HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: iowahogger on May 30, 2012, 01:16:09 pm

Title: what to do?
Post by: iowahogger on May 30, 2012, 01:16:09 pm
i had a small fluffy dog that just got attacked by our cd. he didnt make it. the cd is a pit. she crushed my poor puppy's skull after he got into her pen. now that she is agressive with the small dogs(i have other puppies) what do ya'll think about her? i dont want her to attack any other animals or my kids. she was wagging her tail after and let me pet her so i dont know what happened. i'm scared she will attack the other puppies or even start a fight with the other big dogs.i dont know wheather or not to keep her here.she's a hell of a catch dog.

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: iowahogger on May 30, 2012, 01:17:45 pm
is there anyway to break her of this?

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: BA-IV on May 30, 2012, 01:24:32 pm
CULL her. 

It's to easy to replace a bulldog versus having to worry about her messing up a hogdog or even one of your kids.  If you don't have the heart to put her down, take her to someone who does.  Not being mean, just being honest.

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: t.wilbanks on May 30, 2012, 01:25:37 pm
CULL her. 

It's to easy to replace a bulldog versus having to worry about her messing up a hogdog or even one of your kids.  If you don't have the heart to put her down, take her to someone who does.  Not being mean, just being honest.


Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: charles on May 30, 2012, 01:31:26 pm
 she might have been provoked, it may sound stupid, but that cute little fluffy dog might have been wanting to play and started play growling and she took it as an attack. i agree with trent and ba-iv though that if you are that worried, put her down or take her to some1 who can do it if you are attached to her.

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: justincorbell on May 30, 2012, 02:12:12 pm
she might have been provoked, it may sound stupid, but that cute little fluffy dog might have been wanting to play and started play growling and she took it as an attack. i agree with trent and ba-iv though that if you are that worried, put her down or take her to some1 who can do it if you are attached to her.

I agree 100%

"the sun is shining somewhere in texas" -Jason Boland

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: dub on May 30, 2012, 02:26:19 pm
Do you wait for it to take out your best bay dog? You cull now before it costs you more. A scuffle is one thing but you can't have a dog that will attack another dog. It could be someone else's dog next or a kid.


Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: Miller Lite on May 30, 2012, 02:33:43 pm
cull that rag ... anyone who has pits who wanna kill or fight has no right to own one gotta be smarter then the dogs your working with

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: Scott on May 30, 2012, 02:40:04 pm
Animal aggression in no way correlates to human aggression, they are two totally different things. Stop and read that again!

Most, if not all, bulldogs have a certain amount of animal aggression wired in...they are bulldogs after all.

Despite the popular belief...a good bulldog is not that easily replaced.

No bulldog should ever be left unattended/unsupervised with other dogs.

It's your responsibility to make sure that pups and small furries can't get into her run/chainspace.

Now, go back and read the first sentence...

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: JRyanS on May 30, 2012, 02:46:52 pm
How old is she and has she ever been territorial before? It's a lot easier to replace a CD rather than a Strike dog (obviously). Not saying that anyone is right wrong but immediately culling isn't always the right answer, you want the dog to be a little aggressive and though you want it to be aggressive on hogs only I think the age would factor in especially if shes younger.  HOWEVER, it is the right answer if you fear harm to people (I.E. kids, family, friends ect.). After all that has been said, you cant turn back the clock and IF there is a next time (God willing there wont be) you don't want to have any regrets.

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: cantexduck on May 30, 2012, 02:47:50 pm
Animal aggression in no way correlates to human aggression, they are two totally different things. Stop and read that again!

Most, if not all, bulldogs have a certain amount of animal aggression wired in...they are bulldogs after all.

Despite the popular belief...a good bulldog is not that easily replaced.

No bulldog should ever be left unattended/unsupervised with other dogs.

It's your responsibility to make sure that pups and small furries can't get into her run/chainspace.

Now, go back and read the first sentence...

 Scott for the win.

    If the small dog went in to the kennel and started a fight,who do you blame. A dog will only take so much. If pushed most dogs will fight. Maybe they were just playing around. Who knows. If you are worried,get rid of the pit. It is our job to keep dogs properly contained.

