HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Cutter Bay Kennels on April 27, 2012, 09:17:51 pm

Title: Cattle
Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on April 27, 2012, 09:17:51 pm
Let's see what you currently have.

Love looking at what people have.

Title: Re: Cattle
Post by: BA-IV on April 27, 2012, 09:46:02 pm
It's a picture of one of our bulls and some older cows.  The cow beside the bull is 13 and still having cows, she just now has a broke mouth this spring.  The bull ain't my favorite as far as conformation but he throws some fine calves.


Title: Re: Cattle
Post by: riverbottomhoghunter on April 27, 2012, 10:45:29 pm
thoes are pretty good looking cows

Title: Re: Cattle
Post by: Wmwendler on April 28, 2012, 11:21:59 am
I will have to take some recent photos.  Untill then here are some older ones but I still have most of these cows.


Good little 800lb longhorn cow......has a calf every fall.  Weaned this calf out of a simmi-angus bull at ~425.  Weaned him a little early, he was under 6 months, But it will be fall before we get them up again so I pulled him off of her.  He would have been over 500 if I had left him another 45 days.  He brought more than Grandpa paid for her originally.   Not bad considering the big brafords we have weigh and eat almost twice as much as her but they don't produce twice as much as she does.

same cow a few years back and a calf she raised

Another good small framed cow.
Grandpa has had this cow a LONG time so I am not exactly sure what this cow is but she looks and milks like a herford/jersey cross.  The steer by her side speaks for itsself.  This was early last fall during the drought.  This year she has a hefer calf on the ground that allready weighs 300+.  I'll probly keep it for a replacement.

Drought rations last year.

Moderate framed braford cow with last years heifer calf.  Has another good heifer on her this spring.

I culled this cow last fall because she did not breed back.  She got mastitis in half her bag and raised two good calves with half an udder.  She was 20+ years old.  Almost hated to cull her but she had to go.

I wish I had a whole herd of cows like this one.  A few years back she raised twin steers and both of them weighed very close to 600 when we pulled them.


Title: Re: Cattle
Post by: arrowbar on April 28, 2012, 12:37:00 pm

Title: Re: Cattle
Post by: BQM on April 28, 2012, 04:11:56 pm
registered simbra
express ranch angus
Some of the cows
couple calves

Title: Re: Cattle
Post by: matt_aggie04 on April 28, 2012, 04:19:02 pm
I bought these cows bred to a Brangus bull and they raised nice calves last year but I am real pleased with the Charolais bull I put over them last year. I am having a hard time talking myself in to getting rid of these heifers. I don't have a lot of cows yet but by the time I am done I plan to have 75+ momma cows.
My favorite cow, always grows the best calf and is just a producers. I hope to get some heifers out of her one of these days but two bull calves so far.
Another good cow and a heifer a prolly should have kept.
This years crop out of "shorty"

Title: Re: Cattle
Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on April 28, 2012, 09:24:57 pm
Very nice guys. I sure wish I had Matt's land. Just saying.

Title: Re: Cattle
Post by: cward on April 28, 2012, 11:34:00 pm
Matt u did no,wrong by going with that white bull.  I like the looks of them calves. That little down horn black cows mother was a cow we called 113 she was one of those one of a kind kinda cows. It looks like gentics kicked in.  All the cows look good.

Title: Re: Cattle
Post by: matt_aggie04 on April 28, 2012, 11:41:24 pm
I wish I could buy em all over again from you Chance, I like em that much.  That heifer in the far right of the very last picture is the one that was born and came with these cows. She should be having her first calf in the next week or two. I am excited to see what kind of momma cow she turns in to.  If that scur horned cow ever decides to have a heifer I will keep everyone she has.  I think you need to sell me another set like these!

Josh I appreciate the comment on the land. It is my parents place thankfully so I should get to use it for quite a while. I just picked up some lease country and hope to put some cows on it late this year. It is an expensive hobby more than anything but I enjoy it.

Title: Re: Cattle
Post by: BA-IV on April 29, 2012, 06:57:44 am
All good looking cattle.  I've always wanted to raise a few longhorns.  Not the fancy 10k a calf type, but the good woods longhorn.  I've never been around em but would like to hear some of you guys experiences with raising them.

Title: Re: Cattle
Post by: matt_aggie04 on April 29, 2012, 08:56:32 am
I bought these two as an experiment for $200. They will have a Charolais or angus bull put on them next spring and we will see how they do. They seem to get by very well on not just a whole lot of groceries.

Title: Re: Cattle
Post by: Wmwendler on April 30, 2012, 09:30:40 am
All good looking cattle.  I've always wanted to raise a few longhorns.  Not the fancy 10k a calf type, but the good woods longhorn.  I've never been around em but would like to hear some of you guys experiences with raising them.

To me, people breeding longhorns for bigger horns or more color are taking away from the breed.  That kind of single trait selection will ruin a breed fast.  Polled Herford is another good example of a breed gone bad due to single trait selection.  I like the old school Spanish type longhorns but I don't see them often.  Moderate horn length and not as flashy of colors (more roans, brindles or solid colors).  800-900lbs  We have always had a few around.  They don't raise the kind of calf that a 1400 lbs braford cow will but they dont eat as much and can perform on lower quality forage better.  They are good mommas, no calving problems, No bad bags, no cancer eyes, Don't get crippled.  Always fertile when they get adequate ammounts of forage.  They might not breed back if you are short on forage and try to make up with more suppliment.  That sort of feeding program does not really work on them for some reason like the does the continental breeds.  The biggest problem with longhorns, unless you figure out a way to get solid colored calved out of them, is the fact that you will get discounted allot on price just because of the color even if it is a quality calf.  The longhorn cross steer I posted up the thread was discounted ~50 cents a lb. compared to if he had been solid red or black.  We cull cows when they dont breed back and the longhorns always seem to stick around.


