Title: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: coyote hunter on March 26, 2012, 03:49:03 pm Me and my son swo hogdoggers will no longer be apart of this site. Posts about stay off this site if u ain't from Texas, hotbox your parboil pups with weed, an weed vs alcohol are not what a ten yr old needs to see. Thanks. And bye.
Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: texasgrit on March 26, 2012, 04:13:10 pm BYE :-X
Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: mutlycrewhogdogs on March 26, 2012, 04:20:29 pm The way i see it is that a ten year old shouldn't be surfing the web without adult supervision anyways. Just my opinion.
Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: cward on March 26, 2012, 04:25:42 pm I think you kids should more than welcome to read anything here as my 11 year old has laid his hand on more hogs than most men on this site. I think the post about Oklahoma was started by an idiot and they left it for the doggers to destroy him. And they did. As for as weed well that one I can't agree on. But ti each there own. Keep your kid in hunting and good luck.
Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: hogaholicswife on March 26, 2012, 04:30:21 pm That is unfortunate we are losing a member, I am not from Tx but enjoy this one the most out of those available. However, a cousin and myself had a heated discussion related to a similar subject but it revolved around a comment made on FB tjat someone else had made aand his 8 year old allegedly reading it....it is your responsibility to monitor what your child views (my 7 year old gets no access to internet with the exception of Curious George) along with explaining how the world and people in it function with some of those functions NOT being acceptable.
Sorry to see you go! Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: T-Bob Parker on March 26, 2012, 04:39:59 pm You seem like a swell fella and all but I think this is the third time you've posted a "shame on y'all", didn't your mom ever tell you the story of the boy who cried wolf?
good luck, good hunting and Goodbye Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: mutlycrewhogdogs on March 26, 2012, 04:42:15 pm Likewise sorry to see a member leaving the site but x2 on an child being monitored while being on any type of public site or on the Internet period. My boys ones 8 the other is 4 love seeing the pictures of hogs and dogs on here but it is always under my close supervision.
Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: Circle C on March 26, 2012, 04:43:06 pm Me and my son swo hogdoggers will no longer be apart of this site. Posts about stay off this site if u ain't from Texas, hotbox your parboil pups with weed, an weed vs alcohol are not what a ten yr old needs to see. Thanks. And bye. Bye. ;) Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: djhogdogger on March 26, 2012, 04:47:03 pm Hate to loose a member also. Sometimes there are controversial subjects on here but for the most part it is kept pretty clean. I would be careful turning a child loose on any forum anywhere on the www. Even ones that are kids only. Good luck. We will miss ya. Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: TexasLacy on March 26, 2012, 06:24:17 pm I hate to see you go, but I wont miss the sanctimonious holier than thou speeches, the world is rough, and if a mans gonna make it, hes gotta be tough - Johny Cash
Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: halfbreed on March 26, 2012, 06:36:52 pm hell i'm not sure but i would just bet that i've seen more about the mary-jane and wiskey on television than i've ever seen on here . grow up son we live in the real world and it's a hard one .
Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: waylon-N.E. OK on March 26, 2012, 07:04:29 pm Well I am sorry I posted the Marijuana vs Alcohol thread. My intention was simply to stress how dangerous alcohol is yet it is viewed as ok, while marijuana is looked upon in such a different light. Having said that if you or any one believes that your child in modern day america will not come in contact with either then you are in for a shock. Better to explain to them how it is very real and most likely very close to where you live, prepare them with words for the times when they will encounter it in person. I did not consider the fact that any one would allow there child to be on here unsupervised, I do not allow it in my home so forgive me. If I could remove the post I would, if any one was offended by a discussion where adults speak about the differences of 2 very real substances that are a very real part of modern day life in the United States then you most likely would have been offended sooner or later by me anyway as I tend to not hide my head in the sand, but rather try to discuss the real world and it;s very real problems. I Accept the fact that perhaps a hog hunting forum is not the ideal place for such a topic, but I expected to get honest feed back from men who for the majority work with there hands and earn a check by the sweat of there brow. If any one is offended still I am sorry.
