Title: varmit gun Post by: Riley W on May 24, 2012, 05:58:24 pm what kind of gun would you shoot for predators i am trying to find something that does not lave a giant hole in the hide
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: Purebreedcolt on May 24, 2012, 07:13:05 pm Depends in a trap or hunting and also what type of varmint.
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: Riley W on May 24, 2012, 07:35:31 pm hunting bobcats and yotes and for traps i was just thinkin 22
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: Taylor S. on May 24, 2012, 10:00:25 pm 17 hmr is what I use
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: River Runners on May 25, 2012, 01:10:31 am 22-250
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: Reuben on May 25, 2012, 07:39:14 am 22-250 x2...long range and accurate...doubles as a good deer gun with the right ammo...but some states require a minimum cal of 243 for deer.Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: JoshH34 on May 25, 2012, 07:44:53 am .204 Ruger, my brother in law has one and it is an awesome gun. I've seen him hit a couple yotes from 300-350 yds and even better, I saw him nail two small birds out of a tree from 400 yds. Tack driving little sucker.
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: haakdt on May 25, 2012, 09:13:46 am 17 hmr or .204 ruger both good guns
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: Reuben on May 25, 2012, 10:01:43 am 17 hmr or .204 ruger both good guns I own a 17 hmr...and it is a nice gun but if the wind picks up it will drift...don't know about the .204...but it sounds like it might be a nice one... Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: charles on May 25, 2012, 10:43:02 am .17 fireball, which can be used on deer here in tx and has a long range. A 223/5.56 is another all around good caliber for deer, yotes and bobcats. It dont make a big hole entering or exiting
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: Riley W on May 25, 2012, 11:34:08 am I think its goin to be a 22-250 I want somethin I can shoot close and. If I have to long range
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: Purebreedcolt on May 25, 2012, 04:59:38 pm Can't really go wrong with a 22-250.
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: Riley W on May 25, 2012, 07:52:56 pm That's what I was thinkin purebreedcolt
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: curdogs3006 on May 25, 2012, 08:09:28 pm Can't really go wrong with a 22-250. x2Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: Riley W on May 26, 2012, 04:15:29 pm Now what for a scatter gun
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: Purebreedcolt on May 26, 2012, 06:13:16 pm I would go with an escort magnum. imo it is by far the best cheaper auto out there. Now it don't shoot the 3 1/2 magnums but I can shoot the stoutest 3 inchers and have the lightest dove load right behind it or vise versa and it cycles. I love mine bought a 20 also I liked my 12 so much. Picked up my 20 for just over 200 at a pawn shop. Think my 12 cost 350 maybe 400 but I can shoot the loads remingtons can't el walfart chepos and my buddys remingtons won't lol. High end I would stay away from the gun that took the sbe II place don't remember what it is called but it kicks like a freaking mule. Looked cool but bruised the everliving number 2 out of me.
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: River Runners on May 26, 2012, 09:14:09 pm If you are going with a scatter gun a benelli nova is the best imo
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: Riley W on May 27, 2012, 12:16:34 am Sorry guys I was talkin about shells my bad I got a 3in 12gauge stoger
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: H.Wilson on May 27, 2012, 06:26:36 pm 223 best all around gun there is tac driver at any distance with the right scope speed behind this caliber is ridiculous and you can get the ammo for it from any where and it's a cheap round
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: River Runners on May 27, 2012, 09:22:59 pm 223 best all around gun there is tac driver at any distance with the right scope speed behind this caliber is ridiculous and you can get the ammo for it from any where and it's a cheap round I disagree with a 223 being the best all around gun. The reason I say that is because once the bullet carries past 300 yards it drops in a hurry. Although the bullet is virtually the same as a 22-250, the powder in the shell makes a tremendous difference and makes it a lot faster than a 223. I have a custom ar-15 decked out as well as a howa 22-250 with floated bull barrel. I like them both a lot but at long distances the 22-250 is better hands down in my opinion. Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: arrowbar on May 27, 2012, 09:24:13 pm 17 remington
good unless there is a stiff breeze Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: Reuben on May 27, 2012, 10:12:44 pm 223 best all around gun there is tac driver at any distance with the right scope speed behind this caliber is ridiculous and you can get the ammo for it from any where and it's a cheap round I disagree with a 223 being the best all around gun. The reason I say that is because once the bullet carries past 300 yards it drops in a hurry. Although the bullet is virtually the same as a 22-250, the powder in the shell makes a tremendous difference and makes it a lot faster than a 223. I have a custom ar-15 decked out as well as a howa 22-250 with floated bull barrel. I like them both a lot but at long distances the 22-250 is better hands down in my opinion. x2...22-250 is a flatter shooting gun... Title: Re: Re: varmit gun Post by: okboarhunter on May 27, 2012, 10:34:33 pm 22-250. Although buddy had a 204 ruger that was very accurate
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I847 using Tapatalk 2 Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: charles on May 28, 2012, 12:10:24 pm the down side to a 22-250 is if you hit even the smallest twig, the bullet will basicly disentigrate in flight bc it is traveling so fast. the 5.56 is an all around good cartridge and is used by many target shooters out to 500+ yards with accuracy. it has enough powder to to carry it into its target and cause damage to the vitals, except for a fat and heavily shielded hog, but thats where a neck shot comes into play. i do agree the 22-250 is a flater shooting bullet with a better trajectory than the 5.56, but again it is traveling a heck of a lot faster which is a good thing, but can be a bad thing. anything over 2800fps is getting a little to fast unless your shooting over open prarrie land.