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: HDCURS on May 30, 2012, 02:48:16 pm
 I think everyone is jumping the gun if the dog was provoked by the little dog and was just protecting itself why would you cull its more than likely that it didn't mean to kill the little dog and if it was a big dog probably wouldnt have been killed my wifes little dog runs up to my dogs on a chain with her hair raised and growling and I tell her if they happen to catch her she's a gonner and it would be her own fault!

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: Miller Lite on May 30, 2012, 02:53:26 pm
I think everyone is jumping the gun if the dog was provoked by the little dog and was just protecting itself why would you cull its more than likely that it didn't mean to kill the little dog and if it was a big dog probably wouldnt have been killed my wifes little dog runs up to my dogs on a chain with her hair raised and growling and I tell her if they happen to catch her she's a gonner and it would be her own fault!

batnumber 2 ... one of the best places i get to hunt is because i had a black pit bull full blooded pit i put him in the back of a mans mules with two big cur dogs ...those cur dogs jumped on him an he didn't raise a lip that dog knew what he was there for he didn't wanna attack them dogs he knew he would get a ass whippin of a lifetime if he jumped on another animal only thing he'd put teeth on is a hog that dog wouldn't kill a cat if it was eattin outta his food bowl some punks that get on this website stole him off the chain an got him killed

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: Miller Lite on May 30, 2012, 02:54:51 pm

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: RyanTBH on May 30, 2012, 03:01:04 pm
I'm sorry, but I woudl cull that dog; esspecially if you have kids. BA said it best... its easy to replace a bulldog, esspecially if that bulldog is aggressive even if it was provoked. Yes you could have contained them better, but dogs and other animals get out, and sometimes after you've done everything in your power to contain them. So what happens when you come home and your pack is dead???  I WILL NOT put up with aggression from a dog. Too much to risk... you know?

So ok, forget your dogs... Lets say that your out hunting with a buddy and that dog decides to jump on someone else's strike dog... Little too late then huh? Not worth it IMO...

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: t.wilbanks on May 30, 2012, 03:09:07 pm
Animal aggression in no way correlates to human aggression, they are two totally different things. Stop and read that again!

Most, if not all, bulldogs have a certain amount of animal aggression wired in...they are bulldogs after all.

Despite the popular belief...a good bulldog is not that easily replaced.

No bulldog should ever be left unattended/unsupervised with other dogs.

It's your responsibility to make sure that pups and small furries can't get into her run/chainspace.

Now, go back and read the first sentence...

 Scott for the win.

    If the small dog went in to the kennel and started a fight,who do you blame. A dog will only take so much. If pushed most dogs will fight. Maybe they were just playing around. Who knows. If you are worried,get rid of the pit. It is our job to keep dogs properly contained.

I guess I just read her post differently...

If the small dog just went into the pits pen and the pit jumped on it and killed it, I would cull immediately...
Im planning (hoping) to having some well bred pups before too long, and I wouldnt want to have to worry about my catch dog ( or ANY dog for that matter ) killing them just because they wonder in their pen, get too close to their chain, or whatever reason...

Too much of a risk for me...

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: dub on May 30, 2012, 04:44:16 pm
Scott I did not say dog and human aggression are the same. But if that dog nips a kid and they find out it had killed a dog before you are going to be handing over your wallet. It was not a fight or some pecking order thing. I am not here to bash or defend any dog. I have burried too many dogs because I wanted to save a dog I thought I could change. I sure don't want to hunt with that dog. If you hunt with a dog that has killed another dog I don't want to bring my dogs on hunt with yours. Now I am not calling anyone out I am saying what my thinking is in that same situation. Your dogs and your yard so do what you want, because I sure don't want someone telling me what to do in mine. Personally if a dog kills one of my dogs there will be two dogs to put in the ground.

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: Houndhogging on May 30, 2012, 05:07:19 pm
What does cd mean? Catch dog right. It is sent in to grab ahold of another animal right?  Have an Ab x pit and dogo x ridgeback . Neither have ever been dog or human aggressive even ride in the box together . But doesn't mean the have my full trust . They have a purpose in life just like a good using horse , just because u haul him everyday to work does not mean he won't kick ur head off!

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: BA-IV on May 30, 2012, 05:15:26 pm
I just don't see it worth the worry.  I've had dog aggressive dogs before and have dealt with alot off of a dog and will be the first to say most dogs do what they do because of getting provoked whether biting humans or killing dogs.  

