HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Reuben on May 11, 2012, 08:42:08 am

Title: Ronald Reagan
Post by: Reuben on May 11, 2012, 08:42:08 am
When you can view a presentation like this from the internet, it makes one happy to be an American!




Title: Re: Ronald Reagan
Post by: Hog Dog Mike on May 12, 2012, 06:11:28 pm
Ronald Reagan is the best president we have had in my lifetime.

You young guys have no idea what it was like under Carter. The Iranians took over our embassy and when he sends some of the military over to rescue them the helos crashed due to lack of parts. Those people stayed in prison for over a year while the muslims were talking trash. Peanut Jimmy did NOTHING. The camel jockeys let them go before Reagan got his hand off of the bible because they knew what was coming.

Carter is like Obama in that he made you ashamed to be an American. You could only buy gas every other day and sometimes only 10 gallons. And you had to wait in line to do that. If you had a even number license plate you bought gas on even days of the week if you could find a station that had any.

The prime interest rate was 23% and owning a home was just a dream. I have real good credit and bought a house at that time. I put 1/3 cash down and still the best I could get was 13.5%. It was what was not long  after Reagan got in office that I got it refinanced and cut 10 yeas off my note and had a lower house payment.

Obama is worse than Carter and anybody that votes for him is an idiot.

Title: Re: Ronald Reagan
Post by: BA-IV on May 12, 2012, 09:27:31 pm
Reagan was the first president my dad voted for and to this day he says Reagan was his favorite president and was the only vote he has made that he never questioned it.

Title: Re: Ronald Reagan
Post by: Bar W on May 13, 2012, 07:01:05 am
Talked to one of uncles sams misguided children a few years back Master Gunnery Sargent Mitchel I believe his name was, in the core from '80 until '96. Said when Reagan was in there if a problem came up they went and killed it, when Clinton got reelected he got out four years short of retirement because he couldn't stomach it anymore.

Title: Re: Ronald Reagan
Post by: M Bennet on May 13, 2012, 12:09:02 pm
R,R was one of the best we had and didnt take much chit off the middle east.

Title: Re: Ronald Reagan
Post by: Hog Dog Mike on May 14, 2012, 06:03:19 pm
He didn't take anything off of the whine cat air traffic controllers. Told them to get off their butts and go back to work or they would be fired. They called his bluff and lost their jobs.

He was the reason the Berlin wall went down. Reagan single handed beat comunism.