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: Riley W on May 28, 2012, 02:45:44 pm alright i think i'm going to get a 22-250 savage and if this post still keeps on going dont start fighting about this stuff its just a gun
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: Hog Dog Mike on June 14, 2012, 01:21:08 pm I have 4 varmint rifles---3 are 22-250s and 1 is a 223. I used to hunt prairie dogs a bunch. In fact one 22-250 is on its 3rd barrel.
If you are going to have just one I would suggest a 223 because the ammo is more plentiful and less expensive. They take almost 10 grains less powder if you are reloading. The bullets and primers are the same. Brass for the 22-250 is much more expensive. The longest confirmed shot I ever made on a prairie dog was 670 yards and was made with the 223. I made a shot that I am sure was over 700 with the 22-250 yards but cannot confirm because I did not use a range finder on it. All of my rifles are Remington 700 because they are tough, accurate, and I can work on them. However, I would not hesitate to buy a Savage. I have shot a Savage some and they are really good rifles. Also be sure you get one with a 1-9 twist or less so that you can shoot heavy bullets. Most 22-250s are 1-14 and some 1-12 twists. Mine will not shoot a bullet heaver than 63 grains. The tight twist rifles will shoot the heavy bullets which you will need if you plan to shoot long. Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: boarboy on June 24, 2012, 01:29:22 am 17 hmr is a real good gun but if your shootin over 200 yards i wouldnt use it on anything much bigger than a rabbit i own one and love it. the ballistics between a .204 ruger and a 22-250 are almost the exact same i have a ruger 22-250 it is a real nice gun and a buddy of mine has a .204 not much difference i would go with one of the two
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: Reuben on June 24, 2012, 07:10:47 am When I first married my wife I bought her a Remington model 7400 classic... she has killed many deer with it since...and she can out shoot me with it...My kids have all killed deer with it and now my grandchildren...I would like to take that gun away from her because I like it better than all my other guns...I also have a 2506 rem classic and a 7 mag in rem 7400 BDL...most my guns are Remington...
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: Hog Dog Mike on June 24, 2012, 12:22:57 pm When I first married my wife I bought her a Remington model 7400 classic... she has killed many deer with it since...and she can out shoot me with it...My kids have all killed deer with it and now my grandchildren...I would like to take that gun away from her because I like it better than all my other guns...I also have a 2506 rem classic and a 7 mag in rem 7400 BDL...most my guns are Remington... Everytime someone mentions a 25-06 I will always think about a prairie dog hunting trip up at Stratford, Tx.. This guy wanted to go with me and I said OK and then he drags half of Angelina county which wound up ruining my hunt. Anyway, there was this guy that had never been prairie dog hunting before and there wer lots of them at this place. He got his gun past hot and it needed cleaning bad. He plugs the chamber and pours the barrel full of Sweets. It was so hot the sweets shot out of the barrel like a coffe pot. Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: boarboy on June 24, 2012, 10:26:23 pm fars as scatter gun shells 3in 00 buck shot will do the job
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: Izz on June 29, 2012, 03:07:54 am I have a 223 setup that is crazy accurate. I have the nikon m223 scope and its on target up to 600 yds with no problem. I was bustin clay pigeons and 400 yds like nothing. I really like 223 caliber. I also agree with the 204. It is haulin some a** and is acurate as well.
