Title: QUITTING ON TOP Post by: ELIBOLIO on June 25, 2012, 06:09:29 pm A quit is a quit as far as I'm concerned. Someone can make up a classification for just about every single way and circumstance a dog may quit under but I'd rather keep it simple and call a cur a cur. ANyone had a CD quit(turn the hog loose) before it was time?
Title: Re: QUITTING ON TOP Post by: Kid7 on June 25, 2012, 06:14:19 pm Ya and if they were over 12 months old they went somewhere else. Id give a pup another chance or two but if they are mature enough dont mess with it. There are too many bulldogs that wont let go and get ya hurt to mess with one that will. IMO
Title: Re: QUITTING ON TOP Post by: ELIBOLIO on June 25, 2012, 07:26:05 pm 12mths is still a pup to me, and I do feel that thers alot more maturing that needs to be done, emotionally and physically. So yeah, puttem the dog up nd given him/her more opportunitys... However if he is up ther in age, then he; must go..
Title: Re: QUITTING ON TOP Post by: Reuben on June 25, 2012, 07:59:54 pm I am not a pit bull expert but have seen and owned a few...If the dog is not in tip top shape and it is hot...and the dog has been caught for a good while and he gets shaken off then he didn't let go...but a good pit will crawl back to get another hold...
Title: Re: QUITTING ON TOP Post by: WayOutWest on June 25, 2012, 08:55:22 pm I know of a few ath dogs who thought they would stand back and bay for awhile. They got laid off and paid off.
Title: Re: QUITTING ON TOP Post by: halfbreed on June 25, 2012, 10:21:40 pm ha ha hey now don't be callin a sorry bulldog a cur lol you gonna hurt the cur dog breeders feelins .welcome to the boards by the way .
Title: Re: QUITTING ON TOP Post by: SwampHunter on June 26, 2012, 01:05:08 pm I have had one or 2 quit or let go , that's the last tine they got a chance to do that , I have to believe in my bulldog 100% I don't want it to let go at all
My main cd I had him go over a mile to a broken bay an caught an was caught for a good 20 or so min an cut all up but was still standing there caught when I finally got there , an I expect any cd of mine to try as hard as it can to catch an hold hog an not let , but getting shook off or drug off is different than letting go , so you have to be sure of the diffence , Another thing I have noticed is if you have a cd pup 8 weeks or so it will usually catch a small pig , an not bay it I have noticed if they bay they are usually the ones that regroup or let go this is just my observation may not be right but just what I have noticed |