Title: Started Brindle Catahoula Pup Post by: brandonb on April 19, 2012, 05:58:41 pm 6 month old started brindle catahoula male for sale 125 negotiable. Here is a video of him baying. Parents are both meduim to long range strike dogs.
Name is Brandon. Text is best but call and leave a message and ill get back to you if you cant text. Located in Huntsville. 9364654812 bkb005@yahoo.com dont check it much. Click on the photo (http://i1227.photobucket.com/albums/ee435/bkb005/th_NewProject3.jpg) (http://s1227.photobucket.com/albums/ee435/bkb005/?action=view¤t=NewProject3.mp4) |