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: BDizz on July 03, 2012, 05:36:06 pm Just ordered a Remington 700 vs sf ll 22-250 and a leupold vxr 3x9x50. Strictly for varmint huntin. Hunt in alot of contest and shot a buddies 22-250 last year in them and loved it. I was shootin a ruger 6.5 creedmoore and it's a hard one to put up but just gonna use it for deer huntin. I shoot alot of long range just messin around and it's gonna be fun to sit down and compare the 6.5 and 22-250.
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: Reuben on July 07, 2012, 06:09:19 am Just ordered a Remington 700 vs sf ll 22-250 and a leupold vxr 3x9x50. Strictly for varmint huntin. Hunt in alot of contest and shot a buddies 22-250 last year in them and loved it. I was shootin a ruger 6.5 creedmoore and it's a hard one to put up but just gonna use it for deer huntin. I shoot alot of long range just messin around and it's gonna be fun to sit down and compare the 6.5 and 22-250. remington 700 is a good gun...i have 2 in the 700 classic and another in 700 bdl...but I really like the 22-250 in the classic...it is super accurate and my wife and kids have killed many deer with it...I don't remember them having a deer run off once they have shot it... Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: rdjustham on July 07, 2012, 09:10:41 am 223 best all around gun there is tac driver at any distance with the right scope speed behind this caliber is ridiculous and you can get the ammo for it from any where and it's a cheap round I disagree with a 223 being the best all around gun. The reason I say that is because once the bullet carries past 300 yards it drops in a hurry. Although the bullet is virtually the same as a 22-250, the powder in the shell makes a tremendous difference and makes it a lot faster than a 223. I have a custom ar-15 decked out as well as a howa 22-250 with floated bull barrel. I like them both a lot but at long distances the 22-250 is better hands down in my opinion. theres alot of variables in ballistics. hard to generalize drop in bullets. Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: Reuben on July 07, 2012, 09:47:00 am 223 best all around gun there is tac driver at any distance with the right scope speed behind this caliber is ridiculous and you can get the ammo for it from any where and it's a cheap round I disagree with a 223 being the best all around gun. The reason I say that is because once the bullet carries past 300 yards it drops in a hurry. Although the bullet is virtually the same as a 22-250, the powder in the shell makes a tremendous difference and makes it a lot faster than a 223. I have a custom ar-15 decked out as well as a howa 22-250 with floated bull barrel. I like them both a lot but at long distances the 22-250 is better hands down in my opinion. theres alot of variables in ballistics. hard to generalize drop in bullets. the 22-250 is deadly because of the speed which contributes to the impact...the impact creates shock... ALL BULLETS DROP AT THE SAME RATE OF SPEED...You can be on a roof top and drop a 22 bullet and a 50 cal. bullet to the ground and they will drop at the same rate of speed...THE DIFFERENCE IN TRAJECTORY HAS TO DO WITH THE SPEED OF THE BULLET...THE FASTER THE BULLET THE FLATTER THE TRAJECTORY...THE SLOW BULLET DROPS AT THE SAME RATE OF SPEED AS THE FAST BULLET BUT THE FAST BULLET TRAVELS FASTER THEREFORE FLATTER TRAJECTORY IN THAT GIVEN TIME FRAME... Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: Hog Dog Mike on July 07, 2012, 08:25:23 pm Reuben: Go to the head of the class immediately. Once any bullet clears the barrel the only force acting on it is gravity. The 6.5 is a great bullet and I have shot it at long distance with very good results.
