect society from them.

well...you make a good point...but what about the parents that neglect/abuse their own children because of it...I wouldn't call that society...that is in the home where children are supposed to be safe...

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: YELLOWBLACKMASK on March 23, 2012, 12:15:08 pm
Weed is for wusses!
Alcohol is for A-Holes!

Peyote is where its at!...............   Seriously did you see the size of that Chicken? :o

Hell boyz just do it or dont. Smoke weed and get caught..go to jail
Drink and drive...go to jail.
So pick your poison.
for you youngsters...your mammas need to beat you more if your caught doin anything more than snuggling lil suzie.
Grown men....make your own decision but don't cry about the consequences if you can't control yourself on something that you were aware of going into it.

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: charles on March 23, 2012, 12:21:48 pm
Weed is for wusses!
Alcohol is for A-Holes!

Peyote is where its at!...............   Seriously did you see the size of that Chicken? :o

Hell boyz just do it or dont. Smoke weed and get caught..go to jail
Drink and drive...go to jail.
So pick your poison.
for you youngsters...your mammas need to beat you more if your caught doin anything more than snuggling lil suzie.
Grown men....make your own decision but don't cry about the consequences if you can't control yourself on something that you were aware of going into it.

X100, very well said.

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: skunkhounds on March 23, 2012, 12:46:10 pm
nothing wrong with smokeing pot  alcohol has coused me more problems over the years then pot has  that why i dont drink anymore

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: chads7376 on March 23, 2012, 01:06:41 pm
Weed is for wusses!
Alcohol is for A-Holes!

Peyote is where its at!...............   Seriously did you see the size of that Chicken? :o

Hell boyz just do it or dont. Smoke weed and get caught..go to jail
Drink and drive...go to jail.
So pick your poison.
for you youngsters...your mammas need to beat you more if your caught doin anything more than snuggling lil suzie.
Grown men....make your own decision but don't cry about the consequences if you can't control yourself on something that you were aware of going into it.


Title: Re: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: sfboarbuster on March 23, 2012, 04:26:05 pm
Marijuana does 3 things, makes you happy, hungry, and sleepy!

But, on a more serious note, some potheads are plain sorry, but there are alot of funtioning stoners that you would never know it. But I think alot of the sorry ones were sorry before they started smoking!

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: UNDERDOG on March 23, 2012, 04:43:50 pm
I was laughing pretty good, eating a brownie about to fall asleep and I forgot what I was gonna post.... ;D

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: YELLOWBLACKMASK on March 23, 2012, 05:03:42 pm
I was laughing pretty good, eating a brownie about to fall asleep and I forgot what I was gonna post.... ;D

Telling ya..Peyote is the new pot. You could have woke up in Disney land spanking Mikey Mouse.  :D

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: UNDERDOG on March 23, 2012, 05:11:23 pm
I was laughing pretty good, eating a brownie about to fall asleep and I forgot what I was gonna post.... ;D

Telling ya..Peyote is the new pot. You could have woke up in Disney land spanking Mikey Mouse.  :D

I'd rather spank mini mouse or daisy duck  ;)

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: waylon-N.E. OK on March 23, 2012, 08:46:44 pm
sdillard said "JMO but pot is the gateway drug, ive seen it time and time again, now im not saying that getting piss drunk is good but i havent seen anyone steal for a 6 pack "

I've taken 100's of beer run off calls from MidWest easy stop over by Pocnca city,Ok, which of course is alcohol theft and is in fact extremely common, and people who are truly Alcoholics will go to the same extreme as any other addict to get what they want. I work for the B.I.A. through the Osage Nation , Indian tribes have had to battle alcohol from the time it first came into there world, it has caused many of those very proud people to go homeless and causes a host of medical problems on reservations. I could go on and on about how much it has caused native americans as a people but I will not. In the years I worked for the Osage people whom I am honored to have served I never saw the drastic effects associated with alcohol come from marijuana, as for the " gate way " drug theory I could produce more evidence from peoples lives who choose to use marijuana that the theory simply doesn't hold water than vice versa . Some people are more apt to become addicts no matter there vise, all the men in my family from my grandfather to my father including all my uncles and cousins that ever touched alcohol became addicts. It is for that reason I choose not to gamble on it. Thanks to all the good people who spoke up here and gave there opinions and thanks for keeping funny.

