HOG & DOGS => HOG DOGS => Topic started by: 4 g hog dogs on March 26, 2012, 01:51:33 pm

Title: Parvo
Post by: 4 g hog dogs on March 26, 2012, 01:51:33 pm
What is yall' s experiences with parvo? I have a pup that I got and it got sick so I took it to the vet and they kept him overnight and said he is doing better so I can come and get him but I will have to give him medicine every 30 min for the next 3 days. Is this a good sign he will make it the vet said it is 50/50

Title: Re: Parvo
Post by: Reuben on March 26, 2012, 02:11:35 pm
I would force feed him gatorade to keep him hydrated and stay close to him until he is eating and getting around...

he needs to know he is not alone in his fight for life. I would keep him indoors...

Title: Re: Parvo
Post by: 4 g hog dogs on March 26, 2012, 02:15:17 pm
Ok thanks for the advise

Title: Re: Parvo
Post by: dub on March 26, 2012, 02:43:00 pm
I have not got a puppy through Parvo. Do what the vet says. I know people that have got puppies through it so it can be done. If the dogs makes it through you will have a strong bond.

Title: Re: Parvo
Post by: Reuben on March 26, 2012, 03:30:14 pm
I have not got a puppy through Parvo. Do what the vet says. I know people that have got puppies through it so it can be done. If the dogs makes it through you will have a strong bond.

x2...I also would leave a sweaty T- shirt around the pup so he can smell you close by...kind of like a security blanket...

Title: Re: Parvo
Post by: 4 g hog dogs on March 26, 2012, 07:27:17 pm
Thanks for the advise guys. I got him home now and I have give him 2cc  pedilyte every 30 min for 24 hours. The next 24 hours I have to alternate between pedilyte and chicken broth every 30 min. On the third day that is when I will know if he is going to make it or not I got to give him chicken noodle soup every 30 min

Title: Re: Parvo
Post by: TexasLacy on March 26, 2012, 09:04:15 pm
If you have puppies suffering from parvo put them in a shoe box, spark up a joint, and blow the smoke in with the puppies and close the lid. Hot box 'em! They will get cottonmouth and the munchies. Then give them plenty of pedialite. Quicker you get them drinking better the chance of survival.

Title: Re: Parvo
Post by: JohnathanB on March 26, 2012, 09:48:30 pm
That's classic!!! But no really parvo is bad around here. I have gotten three pups through it and ill swear by. Mixing up raw egg and pepto and forcing it with a syringe... Keep on with the pedialite too...

Title: Re: Parvo
Post by: charles on March 26, 2012, 10:08:24 pm
 if u have access to iv bags, get a couple and give the pup 50-100cc under the skin every 3-4hrs or when the water has been absorbed into the body. do not use the same spot over and over, move around on th ebody. i did sardines, plain white yogart and eggs. i hit them with yogart first to coat their stomach n to make sure they could keep it down and then i would blend the eggs and sardines and add pedialite as a thining agent and slowly giv it to them little by little over an hr or so. be very patient with them. and who ever said it is correct, do not leave them if you can help it. they need your support, just like a child when they are sick.

Title: Re: Parvo
Post by: Lbrown on March 26, 2012, 11:11:53 pm
I had a bulldog who had it I just pumped it full of vitam water and kept him inside for the days

Title: Re: Parvo
Post by: shsu11 on March 27, 2012, 11:01:06 pm
I have only saved one pup from parvo. I had parvo at my old house real bad and lost 2 whole litters to it. I always heard to give them pedialite and Gatorade to keep hydrated, it never worked. This year I had a pup get it and I took him to a new vet. That vet told me the worst thing to do was to put fluids into there stomach. Instead he gave me a saline solution and told me to give him 200 units twice a day under the skin and don't feed or water him for 4 days. I did this and after 4 days the pup was back to normal. Total cost was somewhere around $130.

Title: Re: Parvo
Post by: dub on March 28, 2012, 05:17:25 pm
The trick to putting fluids in any stomach when it involves dehydration is to only give small amounts. You think you need to give more but it will make them throw up and dehydrate faster. Under the skin is a way around the stomach too. But lower amounts just more often gets more fluids in. Just not too often. That is what you do for people too. But stay with the dog and keep an eye on the dog. You have to pay attention and touch means so much.