Here is the deal if you are going to shoot long you have to use a tight twist and a heavy bullet. Some of my friends use a tight twist in a 22-250 Ackley Improved and the 80 grain Hornaday bullet. They have been killing prairie dogs consistantly out to 800-1000 yards. I ranged a prairie dog for a guy using a 260 and he killed it on the 3rd shot @ 1157 yards. Title: Re: Re: varmit gun Post by: Hogsnatchers on July 07, 2012, 10:00:44 pm There are so many more factors that start coming into play than just speed and weight, all bullets are going to drop at a different rate and react to wind differently depending on the bullets construction. The ballistic coefficient has a tremendous amount to do with it, higher the bc the flatter trajectories you will achieve. That is one reason the 6.5 is so popular in long range shooting. Really long slick bullets slip through the air really easily and buck the wind so you don't have to compensate nearly as much.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2 Title: Re: Re: varmit gun Post by: Reuben on July 07, 2012, 10:05:58 pm There are so many more factors that start coming into play than just speed and weight, all bullets are going to drop at a different rate and react to wind differently depending on the bullets construction. The ballistic coefficient has a tremendous amount to do with it, higher the bc the flatter trajectories you will achieve. That is one reason the 6.5 is so popular in long range shooting. Really long slick bullets slip through the air really easily and buck the wind so you don't have to compensate nearly as much. Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2 x2... Title: Re: Re: varmit gun Post by: Hogsnatchers on July 07, 2012, 10:06:49 pm Still kinda confused at how you could think all bullets drop the same. Throw a brick that weighs 1lb then throw a dart that weighs 1lb which one is going to go farther. Obviously the dart because it is more aerodynamic, same thing with bullets higher the bc the more aerodynamic. Best analogy I can cone up with righ now.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2 Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: rdjustham on July 10, 2012, 01:19:09 am There are so many more factors that start coming into play than just speed and weight, all bullets are going to drop at a different rate and react to wind differently depending on the bullets construction. The ballistic coefficient has a tremendous amount to do with it, higher the bc the flatter trajectories you will achieve. That is one reason the 6.5 is so popular in long range shooting. Really long slick bullets slip through the air really easily and buck the wind so you don't have to compensate nearly as much. Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2 x2... Isnt that what i said? guess i should have elaborated. rolleyes Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: Reuben on July 10, 2012, 05:48:50 am There are so many more factors that start coming into play than just speed and weight, all bullets are going to drop at a different rate and react to wind differently depending on the bullets construction. The ballistic coefficient has a tremendous amount to do with it, higher the bc the flatter trajectories you will achieve. That is one reason the 6.5 is so popular in long range shooting. Really long slick bullets slip through the air really easily and buck the wind so you don't have to compensate nearly as much. Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2 x2... Isnt that what i said? guess i should have elaborated. rolleyes flatter trajectory means faster bullets...faster bullets mean more or better gun powder, better co-efficiency, just better bullet design... Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: Reuben on July 10, 2012, 05:53:25 am I used to do a lot of reading on different cartridges and usually they lacked in one way or another...so now I just buy the cheaper remington corelokt's, but I mainly focus on the amount of grains...just made a full circle... ;D
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: Take Them Alive on July 10, 2012, 08:09:03 am Number one all around bullet for this is the .223 WSSM Winchester Super Short Magnum.....
Your looking at a .22 caliber with the shoulders sharpen to 28 degrees of angle in a 223 cartridge shooting 3,850 feet per second for a 55 grain bullet. Bullet drop at 500 yards is -29.6, Bullet Energy 499 ft. lbs. with a 55 grain bullet at 3,900 fps. will not mess up the Varmint at all... Title: Re: Re: what should i give him Post by: Hogsnatchers on July 10, 2012, 12:22:41 pm One major setback as to why the 223 wssm wouldn't be a first choice, money the brass and loaded rounds are high and your not getting a whole lot faster than a 22-250
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2 Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: Hog Dog Mike on July 10, 2012, 03:20:38 pm Here is the way the deal works. ANY two bullets that leave barrels at EXACTLy the same time will hit the level ground at EXACTLY the same time. That is physics and cannot be changed because the only force acting on them is gravity. BOTH barrels must be exactly horizontal.
HOWEVER, bullets that are better built and have a better ballasitic coeffecient will hit the ground at a greater distance from the end of the barrel. What I have found concerning bullets is this. Remington and Winchester bullets work just fine out to 300 yards. I bought 5,000 Remington core locks and shot them one season. Premimum bullets such as Sierra, Nosler, Speer, ect.. cost more but perform better at ranges beyond 300 yards. I use powders that meter well such as Varget, Ball C2, and H-380. Accurate powders have a pressure curve that is excessive and dangerous when hot. The pressure curve for Varget is almost a horizontal line and gives excellent veloocity. Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: kerreydw on August 21, 2012, 07:19:36 pm 25-06 or 22-250 there is prob more 22-250s used for varmit hunting than any other caliber seems that no matter what brand it is the 22-250 is a accurate rifle no recoil and nice range will usually shoot farther than most can see at night i personally like my 5mm rem for varmits
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: Kid7 on August 27, 2012, 10:43:22 pm Good ol daisy bb gun ;)
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: dwhd93 on August 28, 2012, 12:41:51 pm 25-06 or 22-250 there is prob more 22-250s used for varmit hunting than any other caliber seems that no matter what brand it is the 22-250 is a accurate rifle no recoil and nice range will usually shoot farther than most can see at night i personally like my 5mm rem for varmits 25-06 would leave to big a hole on the exit wound IMO I shoot deer in the neck with mine and it leaves a fist sized hole I use remington core lock 100 gr Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: wcoutdoors on August 31, 2012, 03:37:10 pm I do a ton of varmit hunting both for fun and guided hunts. I have a wide range of weapons all of which will make an excellent varmit weapon.... .22 Hornet, .204, .223............ think small calibers that pack a punch. If you are gonna be shooting long range think something like the .204.... if you are gonna be shooting up close think .17 or .22 Hornet, both good and accurate out to about 125 yards......my gun of choice is my Ruger laminated all weather .22 Hornet shooting a custom hand load, Win 46gr HP that packs a hell of a punch. Good luck and happy hunting!