God Bless, Waylon. Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: waylon-N.E. OK on March 26, 2012, 07:25:27 pm Sense i can't edit I'll add another post here. Coyotehunter I felt bad after your comments about how you didn't want your kid to see the post where the differences betweem alcohol and marijuana were discussed. Then I look at some of the things you posted
http://www.easttexashogdoggers.com/forum/index.php?topic=47331.msg335316#msg335316 You know you posted pics about condoms, putting paper bags over girls heads cause there to ugly to...... you have posters saying if any one messes with your daughter there a** is your? You got more nerve than a bad tooth, I hope you do go and I hope you don't come back as far as that goes. People like you offend me, you hold other people to one standard, but live on another. I'm offended you live in my state To the other members on here to you I am sorry if the post I made offended you Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: charles on March 26, 2012, 08:02:29 pm i guess you could say the life of a double standard kinda person. its a do as i say not as i do kinda thinking. this is an evil world, we ALL have to monitor our kids of what they do. its not every1 elses responsability to make sure your kids are raised properly and monitored accordingly. its YOURS, you chose to help make him, now deal with it or stop B!@$hn bout it
Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: Quillin1 on March 26, 2012, 08:22:56 pm X2 Waylon and Charles
So long yote!Hope you weren't lookin for sympathy.I got an 11 year old.He don't get on here and read what ever he wants. Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: TexasLacy on March 26, 2012, 08:32:06 pm yup, Ive got a 10 year old here, and he can look at anything on here. I don't shelter him from curse words or drugs. I think he is better off knowing the difference between right and wrong good and bad. And its better if he knows what good is, and what bad is. It makes him more readily able to avoid things when he knows what and WHY to avoid them. Inform the kids, not shelter them.
He also does not get unsupervised access. This is the real world folks, you can't hide from it. But you can prepare for it, and knowledge helps preparation. Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: jagdtank on March 26, 2012, 09:21:32 pm show em and tell em why its wrong. when i was a kid my dad did that. Show em lazy butts and tell em how they got that way. they may not listen to every thing but if you show em the things you dont want em to be up close and let em see how much it sucks. Then tell them with conviction that they can feel, they wont forget. My dad did that. Yes I passed the ol one hitter around a few times and even grew some one time but what my dad showed me stayed in my head and I didn't get strung out on meth or crack like most my friends did. They dropped acid all the time when i was right there but i never did it. I drank alot as a teen age kid got in alot of fights got arrested. stuff my dad never did but what he showed me and the look in his eyes when he told me why i should leave it alone pulled me through in the end and i straightened up. Example: If i was going to teach my kid not be a communist I would show him an obama speach. Then tell him how a decent kenian kid gets turned in to a marxist slime ball. I would say it with such conviction that he would shiver at the thought of becoming a big geeky numb nut communist like that. I guarantee my kids will not be communist they will be conservative. most of your kids will have your political values too. thats something we show them and they hear us talk about with conviction. thats why it sticks. show em and tell em with conviction they wont forget. P.s> this is the cleanest forum on the net but a ten year old online by himself ,your great guy........ great. hog doggers are awsome, usually god fearing americans! If you where their neighbor and your house burned or your ten year old waS SICK.... they would be the ones PUTTING OUT THE JAR AT THE STORE FOR YOU. I haven't even met most these guys and gals And I talk to them more than my facebook friends that I've known for years. I'ts real dumb to cast your pearls before swine......................................Hunters!