Title: Re: Cattle
Post by: Circle C on April 30, 2012, 11:09:19 am
We don't exactly have your typical commercial cattle herd... , from registered brahman to sale barn rejects to corrientes, and everything in between.

One of the reasons we have various types, has to do with our uses.  Team roping, cutting practice, youth rodeo, dog training, etc.

We have a small group of what we call the "good cattle", tiger stripes, F1's, grey brahman, black brangus, red angus, and beefmaster, all running with a charlois bull.  We use the calves from this group to support Mandi's cutting horse habit. All of the calves get used in the cutting pen until they sour, or reach a shipping weight.





A couple of calves born last month to this group

One of Mandi's cutting calves.


I bought this old longhorn cow at the Buffalo sale last year. She's old as dirt, but I thought she had some unique headgear.  I just hope I beat the scavengers when she kicks the bucket.

My favorite cow, this pic was taken in the middle of last years drought. She's as gentle as they come, great bag, and raises a heck of a nice calf.

We keep a group of about 25 or so head of corriente and longhorn heifers to rope, once they learn some head tricks, or start to drag, we send them to Mandi to use in the cutting pen. After they sour at the cutting pen, they get turned out to pasture with the commercial cattle.   We keep one black corriente bull at the house with the cutting cattle, that way the corriente/longhorn cattle get a small bull for their first calf.

Here's a pic of Mandi and Termite cutting one of the old roping heifers yesterday.

 The cutters are also used here at the house for training the dogs.

Here's a pic of my BC "Chip' learning his job.  You might notice a sheep in the top left of the picture. That was CWard's prom date. He still refers to her as the "purdy one"

"Ruby" working with some of the old roping cattle.

   Here is one of Mandi's projects.  Last year we went and bought a pen of roping cattle. This longhorn cow was there with a small calf on her. We bought the pair for the price of the calf, not knowing if the cow would survive. After some TLC from Mandi, she was turned into a great lead cow. First one in the pens, and you can call her by her name, "Aggie"


In the meantime, Mandi took advantage of Aggie being poor, and halter broker her, and taught her to drive.

Above I mentioned youth rodeo. Occasionally we will ship some of our roping or cutting cattle to the TYRA rodeos to be bucked out. 
Here's a pic of some bucking practice

Just for grins, while I was digging through old pics, I ran across this pic of my friend/neighbor's son, JT.   

Title: Re: Cattle
Post by: Eric on April 30, 2012, 12:27:18 pm
This is my latest addition.... 3/4 Hereford 1/4 Brahman Bull. Got him on some Black Brangus type cattle. :)

Title: Re: Cattle
Post by: riverbottomhoghunter on May 02, 2012, 05:55:32 pm
good looking cows

Title: Re: Cattle
Post by: curdogs3006 on May 02, 2012, 06:51:46 pm

Title: Re: Cattle
Post by: Whistler on May 03, 2012, 08:20:34 am


I work part time when i need extra money for some guys that raise showsteers.  This is just a couple i have halter broke and gotten ready to sell. We AI all our cows but the pic below is the clean up bull who throws really nice calfs.


Title: Re: Re: Cattle
Post by: BOSS HOGG on May 03, 2012, 11:49:20 am
Here's a few (http://img.tapatalk.com/a6f9c4a2-b62b-ca32.jpg)(http://img.tapatalk.com/a6f9c4a2-b655-4de9.jpg)(http://img.tapatalk.com/a6f9c4a2-b66d-4eb4.jpg)(http://img.tapatalk.com/a6f9c4a2-b694-e977.jpg)(http://img.tapatalk.com/a6f9c4a2-b6ad-00ec.jpg)(http://img.tapatalk.com/a6f9c4a2-b6c1-dbdd.jpg) solid heifer (http://img.tapatalk.com/a6f9c4a2-b6f0-0cfc.jpg) Bulls young

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Cattle
Post by: Silverton Boar Dogs on May 06, 2012, 12:20:30 am
A few pics of some of our cattle.




Title: Re: Cattle
Post by: Hawkins on May 06, 2012, 09:04:32 am
Brangus cows I brought home Thursday. Calving sometime now thru June. Bred to an angus bull.


Title: Re: Cattle
Post by: Eric on May 14, 2012, 09:43:32 am
Those are some good looking cows. I'm trying to get some more of them with that little bit of paint on their head and underside.

A picture I took last week.

Title: Re: Cattle
Post by: Izz on May 14, 2012, 01:37:57 pm
Any of yal boys know where i can get a head gate for good price?

Title: Re: Cattle
Post by: Koa96727 on May 15, 2012, 04:52:43 am

Title: Re: Cattle
Post by: Koa96727 on May 15, 2012, 04:53:39 am
some of our cattle. here in Hawaii

Title: Re: Cattle
Post by: Joe Tullos on May 23, 2012, 01:29:46 pm
Nice looking cow the charlious heirs would do good on a registered Brahma bull just happen to have one 4t cattle and poultry  281-850-3269 give me a call let us make a deal. we been raising Brahman for 20 years...