Title: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: cujo72 on April 19, 2012, 07:44:16 am The 5th annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest date has been set for Friday May 11-Sunday May 13 (this is Monty Bennets Annual Tourney)
Registration fee of $200 per team Buckles will be awarded to the team with the stringer of 5 heaviest hogs side pot for Heaviest Boar and Sow Official Rules: 1. 3 man hunting teams with 1 alternate to be placed with rival teams 2. All hogs must be bayed and caught with dogs 3. No hogs caught behind game fences of any sort (High, Low, opened or closed gates) 4. No trapped hogs 5. Teams must hunt together except in the case of split bays after splits are caught, teams must reunite. 6. No hogs previously injured for the purpose of an easy Tourney catch then released 7. Only Team members can catch hogs Alternates can only help with dogs and dragging hogs 8. Dogs can not be turned out until 10 p.m. Friday May 11, 2012 9. Landowners welcome but cannot help hunters with dogs or hogs 10. all hogs must be alive and able to walk on to the scales 11. Weight in will be held at Bill Hasty's Hog buying station in Bridgeport, Tx (Runaway Bay) Sunday May 13, 2012 at 1p.m. 12. Buyer will be on sight to buy all hogs deemed worthy of purchase teams are resposable for any hog not deemed worthy of purchase 13. All teams must be at Weigh in by 2 pm sharp no excuses 14. Limit of one non hunter helper per team 15. Team Captain and Altenate must be present at weight in Registration will be at the Weight in Sight from 5 p.m. till 8 p.m. May 11, 2012 for any questions contact Monty Bennet @ 940-210-1762 Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: cujo72 on April 19, 2012, 08:11:09 am (http://i771.photobucket.com/albums/xx355/tj8437/IMAG1402.jpg)
Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: M Bennet on April 19, 2012, 06:45:59 pm p&p give me dog leads and hobbles and cutt callors for door prizes, after wiegh in we will have a drawing.
Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: JRyanS on April 19, 2012, 07:58:37 pm Location?
Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: M Bennet on April 19, 2012, 08:06:20 pm wiegh in is at bridgeport lake, north tx in wise county. hwy 380 runs right by the wiegh in station theres 2 big red barns on the left right before the lake . thier are sgns on the front gate, cant miss it.
Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: cujo72 on April 19, 2012, 09:44:18 pm (http://i771.photobucket.com/albums/xx355/tj8437/8b13ef94.jpg)
Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: cujo72 on April 26, 2012, 11:37:50 am Just got a call from Monty he has a POLYGRAPH TEST LINED UP. THERE WILL BE NO NEED FOR AN Alternate. The helper limit has been raised to 3. Helpers can help hunters in all aspects of the hunt but CANNOT HAVE ANY DOGS ON THE HUNT! Monty was at work and asked me to post this for him. Because of the Polygraph Tech ALL TEAMS MUST BE AT THE WEIGH IN NO LATER THAN 1 ON SUNDAY.
Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: M Bennet on May 01, 2012, 10:00:58 am ok guys iv got 6 teams coming for sure, dont be scared of the north tx hog hunters come up and take the buckle and money. i would love to have every body come . hope to see some of yall there.
Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: charles on May 05, 2012, 08:24:25 am when is the last day to register?
Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: SwampHunter on May 05, 2012, 07:35:23 pm any body wanting to hunt this ? might have a spot left on our team will know soon , due to family stuff came up with one guy that were gonna be on the team , so its me an txsteve an maybe a spot open
Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: M Bennet on May 06, 2012, 10:08:09 pm friday 17 at 8 o clock is the dead line.
Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: M Bennet on May 06, 2012, 10:10:33 pm please dont forget i have moved this tournment to the 18,19,20 , everything is the same. call me for any ? 940 210 1762
Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: weller44 on May 11, 2012, 04:19:19 pm Nice buckles..
I'm Working on getting a team Monty...everybody's either working or rodeo. How many of you guys on here are gonna make this hunt? Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: Hamilton_hogger on May 14, 2012, 07:53:50 pm im gonna do my dangdest....very happy tp hear it was moved i was dissapointed my buddy had to work...
Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: txhogsanddogs on May 14, 2012, 09:21:15 pm I'll hve my team together! :)
Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: cujo72 on May 15, 2012, 07:10:32 am Monty asked me to post that the start time is 7:00 on Friday so sign up and turn out boys looking forward to meeting all you fellows sounds like their is going to be alot of top competitors this year.
Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: txhogsanddogs on May 16, 2012, 09:46:36 pm Monty asked me to post that the start time is 7:00 on Friday so sign up and turn out boys looking forward to meeting all you fellows sounds like their is going to be alot of top competitors this year. who is the top competitors Curtis? I want to know what I'm going to be up against! :)Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: cujo72 on May 17, 2012, 10:02:05 am Brian I know only a few of the local boys. there is suppose to be like 13 teams so I would be lying if I were to put a guess out there.. But from what I know JSH, Weller44, LRH, and TH&Ds all have great dogs and if their land holds out for them they will all be in the running.
Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: M Bennet on May 17, 2012, 10:05:17 am its any bodys win, all we need is 5 hogs.
im not scared of superdick or the freak show. yall just better have some places with hogs. dont get scared and back out.lol Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: cujo72 on May 17, 2012, 10:07:14 am LMAO!!! Monty get your arss to work!!!
Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: txhogsanddogs on May 17, 2012, 10:11:29 am Oh I was just kidding. I'm not scared though Monty. As long as your female doesn't have superdick all screwed up in the head we should do ok. I'll see u guys at the weigh in.
Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: Texashogboys on May 17, 2012, 02:26:36 pm When do you have to sign up buy and where will we be hunting
Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: txhogsanddogs on May 17, 2012, 09:49:35 pm When do you have to sign up buy and where will we be hunting sign up is before 7pm tomorrow so hurry. You can hunt anywhere u want in Texas. Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: M Bennet on May 18, 2012, 01:20:55 pm there are 10 teams already paid to hunt good turn out
Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: M Bennet on May 19, 2012, 02:44:50 pm i have a 11 teams that showed up to hunt.
Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: M Bennet on May 20, 2012, 04:29:55 pm bob richerson , jay richerson were the winners , 1021 lbs won 1st team name was bearfoot
3 miles kennels won second 938 lbs 400 dallors cujo 72 won third 807 lbs 200 cujo72 won big boar 343 Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: txhogsanddogs on May 20, 2012, 07:29:54 pm bob richerson , jay richerson were the winners , 1021 lbs won 1st team name was bearfoot 3 miles kennels won second 938 lbs 400 dallors cujo 72 won third 807 lbs 200 cujo72 won big boar 343 congrats Curtis on the big boar. That was a good one for sure. Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: SwampHunter on May 20, 2012, 09:09:27 pm good job everybody had fun !!
Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: TColt on May 20, 2012, 09:11:34 pm Congratulations everyone! Had a blast huntin this tournament, will be there next year for sure.
Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: Shotgun66 on May 21, 2012, 05:31:48 am Thanks to Monty Bennet for organizing a solid event. Good turn out and alot of good people. Also,( I doubt they are for sale) next time I need a catch dog I will be inquiring about one of those red headed Bennet kiddos. Poor hog didn't have a chance. Swarmed him faster than those yella dogs of yours.
- Congratulations and great job to all hog hunter teams. Looks like combined WE weighed in 6000 lbs + of pork. Tip of the cap to The Richerdson's and 3 Miles Kennels. Looking forward to competing again next year. - Finally, on behalf of Cujo72, Kaleb, and myself, I wanted to send a BIG THANK YOU to Greg & Matt Gunta, Jimmy and their crew. We had a great time rolling with you guys and hope to do it again real soon. Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: weller44 on May 21, 2012, 11:58:19 am Congrats to all the winners! It was good to see some of you guys and meet a few new good guys on here. We had alot of fun hunting this tourny and will deg be back next year!
Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: HOGDOGGERSPC on May 21, 2012, 10:35:51 pm you bet Leon we had a blast as well looking forward to hunting with you guys again. Thanks Monty for putting on a another good weekend of hunting with good people.
I would also like to thank my sponsor 4 hour energy for keeping me so jacked up i couldnt sleep when I needed to. Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: M Bennet on May 21, 2012, 11:36:35 pm next years buckels are going to say , North hoggers battles West hoggers champions 2013
i hope oh bearfoot comes back or weller 44 to represent the west. greg glad yall came Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: SwineNdine4 on May 24, 2012, 12:49:24 pm You bet ya, this tournement was a blast. Could not have had a better group of guys to hunt with. Curtis, Leon, Kaleb, Matt, and Greg it was a pleasure hunting with all of you. We need to keep in contact and all do it again. Look forward to the hunt next year. Ya'll holler at me soon, i've got a few good places lined up we didn't get a chance to hunt.
-Jimmy (817) 675-0726 Title: Re: 5th Annual N.T.H.D. Spring Hog Dog Contest (Buckles Awared) Post by: HOGDOGGERSPC on May 25, 2012, 03:17:43 pm FOR SURE JIM I STUMBLED INTO SOME LAND CLOSE TO ONE OF YOUR PLACES WILL CALL YOU ON IT! CYA SOON!!!