Title: For Sale or might trade, 5 year old NALC female Post by: Txmason on June 07, 2012, 10:17:09 am (http://www.txmasoncatahoulas.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10001/normal_Tx_Mason_Blue_Chip.JPG)
Tx Mason's Blue Chip is a 5 year old female registered NALC out of Tx Mason's Chili and Swamp Pop's Daisy Blue. Selling as a pet dog. She's a great help dog and will get gritty on hogs but not a great find dog. Will open on a running hog. (http://www.txmasoncatahoulas.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10001/normal_Tx_Mason_Blue_Chip_%282%29.JPG) Friedly to every one and dogs also. $400.00 might do some trading OBO. 979-733-0578 masonda@aol.com |