Title: Re: Re: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: sfboarbuster on March 26, 2012, 09:34:58 pm Sense i can't edit I'll add another post here. Coyotehunter I felt bad after your comments about how you didn't want your kid to see the post where the differences betweem alcohol and marijuana were discussed. Then I look at some of the things you posted http://www.easttexashogdoggers.com/forum/index.php?topic=47331.msg335316#msg335316 You know you posted pics about condoms, putting paper bags over girls heads cause there to ugly to...... you have posters saying if any one messes with your daughter there a** is your? You got more nerve than a bad tooth, I hope you do go and I hope you don't come back as far as that goes. People like you offend me, you hold other people to one standard, but live on another. I'm offended you live in my state To the other members on here to you I am sorry if the post I made offended you Couldn't agree with ya more Waylon. Dont let the door hit ya on the way out yote;) Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: uglydog on March 26, 2012, 09:52:48 pm I have not read the posts personally to know if they were offensive but sure they would have been removed long ago had they been.
However in this day and age if anybody THINKS you have a 10 year old child that has not heard or seen weed, alcohol, sex, or many other things, you are seriously messed UP. THEY KNOW MORE THAN YOU DID AT HALF THE AGE YOU DID GROWING UP YOu NEED HELP and DONT BLAME THE WWW for what you chose to bury your head and not take responsibility for your own. I have very close friends that truely believe that way about their own children and I think they are STUPID. WAKE UP AMERICA. TOODLES COYOTE Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: TexasHogDogs on March 26, 2012, 10:06:06 pm The worst thing a man can do is hide real life from his kids. I always wanted my kids to know what was going on in the world so they would be ready for it when the time came and I can now say it was a great choice all have great jobs and good kids of there own now. I know many many parents that protected kids from the world and most of them have turned out to be the worst young adults I have ever seen my own brothers step son is one. They are the ones that turn out the worst most the time from what life has shown me . I know way more than a few.
Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: BarrNinja on March 26, 2012, 10:13:03 pm hell i'm not sure but i would just bet that i've seen more about the mary-jane and wiskey on television than i've ever seen on here . grow up son we live in the real world and it's a hard one . Amen! Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: Peachcreek on March 26, 2012, 10:28:38 pm NEXT........ ;D
Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: SwineHunter on March 26, 2012, 10:43:04 pm LATER DOG :( :( :( :'( :'( :'( WERE NOT THAT BAD :angel: :angel: U SOUND LIKE A CRAZY MERRYED COUPLE ALWAYS THREATING TO LEAVE BUT NEVER DO AT LEAST TEACH YOUR SON TO BE A MAN OF HIS AND SICK TO WHAT YOU SAY... SO IF IT TRUE YOU SHOULD NEVER SEE THIS POST ;D ;D ;D ;) ;)
Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: SwineHunter on March 26, 2012, 10:49:42 pm LATER DOG :( :( :( :'( :'( :'( WERE NOT THAT BAD :angel: :angel: U SOUND LIKE A CRAZY MERRYED COUPLE ALWAYS THREATING TO LEAVE BUT NEVER DO AT LEAST TEACH YOUR SON TO BE A MAN OF HIS WORD AND SICK TO WHAT YOU SAY... SO IF ITS TRUE YOU SHOULD NEVER SEE THIS POST ;D ;D ;D ;) ;) Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: texasgrit on March 26, 2012, 10:55:44 pm LATER DOG :( :( :( :'( :'( :'( WERE NOT THAT BAD :angel: :angel: U SOUND LIKE A CRAZY MERRYED COUPLE ALWAYS THREATING TO LEAVE BUT NEVER DO AT LEAST TEACH YOUR SON TO BE A MAN OF HIS WORD AND SICK TO WHAT YOU SAY... SO IF ITS TRUE YOU SHOULD NEVER SEE THIS POST ;D ;D ;D ;) ;) Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: tnhillbilly on March 26, 2012, 11:46:51 pm I agree with uglydog 100% if you think for a second that he ain't hearing it at school your in for a rude awakenin. Especially in about two more yrs.
