Title: Looking for a hunting partner! Post by: Big T on March 22, 2012, 11:08:26 pm I recently moved back to west texas and I'm looking for someone to hunt with. I'm located half way between Lubbock and Midland, hog doggers out here are few and far between! I'm trying to get some dogs together, but I need someone to show me how to get em caught here in the desert. I'm willing to help any way I can (dog food, gas, cold beer, etc...). Anybody out here looking for someone to run with?
Title: Re: Looking for a hunting partner! Post by: Silverton Boar Dogs on March 22, 2012, 11:10:55 pm Big T, i am sure there is someone closer than me, I am 100 miles NE of Lubbock.
Title: Re: Looking for a hunting partner! Post by: Big T on March 28, 2012, 11:19:51 pm Silverton,
I guess we are the only doggers on this side of the state!? |