Title: Plott bay dog Post by: Texashogboys on June 01, 2012, 09:20:19 am I have a plott gyp born sept 9 2010 finished dog trash broke and all that I would say she is a long range dog 1000 yards or more but will hunt close if there is pigs close good dog just don't have time to hunt her will my new job might trade partial for a red bone pup blood hound pup blue tick pup or plott pup not hog hunting any more just coon hunting so need a pup to train this is my last hog dog so I will sell her for 800$ only reason I still have her is because I gave her to my grandpaw to hunt but he said she is to long range for his hunting places email me at cannonkevin0@gmail.com or text or call at 4692854537 I can show her working in bay pen