Give him a cell phone for a month, then snatch it up one day and read the txts. ;D Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: Reuben on March 26, 2012, 11:59:02 pm yup, Ive got a 10 year old here, and he can look at anything on here. I don't shelter him from curse words or drugs. I think he is better off knowing the difference between right and wrong good and bad. And its better if he knows what good is, and what bad is. It makes him more readily able to avoid things when he knows what and WHY to avoid them. Inform the kids, not shelter them. He also does not get unsupervised access. This is the real world folks, you can't hide from it. But you can prepare for it, and knowledge helps preparation. hell i'm not sure but i would just bet that i've seen more about the mary-jane and wiskey on television than i've ever seen on here . grow up son we live in the real world and it's a hard one . x2...can not shelter the kid...this is small potatoes compared to what they see at the movies and on television... got to use common sense and the kid needs to see what the real world is like and teach him what's right and what is wrong...and teach him by example... Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: TinyTexasCowgirl on March 27, 2012, 02:38:05 am You know that I love each and everyone of you guys. Y'all are some of the best people that I know of.
With that being said. I can understand both sides of the situation. What I think coyotes issue was is something that I have noticed as well. On the one hand, I understand how weed could be no different than the occasional beer, or even cigarette. I can see how to many, there are no difference between the situations. Now, flip side to that is that it is illegal, and for a child to see/read that men/women he/she look up to have no problem with something that is illegal, bothers me, and I'm not a parent. I am by no means saying it is wrong that the idea of weed is any different than the occasional beer or cigarette. I do not believe that any substance is bad, as long as it is used in the right ways for the right reasons (look at some of the drugs used for ADD, they are straight meth). I am simply saying that coyotes problem might have been fear that his son was seeing his mentor's be so openly accepting of something that is illegal, even if it is real and does exist. Does that make sense? Y'all please don't get mad at me. Title: Re: Re: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: mutlycrewhogdogs on March 27, 2012, 05:59:36 am Sense i can't edit I'll add another post here. Coyotehunter I felt bad after your comments about how you didn't want your kid to see the post where the differences betweem alcohol and marijuana were discussed. Then I look at some of the things you posted http://www.easttexashogdoggers.com/forum/index.php?topic=47331.msg335316#msg335316 You know you posted pics about condoms, putting paper bags over girls heads cause there to ugly to...... you have posters saying if any one messes with your daughter there a** is your? You got more nerve than a bad tooth, I hope you do go and I hope you don't come back as far as that goes. People like you offend me, you hold other people to one standard, but live on another. I'm offended you live in my state To the other members on here to you I am sorry if the post I made offended you X2 I retract my previous statement about hate to loose a member after seeing this I was in aware of his precious post!! Some people never fail to amaze me!! Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!!!!! Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: cantexduck on March 27, 2012, 06:49:14 am If the kids mentor were strangers off the www,then you have major problems ahead.
Parents job to watch what kids do. Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: Circle C on March 27, 2012, 07:07:57 am Guys and gals coyote won't be able to respond to your posts....when he said he was leaving, I made sure he won't be coming back.
Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: hogaholicswife on March 27, 2012, 07:21:20 am Well I am sorry I posted the Marijuana vs Alcohol thread. My intention was simply to stress how dangerous alcohol is yet it is viewed as ok, while marijuana is looked upon in such a different light. Having said that if you or any one believes that your child in modern day america will not come in contact with either then you are in for a shock. Better to explain to them how it is very real and most likely very close to where you live, prepare them with words for the times when they will encounter it in person. I did not consider the fact that any one would allow there child to be on here unsupervised, I do not allow it in my home so forgive me. If I could remove the post I would, if any one was offended by a discussion where adults speak about the differences of 2 very real substances that are a very real part of modern day life in the United States then you most likely would have been offended sooner or later by me anyway as I tend to not hide my head in the sand, but rather try to discuss the real world and it;s very real problems. I Accept the fact that perhaps a hog hunting forum is not the ideal place for such a topic, but I expected to get honest feed back from men who for the majority work with there hands and earn a check by the sweat of there brow. If any one is offended still I am sorry. God Bless, Waylon. IMO you do not owe anyone an apology, it was a good topic over very real issues that was discussed in a tasteful way with a few jokes here and there....I enjoyed it. I am more offended by the condom joke and find it a double standard but that (time and time again) is more common. It is like my brother in law saying we have to watch what we say around his daughter because she called her teacher a b*tch.....we MIGHT see them once a month so she isn't hearing it from us but yet we are automatically at fault....our son knows if he drops any kind of cuss word he is in deep doo doo because ground rules have been set and enforced. Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: ca10j on March 27, 2012, 08:12:45 am Sorry your are leaving. On a side note; provide shelter to your dogs, and exposure to your children....
Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: coach on March 27, 2012, 09:24:32 am I agree with uglydog 100% if you think for a second that he ain't hearing it at school your in for a rude awakenin. Especially in about two more yrs. Give him a cell phone for a month, then snatch it up one day and read the txts. ;D That ain't no joke been coaching and teaching for 20yrs. It is steady getting worse bud. My 10 yr old always asks me questions about that stuff. Don't hide it from them. You ought to hear the questions high school kids ask about things and these are the same kids getting pregnant, smoking, drinking and don't know what it does to them. Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: Miller Lite on March 27, 2012, 09:35:30 am Let your boy hunt an you wont have to hunt your boy .... as for the beer an weed thing .... anyone who has tried both knows which is better rolleyes
Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: YELLOWBLACKMASK on March 27, 2012, 11:22:44 am RIP Coyote!
Pouring a 40 and smogging the cab for ya buddy..........you will be missed....well maybe not that much...oops wrong thread ;D For all you lil farts under age reading this go and tell your Daddies NOW so he can administer the correct pressure on your rear ends. Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: Miller Lite on March 27, 2012, 11:30:25 am RIP Coyote! Pouring a 40 and smogging the cab for ya buddy..........you will be missed....well maybe not that much...oops wrong thread ;D For all you lil farts under age reading this go and tell your Daddies NOW so he can administer the correct pressure on your rear ends. hahaha thats funny Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: charles on March 27, 2012, 11:31:36 am Guys and gals coyote won't be able to respond to your posts....when he said he was leaving, I made sure he won't be coming back. he may not be able to respond, but he can read them as a guest on another computer if you locked his ip address out and not be logged in. Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: Quillin1 on March 27, 2012, 11:53:20 am Tiny Texas Cowgirl thank god our forefathers didn't take that stand point on the law that is why we have the freedoms we do.What our congress or law makers think is wrong and in turn make illegal does not make it so.jmo and let's hope the supreme court doesnt see it that way either.Other wise get ready for socialism.Not tryin to put your opinion down This is America and I like to see people speak there peace.Thks
Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: Circle C on March 27, 2012, 12:46:45 pm Guys and gals coyote won't be able to respond to your posts....when he said he was leaving, I made sure he won't be coming back. he may not be able to respond, but he can read them as a guest on another computer if you locked his ip address out and not be logged in. That's why I said he won't be able to "respond" ;) Of course, if he's the role model for his kid that he claims to be, his word should be good, and he won't be coming back to read or respond.... ;D Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: TinyTexasCowgirl on March 27, 2012, 01:54:57 pm Quillan, I understand what you are saying completely. There are TONS of things that are against the law I feel are retarted. All I am getting at is that is seems contradictory for a anyone to openly tell a child, "yes it's against the law, but that's ok because I think the law is stupid."
As far as www mentors. I did not necessarily mean any tom dick and harry is mentor. All I meant was the same thing that you have all said time and time again, which is that responsible hog doggers set an example, be it to children, or adults, and that example needs to be as good as possible. Blatantly and openly saying that we choose not to follow a law that we find ridiculous does not seem to shine that light the way that it needs to be. Many of you have said that you have no problems with your kids reading anything that is on here. That is great. I feel it means that while you are not sheltering your kids, it also means that you know you have set a good enough example that you can trust them to take what they read as an opinion, not written in stone. But at the same time, to some, it might be the same as turning an 8 year old loose on a porn site. I don't care who you are, no parent should be ok with that, and for a few people there is no difference. The last thing I am going to say on this subject is the following. I have noticed a giant uproar lately in opinions being defended and pushed onto others until it gets bloody. It pains me to see so many people that should be united with one another fighting like a bunch of middle schooled girls over who has the better clothes and make up. I enjoy coming here to see good dogs and talk with some great people, but at the same time there is so much drama that it makes it difficult to find the good stuff. I know I have been involved in some of the drama myself, but it was in defense of someone, not something. Can't we all remember why we came to this sight in the first place and remember the age old saying "If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all"? Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: T-Bob Parker on March 27, 2012, 02:07:13 pm He started it.
Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: dub on March 27, 2012, 02:18:31 pm I take my boy chasing pigs through the woods but don't let him on here at all. The world is not fair, it is not nice, and it is not safe. I will not tell anybody what moral choices they should make. If you want to know mine I will tell you. You go drink, smoke, or partake in what you want. I will take the time to discuss it with my child and why he should not. Because I can't decide for him. I would say that if your child comes to you to discuss things that bother him then be glad you get the chance to give your opinion. If the internet is the guiding moral force for your child then you have problems. I also am not saying that is what he was doing but it did sound that way. I wish him nothing but the best in life and for his son. Keep being an involved father but don't expect anyone else to care for your child like you do. There must be a balance between protection and naming your boy Sue. (The song "A Boy Named Sue")
T-Bob didn't your momma ever say, I don't care who started it you are the one getting the spanking? ;D Maybe I was the only one. rolleyes Daddy would only ask if I won. rolleyes Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: Circle C on March 27, 2012, 02:20:21 pm Quillan, I understand what you are saying completely. There are TONS of things that are against the law I feel are retarted. All I am getting at is that is seems contradictory for a anyone to openly tell a child, "yes it's against the law, but that's ok because I think the law is stupid." As far as www mentors. I did not necessarily mean any tom dick and harry is mentor. All I meant was the same thing that you have all said time and time again, which is that responsible hog doggers set an example, be it to children, or adults, and that example needs to be as good as possible. Blatantly and openly saying that we choose not to follow a law that we find ridiculous does not seem to shine that light the way that it needs to be. Many of you have said that you have no problems with your kids reading anything that is on here. That is great. I feel it means that while you are not sheltering your kids, it also means that you know you have set a good enough example that you can trust them to take what they read as an opinion, not written in stone. But at the same time, to some, it might be the same as turning an 8 year old loose on a porn site. I don't care who you are, no parent should be ok with that, and for a few people there is no difference. The last thing I am going to say on this subject is the following. I have noticed a giant uproar lately in opinions being defended and pushed onto others until it gets bloody. It pains me to see so many people that should be united with one another fighting like a bunch of middle schooled girls over who has the better clothes and make up. I enjoy coming here to see good dogs and talk with some great people, but at the same time there is so much drama that it makes it difficult to find the good stuff. I know I have been involved in some of the drama myself, but it was in defense of someone, not something. Can't we all remember why we came to this sight in the first place and remember the age old saying "If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all"? You could have saved a lot of time typing by just posting a pic.... ;D (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-PuCSjKh6KQo/TpsfL03tJsI/AAAAAAAAArQ/Z0mYAR407sI/s400/ELT200805210414063323557.JPG) Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: djhogdogger on March 27, 2012, 04:13:10 pm I hate to see any member go. Even ones that I don't agree with. Variety of opinions on here is what makes it so interesting and fun.