A real catchdog is hard to come by no matter which way you slice it and some are harder to come by then a good Cur dog.  There's no denying that, but I'd hate to come home and have a good Cur dog dead because of a collar breaking because things happen.  I've seen some real good dogs killed my other dogs by accident. One that happened recently was the Cowboy dog from Clue Anderson's. If you asked him what he thought about it, I don't think he'd be to friendly towards the bulldogs.

I guess it's all in what you're able to put up with and live with.

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: txdogos on May 30, 2012, 06:42:35 pm
cull her

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: HDCURS on May 30, 2012, 06:55:08 pm
So I would have culled both the curs immediately and not done a thing to the pit for.fighting back and millerlite if you calling me out we can settle this some where else and off this board I see your only 21 and probably don't have that much experience at this game anyways.

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: SwampHunter on May 30, 2012, 07:11:24 pm
i wouldnt cull it if you didnt see exactly what happend , my pit wont start a fight at all !! i mean at all but if a dog jumps on him not playing i mean gets really trys to fight him he wil put the beat down on them , can you blame him ?? no if your strike dog gets jumped on will it fight back ? most likely yes do you cull them ?
plus we all know little dogs have attitudes an it was in the CDs pen , now if they were both out an the catch dog went after the other dog first ok i can see the cull there , but in its pen an you didnt see nothing  then to bad for the lil dog ,

and all of yall that say a good CD is easy to find haha i would like to know where yall get them ,
i mean a good one , loads , leads , trash broke , goes to bay an catches any size hog , doesnt fight with out good reason , listens good , ???? you cant just get them any where , you can find alot of dogs that will catch but not alot of good ones , just like strike dogs they anit all good

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: HDCURS on May 30, 2012, 07:14:45 pm
Thank you swamphunter my point exactly!

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: SCHitemHard on May 30, 2012, 07:28:11 pm
muzzle and put the puppies around to see what she does, if shes aggresive you will see it

my pits could be used as rag dolls to pups and they would just jump on their houses to get away from them, children also. i wouldnt cull until you see both sides of it

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: ROCKIN ROO HOG DOGS on May 30, 2012, 07:33:44 pm
batnumber 2 ... one of the best places i get to hunt is because i had a black pit bull full blooded pit i put him in the back of a mans mules with two big cur dogs ...those cur dogs jumped on him an he didn't raise a lip that dog knew what he was there for he didn't wanna attack them dogs he knew he would get a ass whippin of a lifetime if he jumped on another animal only thing he'd put teeth on is a hog that dog wouldn't kill a cat if it was eattin outta his food bowl some punks that get on this website stole him off the chain an got him killed

I hope you were as quick to cull the two curs that showed dog agression as you are in advising this gentlman to cull his bulldog.

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: ROCKIN ROO HOG DOGS on May 30, 2012, 07:36:08 pm
And schitemhard ,the muzzle is a great idea,its great insurance against another accident whilst being able to evaluate the dog around the other small dogs in an everyday situaton,definately worth a try.

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: justincorbell on May 30, 2012, 07:46:13 pm
So I would have culled both the curs immediately and not done a thing to the pit for.fighting back and millerlite if you calling me out we can settle this some where else and off this board I see your only 21 and probably don't have that much experience at this game anyways.

Calm down buddy, I don't think he mean't you any disrespect just came off a bit wrong.....no reason to get off track.  Alotta the guys here will probly disagree with me on this but in my opinion  if that fluffy dog was in her kennel then i see it as the fluffy dogs fault, I wouldn't cull her unless I had problems with her prior to the accident.....dogs are territorial.....all dogs......sounds like fluffy overstepped his boundarys.

"the sun is shining somewhere in texas" -Jason Boland

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: BA-IV on May 30, 2012, 07:46:58 pm
So I would have culled both the curs immediately and not done a thing to the pit for.fighting back and millerlite if you calling me out we can settle this some where else and off this board I see your only 21 and probably don't have that much experience at this game anyways.

This crap shouldn't be posted on a topic, it's what a Private Message is for.  Don't worry he'll get it, if he don't answer well there you.  Keep this kind of attitude away from the public eye, this board is a great one and stuff read that's wrote on the internet is mis-interpreted alot.  Just some friendly advice to keep the board good.

