HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: mod93dirt on April 27, 2012, 12:14:40 am

Title: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: mod93dirt on April 27, 2012, 12:14:40 am
With the recent post about all of our imaginary girlfriends, I thought would post up here about the women that really keep us in line!  Give me all the crap you want, but I honestly believe she is the most beautiful woman in the world. She is an incredible mother, and an amazing wife, but more importantly she manages to put up with all of my crap. In spite of all the other woman in the world, I would not give up my wife for anything. I still wonder every day how my goofy ass ended up with such an amazing woman!! She is my second wife. My first one, I wouldnt piss on her if she was on fire. But this one I would and do give my life to make sure that she is happy every moment because she makes me so happy as well.  She growed up more "country" than I ever thought about being, with her father raising game birds and racing greyhounds and all. So she is more than understanding when it comes to my love of hunting all types of creatures.

So this here is a post to give thanks to the wonderful women who put up with all of our BS and still allow us to do what we want to do.

Here she is on Daytona Beach

Here she is on the night before our wedding.

Here she is with my bro in law and some of his game birds!!

Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: SCHitemHard on April 27, 2012, 01:14:45 am
my good ol pastry chef, always a slice of cheesecake in the fridge :laugh:

her first time walking my horse
Charleston, SC battery

Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: Corey on April 27, 2012, 04:55:23 am
The only person in the world that can make me so mad I can't talk....and leave me begging for more. I could never describe my perfect woman, then I met her and realized what I was waiting for

Her first caught hog...she hasn't batted an eye about my dogs or huntin' since.

From the woods to uptown.
Perry's Steakhouse Dallas

Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: ROCKIN ROO HOG DOGS on April 27, 2012, 06:16:51 am
This one keeps me on my toes!

Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: RL on April 27, 2012, 07:21:58 am
Guys, I am impressed.  It is nice to read a thread of a positive nature.  Thanks.  A nice way to start my day.

38 years later and my HS sweetheart still makes me smile when I don't even know why.

Title: Re: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: BOSS HOGG on April 27, 2012, 07:46:08 am
6years going Strong.(http://img.tapatalk.com/a6f9c4b0-94f6-faab.jpg) my Little Fam. (http://img.tapatalk.com/a6f9c4b0-9518-f641.jpg)

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk

Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: Swine-Stalker on April 27, 2012, 07:52:53 am
Best mom I know... Besides my mom of course lol.
My wife Crystal and I have been married for 7 years together for 8.


Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: BOSS HOGG on April 27, 2012, 07:55:46 am
Didn't realize a ol' mutely crew of hog doggers could have such Better looking halves  :laugh:

Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: YELLOWBLACKMASK on April 27, 2012, 08:19:40 am
Didn't realize a ol' mutely crew of hog doggers could have such Better looking halves  :laugh:

X2.  Gentleman.   Very beautiful ladies.

Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: wine6978 on April 27, 2012, 08:21:53 am
Well she ain't my wife just yet. But in about 9 months she will be. My fiance is awesome!!! She fought me tooth and nail in the beginning of doggin, but not that woman is plum crazy about it!!! Loves the dogs more than anyone, and ain't afraid to leg one!!! She is BigNoseKate on here!!!

My big goofy ass and her after I got my "worthless piece of paper"!!!

Her with our Loco CD

Me n Her

Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: t.wilbanks on April 27, 2012, 08:24:31 am
Didn't realize a ol' mutely crew of hog doggers could have such Better looking halves  :laugh:

X2.  Gentleman.   Very beautiful ladies.

x3.. Steadily adding to my list.....  >:D  :D                  Just Kidding Fellers!!!  :P   

( I think i should put " Just Kidding " as my signature, that way i dont have to post it everytime!!  ;D )

Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: BOSS HOGG on April 27, 2012, 08:30:25 am
Didn't realize a ol' mutely crew of hog doggers could have such Better looking halves  :laugh:

X2.  Gentleman.   Very beautiful ladies.

x3.. Steadily adding to my list.....  >:D  :D                  Just Kidding Fellers!!!  :P   

( I think i should put " Just Kidding " as my signature, that way i dont have to post it everytime!!  ;D )

Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: YELLOWBLACKMASK on April 27, 2012, 08:51:32 am

My big goofy ass and her after I got my "worthless piece of paper"!!!

Dang I didn't know your were registered!   ;D

Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: BigNoseKate on April 27, 2012, 08:56:28 am

My big goofy ass and her after I got my "worthless piece of paper"!!!

Dang I didn't know your were registered!   ;D

Hahaha!! Lmao!!! I don't know what kind of breed you'd call him, but he ain't a cull. That's for sure!!  ;)

Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: T-Bob Parker on April 27, 2012, 09:16:09 am
Both of my girls kickin my butt at the triangle game!

Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: 5G ybmc on April 27, 2012, 09:43:02 am

going on 41 year,s with my sweetheart and have loved every day of it.

i hunt 10 day,s and rest 4 then do it again. the 4 day,s are when i work 7am-7pm.
she don,t mind  or said,s she don,t      maybe she want,s to get me out of the house.

Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: DARDEN on April 27, 2012, 09:54:26 am
Just got married recently to the love of my life.
My wife and all my boys when I asked her to marry me.

Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: prg2010 on April 27, 2012, 11:13:29 am
This is my better half!! She is a excellent mother and great wife puts up with alot from me and does alot around the house since I'm always working! we just had our one year anniversary on the fourth of this month!

At a birthday party last year!(http://img.tapatalk.com/a6cd0839-c4f0-d37b.jpg)

This was at mud nationals in Jacksonville!! (http://img.tapatalk.com/a6cd0839-c54f-0337.jpg)

Company dinner! (http://img.tapatalk.com/a6cd0839-c5ae-4577.jpg)

Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: Pitman01 on April 27, 2012, 02:44:27 pm
This is my other half I don't think there's one thing we haven't done together! We recently just got married about 3 weeks ago.


Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: RyanTBH on April 27, 2012, 04:51:18 pm
This is my much better half! LOL! We've been together since HS as well, and now for the past 9 years, 2 of which we've been married. If it were not for her I do not know where I'd be... probably dead or in jail. I've matured a lot becuase of her and for her, and still am working on it everyday. Happy wife happy life I always say! But I also have some other very important women in my life... ;D

Daria L. Shelton
This was a while ago, but still a good one of her...
My wife and I at our anual Halloween/my bday party...
The family pic from last spring.

Now the other women in my life.
My mother-in-law Ronna on the L, and my mother Karen on the right.

and my daughter Sydni she'll turne 3 in Dec.

If it weren't for all these women I would not be the man I am today!

Oh, and can't forget my special T-Girl... LOL! She is 18 this year.

Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: SwampHunter on April 27, 2012, 10:41:52 pm
my gf of 7 years courtney she will catch a hog , help clean it an feed the dogs an put up with some wild trips in the woods an even help haul hay lol

Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: mod93dirt on April 28, 2012, 12:31:44 am
Wow!! I'm impressed.  Nice looking ladies everyone!! Must be something about hog hunters that attracts good lookin women! Of course none of ya'lls is as good lookin as mine. Haha! But I am sure everyone feels the same about their woman as I do about mine.  We should just all be thankful that we found a good woman who puts up with all of our BS!!

Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: JRyanS on April 28, 2012, 12:07:48 pm
She'd kill me if she knew about this.
Switzerland (Prego)
Munich, Germany
Paris, France (Prego)
Las Vegas
Halloween with our little one.
And the Little One, Sophie 5yr

Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: arrowbar on April 28, 2012, 12:33:11 pm
Here is a few of my wife, been together almost 12 years now since High School.
and heres the queen and princess

Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: Noah on April 30, 2012, 07:51:31 pm
The woman that makes me complete... the woman that drives me bat chit crazy...  ;D

My April... How I lucked up on a plain out, good human being like this I will never know.  Since I met her almost 14yrs ago(and promptly asked her to marry me a month later  ;)), I have yet to see another woman that could compare.  Looks are one thing, but looks and an understanding of morality are a very rare thing these days... as is the ability to recognize these traits in others.... combine this with a brazen ability to call me out when I'm being a jackass yet still tolerate my many quirks... and... you have my perfect woman  ;D  My April.

One of my favorite pictures of her... yet another trip to the E.R. for another of many cat scans lol... colt slammed me into the side of a horse trailer and knocked me out cold, all the while doing the riverdance on my lifeless body haha...  Don't know how I got home, but two hours later(with a gooseneck and 6 horses) I remember pulling in the gate at home and wondering how I got there... April met me as I stepped out of the truck and knew I was bad off before I even had the chance to throw up lol... which I did soon enough haha... she's always been there to protect me from myself, to pick me up when I fell down, to cheer me on when no one else would.   I can only hope that some day I can be half the friend that she has been to me over the years.  I love you my April.


Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: HBR on May 01, 2012, 08:53:50 am
Well here's the one that puts up with me !

Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: smacdown on May 04, 2012, 11:03:15 pm
My senorita that thinks I have to many dogs lol she is crazy

Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: dane on May 06, 2012, 08:35:46 am
this is my wife    we been married since jan      she is a real good girl   puts up with lots hunting fishing and beer!!

Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: t.wilbanks on May 06, 2012, 03:28:07 pm

Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: SCHitemHard on May 06, 2012, 03:34:07 pm
trent you a young fella but you got a great lookin family 8)

Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: t.wilbanks on May 06, 2012, 03:47:12 pm
trent you a young fella but you got a great lookin family 8)

Thank ya...  ;)

Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: SCHitemHard on May 06, 2012, 03:49:23 pm
i didnt see no yellas in that picture, got me worried for a second

Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: t.wilbanks on May 06, 2012, 04:53:35 pm
i didnt see no yellas in that picture, got me worried for a second

I wanted to take some with a couple of em... Maybe next time...

 Here is me and Meatheads family photo..  ;D


Title: Re: The Woman We Really Love
Post by: curdog87 on May 13, 2012, 08:00:28 pm
Well here's Oct 15,2011