Title: Finished Blue Pitt Catch Dog Post by: Handle_It on May 21, 2012, 03:56:19 pm I am selling my 1 1/2 yr old male blue pitt catch dog "Lucian". He is good size and catches Hard!! Knows what a bay is definatley, have only lead in never run loose. Caught quite a few with him since ive had him. Only reason for sellin is goin back to one catch and could use some money. askin $600 firm no less so don't ask Contact Cory at 830-491-0474 email c.wiggins45@yahoo.com dont check Located between Seguin and Gonzales. Thanks for Lookin *****SOLD****
(http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l591/corywiggins22/DSC_7038_0372.jpg) (http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l591/corywiggins22/DSC_3814.jpg) |