Title: FINISHED CD Post by: rjohnson on April 23, 2012, 08:13:48 am I have a finished american bulldog lead in catch dog for sale. He probably weighs 85 lbs is tall and very athletic he hits and catches hard he will catch the ear if one is available if not anywhere. The only reason im selling him is I have 2 other cd and my buddy has raised three dogo crosses that are ready to go hate to see him go to waste. He is very playfull and loves attention and not bad around other dogs u just have to watch him if another male dog starts something never had any problems in woods or after catching pig with wanting to fight. He has got lose at house several times and i have cows horses and several male dogs on chain and he didnt get into anything. $200.00 firm 903 563 5349 rjfarms@peoplescom.net im located in mt vernon east of dallas the dog is about 2.5 yrs old.