Title: Tracker Intello collars - 216 freq Post by: Circle C on April 23, 2009, 09:19:56 am I have two Tracker Intello collars for sale/trade
216.075 216.100 Neither one is putting out a signal, so I don't know if the batteries are trashed, or if the collars need to be sent off. They came with a package that I bought, so I have know idea the history of them. Make cash offer or will trade for the following structural steel - angle, square tubing, round stock, flat bar ammo in the following calibers 22 22-250 223 22 hornet 7mm-08 7mm mag 308 9mm 38 357 mag Basically, I would just like to trade these off for something that I will actually get some use out of. 832-689-2786 Title: Re: Tracker Intello collars - 216 freq Post by: Circle C on April 24, 2009, 08:42:26 am 216.100 is still available
$25.00 bucks and it's yours. |