But the bottom line is that it is the parents responsibility to censor what their child sees, hears or reads on here or anywhere for that matter. That responsibility shouldn't rest on everyone elses shoulders. :) Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: RyanTBH on March 27, 2012, 04:47:38 pm Ya'll are very right!!! We are all here for the same reasons... All people need to understand that there is more than one way to skin a cat! ;) Stop the bickering, and start discussing things. There is a civil way to talk about differences in opinions. Join in the fight for our rights as working dogs owners, and even just pet owners, and help our associations fight towards a common goal. Support the LSWDA and TDHA! Pay the 25 bucks a year or 120 something for a life time membership, and help them help us!!! IMO it's well worth being able to let our KIDS and our kids' kids hunt hogs with dogs, and also to let them enjoy the "family nature" of this site... ;D It has become my home away from home. The people, for the most part, are great. There is always going to be a difference in opinions though. ;) And the only other thing I can say to everyone on this board... QUIT TAKING EVERYTHING SO SERIOUSLY!!!!! There are a lot of people on here that like to joke around ;), and pull strings. ;D If you can't take some playing around, then I don't know what else to tell ya.
O0 Oh, and I'm not even going to touch on the letting your kid have free reign on this site... Good luck with that. ;) Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: BigNoseKate on March 27, 2012, 07:37:58 pm Sense i can't edit I'll add another post here. Coyotehunter I felt bad after your comments about how you didn't want your kid to see the post where the differences betweem alcohol and marijuana were discussed. Then I look at some of the things you posted http://www.easttexashogdoggers.com/forum/index.php?topic=47331.msg335316#msg335316 You know you posted pics about condoms, putting paper bags over girls heads cause there to ugly to...... you have posters saying if any one messes with your daughter there a** is your? You got more nerve than a bad tooth, I hope you do go and I hope you don't come back as far as that goes. People like you offend me, you hold other people to one standard, but live on another. I'm offended you live in my state X2!! Just throwing this out there too... you don't have to read every thread! lol. I'm glad there are so many different people in this world!! Sometimes some of the posts on here get me fired up too, but I'll admit, I should hold my horses before I get all riled up over some words on the internet that most of the time have nothin to do with me... It's just a difference of opinions and attitudes on this site, and in the real world! You can't de-member yourself and your son from every conversation... If a 10 year old has free reign over the internet, ETHD needs to be the least of your worries. JMO Wish you the very best!! Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: Kid7 on March 27, 2012, 09:18:34 pm Later bro O0
Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: jdt on March 27, 2012, 10:10:59 pm ya know ..... if he had just made his mind up ... and left quietly without a big rigamarro , it wouldn't have took me as long to get to the bottom of this stack of schitt .
3 pages and there ain't been a damn thing said that everybody didn't know already . Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: East tx hog hunter on March 27, 2012, 10:12:21 pm I hate to see any member go. Even ones that I don't agree with. Variety of opinions on here is what makes it so interesting and fun. But the bottom line is that it is the parents responsibility to censor what their child sees, hears or reads on here or anywhere for that matter. That responsibility shouldn't rest on everyone elses shoulders. :) 100% AGREED! Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: justincorbell on March 28, 2012, 12:41:15 am hell i'm not sure but i would just bet that i've seen more about the mary-jane and wiskey on television than i've ever seen on here . grow up son we live in the real world and it's a hard one . :D :D :D :D :D :D Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: T-Bob Parker on March 28, 2012, 05:51:26 am ya know ..... if he had just made his mind up ... and left quietly without a big rigamarro , it wouldn't have took me as long to get to the bottom of this stack of schitt . 3 pages and there ain't been a damn thing said that everybody didn't know already . Yeah but then we wouldn't all be properly scolded. Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: wolfpen on April 13, 2012, 10:21:33 pm At first I looked at this place as a cyber hunting club. Sort of like at the deer lease with my dad and uncles, but then I realized it was too crowded, and I couldn't see everyone. Things and folks were not as they seemed. if someone said something you didn't like you couldn't reach out and touch them. I realized that people ASSumed retarded cognitive preconditioning and that certain people's retarded prejudices were similar to concrete.
and on the other hand you couldn't smell certain people oderifourus waftings of smelly feet and butt cheese. you have to take the good with the bad, and the good is well worth the sidestepping of the mentally handicapped and morally retarded. sheltering your kids from the truth is an aweful thing to do them. Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: tnhillbilly on April 13, 2012, 10:39:31 pm I don't have a clue what all wolfpen just said, but this thread is the first thing that I thought of when I read the other post, but surely thought this couldn't be the same guy who has left couple times already. And have the nerve to post again after this thread.
