THE CLASSIFIEDS => CLASSIFIED ADS => Topic started by: TexasTransplant on June 20, 2012, 07:55:11 pm

Title: AR-10
Post by: TexasTransplant on June 20, 2012, 07:55:11 pm
I bought this gun thinking I would use it for hog hunting, nothing wrong with it, only fired around 100 rds through it, decided after hunting with dog once I liked the idea of dogs better than guns so I an getting rid of it.  DPMS Panther .308, added front rails, iron sight, bipod/front grip, 2 20 round mags, and comes with nikon 3x9 scope.  $1600 firm, I paid that added about $600 worth of work and add ons and fired those rounds to sight it in.




You can reach me by email at dhumphrey@daisyfarms.com  or phone @ 3192090884, text is best.  Paris, TX