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: HDCURS on May 30, 2012, 08:05:28 pm
Friendly advice is exactly right that's all I was giving then got attitude for it I'm pretty good at keeping my mouth shut.but if I get called out in front of the whole board  you can bet I'm not going to let it slide.sorry for being off topic and ruining the thread!

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: cody l on May 30, 2012, 08:08:59 pm
He said he put 2 big curs in the back of a mans buggy and 2 big curs jumped on his bulldog maybe I missed the part about it being his curs

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: cody l on May 30, 2012, 08:19:24 pm
He said he put 2 big curs in the back of a mans buggy and 2 big curs jumped on his bulldog maybe I missed the part about it being his curs
Put his pit in the back of a mans buggy

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: justincorbell on May 30, 2012, 08:31:45 pm
Friendly advice is exactly right that's all I was giving then got attitude for it I'm pretty good at keeping my mouth shut.but if I get called out in front of the whole board  you can bet I'm not going to let it slide.sorry for being off topic and ruining the thread!

You aint ruined a thing, different strokes fer different folks

"the sun is shining somewhere in texas" -Jason Boland

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: HDCURS on May 30, 2012, 08:33:47 pm
Your right about that.

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: hoghunter71409 on May 30, 2012, 11:27:08 pm
You have to think about a couple things...

1st.  Dogs are animals and although they are predictable, nothing is gauarnteed.  For one dog to run into another dog's pen; that could be seen as teritorial and I would not balme or cull a dog for attacking another dog that run into its pen.  What would you do if I ran into your house?

2nd.  Dont make this a bulldog issue alone.  Kinda of goes back to point #1.....I have a plott dog that is 14 months, great young dog.  But if another dog runs up to him, he is going to either fight or make the other dog back up, if there is any kind of challenge.  I've seen many of old rough cur dogs that would fight to the death if another dog ran up to them.  I dont think your issue is becuase the dog is a pit.

3rd.  You have a safegaurd animals from each other.  I dont know much about the little shaggy dog, but she probably had no buiness going to another dog pen.  It is a GOOD idea to make sure that no dog or anything else can get to your bulldog.  If the little dogs and puppies are not old enough to have a fair chance at getting away, they dont need to even be close to  a dog that might snap (and all dogs can snap).

So, my opinion is leanr from this, and make corrections to make sure it doesnt happen again.

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: Peachcreek on May 31, 2012, 09:00:15 am
And schitemhard ,the muzzle is a great idea,its great insurance against another accident whilst being able to evaluate the dog around the other small dogs in an everyday situaton,definately worth a try.

x2 i dont know why i havent thought of that.... I had the same deal happen about two months ago. I was out of town hunting and the wife had to put the furry down. with mine there was feed involved and i know the little dog thought he was the biggest dog on the yard. I thought hard about culling her but she is good with other dogs as long as there is not food around. As for your CD I would spend some time making sure she wont do it again (muzzle) just my two pennies

Title: Re: what to do?
Post by: RyanTBH on June 01, 2012, 08:57:24 am
and just to clarify, I didn't say a good CD is easy to come by... I said bulldogs are easy to come by. You can go pick one out from almost every pound if they aren't already put down, or go driving around down town in the city and they are everywhere just lose walking around; its ridiculous. I know my APBT Baus wouldn't do that though, well i'll say 99.99% sure...  ;D You can never be too sure! lol! I can let him run free with the other dogs just fine. I have a few pups around, and from the get go they can jump on him and bite at him without him being aggressive at all... Even when it comes to food, if they come up to him and he is eating, yeah, he'll give em a little growl and make 'em flinch but always go back to eating with no problems; basically a warning. I do this on purpose with my pups so they know better than to just walk up on another dog eating, but I also know that he isn't going to jump on them. That is NOT something that is easy to come by in a APBT, much less a decent CD with the right drive. Now I'm not saying he is finished by any means, but he is definitely a CD. I will also say though, if my CD, Baus, were to act agressive towards another dog or get into a fight I would have to definitely know the situation first before putting him down... so I understand the hesitation. With the way you described the dog though, and it being aggrssive towards the other puppies I would most certainly not have that dog on my yard anymore. First puppy then baby or small child. You have to be a step ahead of the game and be smarter than your dogs. I'm not trying to step on anyones toes, but felt the need to clarify.  ;D