REALLY ????? I don't get it ??? Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: wolfpen on April 13, 2012, 10:46:23 pm lol
Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: JRyanS on April 13, 2012, 10:55:34 pm I'm new member but have been viewing this website for a while now. Why cant this website be more about hogs, dogs and hogdogging? Leave all that "weed" stuff to the Hipsters (thats a negative term where I'm from) and all the drinking stuff both behind close doors. I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong but good sense and spellcheck would go along way. Thanks!
1st post! ;D Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: wolfpen on April 13, 2012, 11:03:11 pm i intentionally mispell words and grade 9 my sentencing to throw off people who are anal about spelling 'n' grammar so that they might feel better about themselves.
language is a tool for communication. communication is not secondary to the properly spelled word or correctly structured sentencing. Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: tnhillbilly on April 13, 2012, 11:12:38 pm I'm new member but have been viewing this website for a while now. Why cant this website be more about hogs, dogs and hogdogging? Leave all that "weed" stuff to the Hipsters (thats a negative term where I'm from) and all the drinking stuff both behind close doors. I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong but good sense and spellcheck would go along way. Thanks! Welcome aboard, just like everything else in life, take the bad with the good. Just over look the bad, there's tons of good hogdoggin info on here, you might have to dig a little to find it. Also tons of good folks on here too. 1st post! ;D Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: CentralTex 254 on April 14, 2012, 12:27:12 am I'm new member but have been viewing this website for a while now. Why cant this website be more about hogs, dogs and hogdogging? Leave all that "weed" stuff to the Hipsters (thats a negative term where I'm from) and all the drinking stuff both behind close doors. I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong but good sense and spellcheck would go along way. Thanks!
1st post! Ha ha ha that's why they mak diff cateergeries. Fee tha unejumeacated people an thos "hipsters" Welcome aboard and enjoy. ;D Title: Re: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: muleman on April 14, 2012, 09:30:17 am I personally choose to teach my kids whats right and wrong instead of relying on society to raise my kids. I have no problem with them seeing anything on this forum. As far as people that don't like the subject or content of posts.....like they say, if you don't like it don't look at it. If you want more posts with hunting pics and stories...get your arse off the internet, get out and make some! This is a great forum where a bunch of like minded people (we are all a little throwed off) to share our views on everything....not just hunting. If you don't want to see the political, moral, hypothetical, religious, etc....stay away from the general discussion area. Just sayin.....
Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: tnhillbilly on April 14, 2012, 07:47:50 pm i intentionally mispell words and grade 9 my sentencing to throw off people who are anal about spelling 'n' grammar so that they might feel better about themselves. Haha, it was all them 50 cent words that threw me. Didnt notice any spelling mistakes. Haha.language is a tool for communication. communication is not secondary to the properly spelled word or correctly structured sentencing. Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: firemedic on April 15, 2012, 11:15:18 am Seems to me that Mike and the others do a pretty good job of running this place. Since I'm a full grown man and have knowledge of the keyboard on this computer,.....if a thread gets too 'bloody' or the posters start acting like idiots.....I just hit the 'back' key and get out of that one and don't return,.....simple as that.
Title: Re: saying goodbye to ethd Post by: HDMdogs on April 19, 2012, 10:35:03 am Seems to me that Mike and the others do a pretty good job of running this place. Since I'm a full grown man and have knowledge of the keyboard on this computer,.....if a thread gets too 'bloody' or the posters start acting like idiots.....I just hit the 'back' key and get out of that one and don't return,.....simple as that. i agree! and if there worrying about word usage,pictures,stories,post etc..Theres a better button at the top than back its called LOGOUT!"Some of these people in todays society scare me sheltering kids, I DONT WANNA BE ON THE ROAD WITH THE FUTURE TEENAGERS BEING TAUGHT BY THESE PARENTS!! :-\ |