God Bless,Waylon

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: halfbreed on March 23, 2012, 11:28:56 pm
ha ha  waylon you do know that the choctaw word for wiskey is    OKLA  HOMI  . dang injuns we love our wiskey so much we named a whole territory after it  ;D

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: T-Bob Parker on March 24, 2012, 01:54:33 am
Thanks for bringing up this topic, now I know who I don't wanna hunt with.  ;)

Y'all bunch of dope fiends need to quit smoking drugs and get your life on track before you end up dead in a pile of prostitute vomit in some alley somewhere baked on that reefer! The coach said just one puff on that doobie and it would lead you down the road to cooking dope in a bathtub at a cheap motel somewhere when all the sudden your ash falls from your roach and you end up looking like that fairy boy who cut his face off for Hannibal Lecter.

No but seriously, I can't stand the feeling of being unproductive and the few times I tried weed it left me with a horrible taste and the feeling of extreme boredom, then guilt for not getting nothin done. If it were legal though, folks wouldn't hide it and I'd know EXACTLY who NOT TO HIRE! Cigarette smokers are bad enough about always taking breaks and expecting to remain on the clock!

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: rdjustham on March 24, 2012, 06:21:20 pm
good subject  and my two cents    , the war on drugs is and never was meant to be won . there is too much money involved in keeping it illeagal . just think of all the crime invovled in the drug trade  it would be gone thus less police less lawyers and judges prisons would have tumble weeds rolling thru them and we would have less government . the war on drugs is a premise to tax the civilians .

I wouldnt necessarily say there is a war on weed.  from the little i remember of the "War on Drugs" was it targeted cocaine, which i have to say is a DANGEROUS addiction.  Unfortunately now most prescription pain killers have some sort of cocaine or derivitive in them.  So i dont think i would go as far as to say the war on drugs is just for taxation purposes.  Heck most cops I know (which is quite a few) that have spent more than a month or two on the job aint gonna mess with takin somone to jail over less than felony amounts..

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: Noah on March 24, 2012, 06:37:06 pm
Very interesting topic... My father, engineer/professional captain, is one of the most intelligent human beings I've ever been around... until the mid 80's when they began enforcing drug testing, he was a continuous smoker... I mean A LOT...  does marijuana make you stupid?  Absolutely not.   .. but if you're stupid to begin with, may as well blame it on something I guess... 

I've always wanted to "like" pot, if for no other reason than strange sense of nostalgia... for almost 6mnths I smoked it every day, all types, as an experiment to see how it affected me... what I found, was that it made me ABSOLUTELY WORTHLESS lol... I am the type of person that likes to DO.... Pot does not facilitate this for me...

... although alcohol has many, many adverse side affects... I have never turned down an adventure because I was drinking...  ;) ;D 

I do not trust any non-regulated/mand made chemical... so the rest of the contraband that I have/would use are of the natural variety...

... bottom line for me is, if you don't have the mental fortitude to handle your chit... you don't need to be partaking of it in the first place... 

I.E.    SELF    CON    TROL.

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: Amokabs on March 24, 2012, 08:15:02 pm
The other issue with Mary Jane is it's delivery system. Sucking smoke of any kind into your lungs isnt a good thing. Lung cancer is a terrible way to die.

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: TexasHogDogs on March 24, 2012, 09:34:12 pm
Puff ,Puff, Pass, Pass yall quit hoggin the damn chit !!!!!! lmao !

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: hogaholicswife on March 24, 2012, 10:30:30 pm
I have seen much more family / personal strife come in the form of alcohol and other man made substances whether it be cocaine, prescription drugs or God only knows whatelse (Meth is rampant here)....I have never seen a 'pot head' starting chit, unless there was something else in the mix.

I personally do not mind Marajuana and do not believe that is a gateway, if you are going for the hard stuff you may try Marajuana but most hard core users I have seen skipped it. 

I do not condone the use in front of kids but then again I do not necessarily agree with drinking in front of them either. I have never smoked it as I find the smell repulsive and almost nauseating but then I have never been much of a drinker or curious enough to try any other narcotic.

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: djhogdogger on March 24, 2012, 10:39:34 pm
I have seen much more family / personal strife come in the form of alcohol and other man made substances whether it be cocaine, prescription drugs or God only knows whatelse (Meth is rampant here)....I have never seen a 'pot head' starting chit, unless there was something else in the mix.

I personally do not mind Marajuana and do not believe that is a gateway, if you are going for the hard stuff you may try Marajuana but most hard core users I have seen skipped it. 

I do not condone the use in front of kids but then again I do not necessarily agree with drinking in front of them either. I have never smoked it as I find the smell repulsive and almost nauseating but then I have never been much of a drinker or curious enough to try any other narcotic.


Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: DoGgONit on March 24, 2012, 10:46:51 pm
JMO but pot is the gateway drug, ive seen it time and time again, now im not saying that getting piss drunk is good but i havent seen anyone steal for a 6 pack!
BEER RUN???????????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: DoGgONit on March 24, 2012, 10:50:48 pm
i dont care what the kettle says ....pot is green!!!