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: roosterhogdogin on September 01, 2012, 08:09:18 am i use a 22-250 iv had mine for a long time and love it i took out a couple yotes at 350 yards and droped um tack driver and a smooth shootin gun!
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: dogo24 on September 05, 2012, 05:32:20 am 22-250 all the way ! i use mine on varmits and deer hunting , best all around gun imo !
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: Reuben on September 05, 2012, 05:34:25 am 22-250 all the way ! i use mine on varmits and deer hunting , best all around gun imo ! it truly is an awesome caliber... Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: josh54 on September 30, 2012, 06:14:53 pm i would kill for a 22-250 but couldnt afford one and i bought a 22 mag. damn good gun imo i love it. dropped a deer with it before too. all around good gun but if i had the option a 22-250 would be my gun of choice
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: Hog Dog Mike on September 30, 2012, 08:18:13 pm If you are going on a very good varmint hunt you will need a rifle that shoots ammo you can afford. A 223 works very well and you can buy ammo and components cheap. I love the 22-250 but the brass is much higher than the 223. Bullets, powder, and primers are the same but you load less powder in the 223. I can load 254 rounds of 223 per pound of powder compared to 200 per pound with the 22-250.
In one good town I shot 757 rounds of 22-250 in one day. Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: riverbottomhoghunter on October 30, 2012, 10:40:05 pm 22-250
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: NT-HOGGIN on November 28, 2012, 12:39:52 pm I use the 223 WSSM in a Winchester model 70 and love it
Title: Re: Re: Re: varmit gun Post by: Fixitlouie on February 17, 2013, 07:06:20 pm .204 Ruger, my brother in law has one and it is an awesome gun. I've seen him hit a couple yotes from 300-350 yds and even better, I saw him nail two small birds out of a tree from 400 yds. Tack driving little sucker. pls tell me he was scoped?? from me...who else Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: HoosierGunNut on June 09, 2013, 11:19:14 pm 223 best all around gun there is tac driver at any distance with the right scope speed behind this caliber is ridiculous and you can get the ammo for it from any where and it's a cheap round I disagree with a 223 being the best all around gun. The reason I say that is because once the bullet carries past 300 yards it drops in a hurry. Although the bullet is virtually the same as a 22-250, the powder in the shell makes a tremendous difference and makes it a lot faster than a 223. I have a custom ar-15 decked out as well as a howa 22-250 with floated bull barrel. I like them both a lot but at long distances the 22-250 is better hands down in my opinion. I'll second that. With an AR platform, 300 yards is probably pushing it depending on the specs of your rifle and your own skill as a marksman. That being said if you're planning on shooting within the 200-300 yard range, then by all means go with the .223. Out past that range I'd probably go with something that does better at long distances. Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: mtarrant23 on June 18, 2013, 08:43:43 pm Hands down 17 hornet
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: Reuben on June 18, 2013, 09:43:49 pm Hands down 17 hornet Is there a difference in the 17 hmr and the 17 hornet? Also have a question on the .204...I know the bullet must be bigger than the 17 yet smaller than the 22 so just wondering what the speed of the bullet is and if it is a good varmit gun? Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: mtarrant23 on June 20, 2013, 07:09:28 pm Ya man the hornet is hittin about 3600 fps it has the same trajectory as a 223 and no recoil and center fire not rim fire
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: DARDEN on June 21, 2013, 01:42:35 am My main varmint gun is a .204 in a Remington 700 VTR. I shoot the 32 grain V max and it shows them to be coming at 4225 fps at the muzzle. Its screaming and mine is SUPER accurate. Shot a couple coyotes in west Texas and the dropped immediately with no kick or twitch. Could not find the entrance and there was no exit on the yotes. I have shot alot of stuff with it and think its a great round for varmint hunting.
Title: Re: varmit gun Post by: rjohnson209r on June 23, 2013, 12:31:08 pm I prefer a 223. have killed everything from upto 300lbs hogs , but would not use for deer, also 223 ammo is a lot cheaper. and supplys are coming back,.the 22-250 is also very good. but lately no ammo for this round. just my thoughts.