Title: grove hunters Post by: FL hogdogger on April 23, 2012, 05:48:42 pm hey guy,
I was wondering how many of you guys hunt groves and how many hogs u normaly get? I have never hunted groves so i was curious. I have done quite a few drive and drops lol... But how do u hunt groves cast, spot light, how? Do u get big ones in the groves or bunch of small ones? Thanks guys for any imput. Title: Re: grove hunters Post by: crackae11 on April 23, 2012, 06:09:37 pm ** iNput ! Geesh u must of went to school in a grove lol jk
Title: Re: Re: grove hunters Post by: sfboarbuster on April 23, 2012, 08:49:32 pm It all depends on the place you are huntin. We used to block off the crossings with a truck that way they had to stay in the block or cross a steep canal, 9 times out of 10 they would end up in a canal with nowhere to go. Usually would hunt 2 baydogs just like any other place. If they were gone, would spotlight and turn some rank dogs out when we saw one.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2 Title: Re: grove hunters Post by: Noah on April 23, 2012, 09:28:22 pm I love hunting groves, but there are infinite variables for each and every one... have had good nights and bad nights... big hogs and small hogs... some run, some don't...
One thing is a fact... on high pressured groves... you'll learn real quick what dogs have stopping power and which ones don't ;) Title: Re: grove hunters Post by: hogaholicswife on April 24, 2012, 07:34:24 am We have sight hunted groves that hadn't been hunted because the hogs did not know to run, most you could drive up on but with that said if you hunt the crap out of it they eventually learn to run and you will need wind / cast dogs.
John is right, learn where they cross so when your dogs jump them go sit at their crossing to keep them in the blocks. Also, don't let the idea of a grove fool you....they hold all sizes and we have caught some nasty ones. Alot of those we caught did not have much for teeth because of the fruit but there were a few that were not of typical. Title: Re: grove hunters Post by: FL hogdogger on April 24, 2012, 08:57:12 am Sfboahunter-thats a good way to do it.... I hunted cane and we caught quite a few in the ditchs and dude im short so it was about chest high water. On a cold night lets just say hatin life lol..
Noah - so what im gathering is i need so hog stoppen dogs... Is there anything i can do to build my dogs confeidence to sink teeth in the back end of a hog? Or is it just time in the woods and keep them on the hogs? Title: Re: grove hunters Post by: Noah on April 24, 2012, 07:22:22 pm Man, there's a HIGH genetic factor for this trait in my opinion... the skill to grab aholt of a bad one, sit his ass down, and get the hell out of the way when he turns to wreck you.... VERY FINE LINE.
Hunting groves/grass patches helps teach a dog this skill, I will say that... a skill that can be transferred when the dog goes back to the woods Title: Re: grove hunters Post by: rdjustham on April 25, 2012, 06:02:11 am We let our dogs wind out of the truck. Usually two or three at a time. Dog bails off, shut the truck down and wait. Like John said alot of times they bay in the canals and if they dont they are probably headed to the cypress heads/Pepper tree jungles. Dont hardly ever catch one with teeth, but every now and again youll get on a good one.