Title: NALC REGISTERED CATAHOULAS Post by: TimmsHogDogs on May 20, 2012, 01:21:30 pm I posted these puppies a few days ago but now I have pictures and eye colors and everything.
2 Females and 2 Males. Have had there first puppy shot and been wormed with Panacur. Probably will need to be done again on Friday. I worm them once a week until they are 8 weeks old. There daddy is out of Abney, Lonesome Dove, Hunters Hill and Liles bloodlines and my female is out of some local hog hunting boodlines that dont have kennels names. Both parents hunt out anywhere from 300-600 yards away coming back to check in every now and then. Daddy is gritty as he!! and momma will put teeth on a pig if neccessary. Females are $250 and Males are $200 Blue Leopard female with a white collar and Blue eyes (She is the Runt of the Litter) (http://i1225.photobucket.com/albums/ee397/CrazyDogKennels/IMAG0254.jpg) Red Leopard Female left eye is blue and right eye is green (http://i1225.photobucket.com/albums/ee397/CrazyDogKennels/IMAG0258.jpg) Dark Blue/Grey Leopard with a dark tan trim Male with brown eyes (http://i1225.photobucket.com/albums/ee397/CrazyDogKennels/IMAG0260.jpg) White with red leopard patching Male with Blue eyes (http://img.tapatalk.com/3ff6e88e-3d04-5f17.jpg) Ready Now Ben Wheeler, Tx 903-368-2197 Eva crazydog_kennels@yahoo.com |