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: tnhillbilly on March 24, 2012, 11:10:52 pm
I don't snort cocaine, I just like they way it smells.   That was funny^^^^^^

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: djhogdogger on March 24, 2012, 11:20:57 pm
I don't snort cocaine, I just like they way it smells.   That was funny^^^^^^

LMAO! If someone who doesn't get on this forum often stumbles onto this thread.........  :D

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: dwhd93 on March 25, 2012, 01:24:07 am
Personally I don't like weed the way it tastes or the I act when I smoke. I make a fool of myself when I smoke so I don't. But I can handle beer a lot better and am a lot more chill surprisingly but one of my buddies is the complete opposite. He drinks to beers and he makes a complete a$$ of hisself. But when he smokes he's a lot more chill. Its weird how much things can affect ppl so different

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: Reuben on March 25, 2012, 01:28:33 am
Personally I don't like weed the way it tastes or the I act when I smoke. I make a fool of myself when I smoke so I don't. But I can handle beer a lot better and am a lot more chill surprisingly but one of my buddies is the complete opposite. He drinks to beers and he makes a complete a$$ of hisself. But when he smokes he's a lot more chill. Its weird how much things can affect ppl so different

x2...as a young man I shot a lot of pool for money...as long as I drank beer and didn't go over a certain limit I was shooting pretty good...but once I took a couple of good hits of weed I started missing at least 4 or 5 times in one game...A friend of mine shot good when drinking and even better when smoking pot...

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: texasgrit on March 25, 2012, 09:30:39 am
yes i smoke weed but i didnt inhale it . and i didnt have sexual relationship with that woman ;) :) ;D :D :-\ rolleyes ^-^ :laugh: ;D :-X

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: YELLOWBLACKMASK on March 25, 2012, 12:23:43 pm
yes i smoke weed but i didnt inhale it . and i didnt have sexual relationship with that woman ;) :) ;D :D :-\ rolleyes ^-^ :laugh: ;D :-X

I might lie about smoking the purple sticky punch but the sexual relationship.......OWN IT BABY! and tell yo MAMAS!   :-*

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on March 25, 2012, 12:32:39 pm
Hell I've seen plenty of alcoholics in my lifetime. If ya ask me, that right there is one of the most damaging addictions! Not only to themselves but the loved ones around them. Dealing with that right now matter of fact. Hell I've had folks around all my life that choose to smoke the ganja and I've NEVER heard or seen any of 'em hurt anyone in any way. If we're comparing the two, I'd say by far alcohol has much more devastating results. Neither one are my cup of tea, but to each his own. I don't judge. I'll enjoy an occasional girly drink every once in a blue moon, but that's about it, lol.

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: SCHitemHard on March 25, 2012, 03:28:32 pm
all i know is you cant smoke weed then drink cause you end up drinking to much and end up as a person of walmart and on the worlds dumbest show on truTV

i left weed a good while back and i only drink in moderation, matter of fact im out brb :P

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: jagdtank on March 25, 2012, 04:12:24 pm
i know plenty of potheads that hurt people. not sure if pot had anything to do with it  though.

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: DoGgONit on March 25, 2012, 08:51:52 pm
i know plenty of potheads that hurt people. not sure if pot had anything to do with it  though.

im pretty sure hurting people was on the list of effects weed has on you ,along with red eyes , cottonmouth ,lazyness and the munchies!!!     

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: CentralTex 254 on March 28, 2012, 08:28:43 pm
i believe alcohol is more of a gateway drug. When yuo smoke weed it usually just ends like that. People usually u do alot of stupid things when they are drunk. Ive been to some big parties where  they have corner parties and smoke dope and what not.

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: D.R.Stuart on March 29, 2012, 01:12:40 pm
To each his/her own... anything that is abused is not good. I don’t judge people for what they want to do in their free time or what they believe, and nor do I like to be. So, as long as you take care of your family and what is expected of you I don’t see a problem with either, and you are fine by me.  :-X

X2 I'll admit I enjoy a cold beer as much as the next guy, but my father died in a drunk driving accident when I was 10 months old and to this date I haven't heard of anyone totalling there vehicle at a high rate of speed and killing themselves driving stoned. Its all about $$ big money politics if you ask me. JMO......Denny

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: TexasHogDogs on March 29, 2012, 01:16:44 pm
I cant stand the number 2 myself a couple of drags when I was 20 was enuff for me never touched it agian  !  Give me a cold one and yall can do all the puff puff pass stuff.

Title: Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol
Post by: Miller Lite on March 29, 2012, 02:12:41 pm
nothing wrong with smokeing pot  alcohol has coused me more problems over the years then pot has  that why i dont drink anymore

lol skunk you crazy lol